Chapter 677 Father-in-law

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:47
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After Masayoshi Kishimoto returned home, he saw that Rie Sakai hadn’t gone to bed at this point in time, so he knew that she was bound to have something to say to him. It had all become a habit for her.

Kishimoto Masayoshi directly sat down next to her, leaned his back against the back of the sofa, and said with his eyes closed, “Say something. You’re really too, do you have to say it so late? You can talk about it tomorrow morning at breakfast! Or else, call me on the phone.”

“You’re busy all day long! It’s not clear enough to call you. It’s better for us to speak face to face. The only people I tend to be able to see you with, other than breakfast time, is at night.

In the morning! I’m afraid I’ll forget. So what’s wrong with just finding this point in time specifically to have a chat with you?” Rie Sakai perked up.

“There’s something you’ll forget? Simply teasing me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto never believed the words of women who said they had a bad memory.

Their mouths were saying that they had a bad memory, but in their hearts, they remembered everything clearly. If they had a small heart, they would be able to remember you for the rest of their lives.

Sakai Rie habitually threw him a big blank stare, even if he closed his eyes did not see, does not hinder a what.

Instead of talking endlessly with him about unimportant things, she cut to the chase, “There’s a branch of the Hard Gold Bank in Kochi City, our hometown in Shikoku Kochi Prefecture.”

“What? It’s in your way.” Justice Kishimoto blurted out.

“My father, your father-in-law, has been working inside a local bank branch in our hometown of Kochi City for decades.” Rie Sakai positively hinted.

“I see what you mean. Isn’t it just about arranging a job for my father-in-law at a hard gold bank branch in Kochi City? I’ll get it done for him tomorrow.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

He had no problem at all arranging a job for his old father-in-law. He himself knew very well that his old father-in-law was indeed a dependable man.

The reason why the old man was cut by a local bank branch, on the one hand, because of the overall economic environment is not good, resulting in a substantial decline in performance, after all, the local banks are and local enterprises are closely related, a glory, a loss, a loss.

The direct cause of the local economy is naturally due to the poor performance of companies and enterprises. Companies, enterprises and other benefits are not good, will inevitably lead to work in the income of people will not be good.

Layoffs, income decline will naturally bring consumption above the downgrade, scrimp and save **** to live carefully, reduce unnecessary expenses is imperative.

This is not much of a consumer spending spree, and will lead to catering, clothing stores, supermarkets and other commercial above the decline in performance, to carry out a step to shrink the local real economy above.

Local banks rely on these as support. The real economy is not good, it as the financial industry is the same will not be good.

Another aspect because of their own old man is old, high salary. The local bank he worked for asked him to take the initiative to reduce his salary by two-thirds, and he was unwilling to do so.

As a result, he was earning the same as a young employee who had not been in the bank for long. So it was just a matter of being forced to accept the departure.

“You’re completely missing the point.” Sakai Rie was not satisfied and fumed a bit.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened his eyes and looked at her sideways saying, “No? Could it be that you didn’t mean for me to arrange a job for my father-in-law inside a hard gold bank branch in Kochi City?”

“There is nothing wrong with a job. However, we have to say what the position is. My father has to take up the position of branch manager.” Rie Sakai said as she gazed at him in a serious manner.

“It’s no good! As far as I know, father-in-law has only ever been a department head.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said knowing that the highest position his old father-in-law had ever held inside a local bank was department head.

“That’s because my father was honest, didn’t know how to make connections, and didn’t have the relevant connections or background, that’s why he only became a department head.

If you look at his personal abilities, he is very good at banking and is fully qualified to be a branch head of a bank branch.

My father knows the situation not only in Kochi City but also in Kochi Prefecture and Shikoku as a whole. Would you be happy to see your father-in-law working in an undignified job?” Rie Sakai strongly recommended.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was well aware that the entire Kochi Prefecture had a population of just over 700,000 people. Kochi City was the capital of Kochi Prefecture, occupying 40% of the population, or about 300,000 people.

Not only Kochi City, but even the entire Kochi Prefecture was not on his mind. In addition to the symbolism of his body and his wife’s hometown, the economic performance of the country in Japan is very mediocre.

Why is Aichi Prefecture the best economy, the number one economic powerhouse in Japan? It is because Nagoya, the capital city, is the home of Toyota Motor Corporation.

As long as Toyota does not fall, then its economy will not collapse, after all, and automobile-related industrial manufacturing parts of the enterprise and how many, and how many people can solve the employment. Toyota’s annual production capacity is how big? The entire Chinese automobile manufacturing industry all together are not as much as it.

“Open the door to do business, absolutely for the sake of making money, not to earn sentiment. If my father-in-law is appointed as the president of the Kochi City Hard Gold Bank’s first branch, what about the loss?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t care about nepotism. Besides, there was a saying that one should not avoid one’s relatives. This father-in-law of his own was not a man of leisure.

The other party had worked in the local bank in Kochi City for decades, so naturally, he was quite familiar with the operation of the bank’s network, local realities, and so on.

In Japan, cronyism is no less important than in China. There are many family-run businesses in Japan. Once they get big, they will also be divided into factions of direct family members, collateral family members and so on internally.

“Then deduct money from my yearly expenses to make up for the financial losses caused by my father, that’s fine!” Rie Sakai perked up.

“That’s still not my money.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“What’s your money? I married you, so shouldn’t you take good care of me for the rest of my life? On top of that, shouldn’t you also take better care of my family?” Rie Sakai stroked her hands up to her high belly and said, “Child, child, look how heartless your father is to your mother and your grandfather.”

“One thing is another. The money I spend on you, that’s my personal business. Who made me marry you? And who made you my wife?

If your father loses money on this one, it’s a public matter. We have to make a distinction between public and private matters!” Justice Kishimoto retorted.

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