Chapter 679: Happiness and Congratulations

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Immediately after Masao Sakai put his cell phone back in his pocket, he ordered one of the best types of sake in this izakaya, as well as some of the signature down-home dishes.

“What made you so happy?” Friend A saw Sakai Masao’s face full of joy and with excitement that was hard to calm down and said.

“I was appointed by my son-in-law as the branch chief of the Hard Gold Bank’s branch in Kochi City.” Masao Sakai said with his head held high.

“It’s really congratulatory.” Friend B blurted out.

“It seems that having a daughter is much better than having a son.” Friend A said with great emotion.

“I also have a daughter, but it’s just not as competitive as Zheng Xiong’s daughter.” Friend B said bluntly.

“Your daughter is so average looking, completely not as beautiful as Zheng Xiong’s two daughters. Especially his eldest daughter, not only is she pretty, but she is also multi-talented.

These are still secondary, and the main thing is that his eldest daughter, Rie, had a good fate and was able to marry a plutocrat.” Friend A said whatever came to his mind Dao.

Seeing that the other party said that his daughter was not pretty, Friend B did not make a single rebuttal, after all, it was the truth. A girl with an average birth, ordinary looks, and mediocre talent would naturally never be able to marry a rich man.

“You also left out a crucial factor, which is the marriage contract that the Sakai family and the Kishimoto family once entered into.” Friend B made an addition saying.

“As you know, our Sakai family did not climb into the Kishimoto family’s wealth even in the past.” Masao Sakai talked about the past and said.

“I know all about it, the Kishimoto family at that time was not as good as your Sakai family!” Friend A looked like he could testify and said seriously.

“Later on, although the Kishimoto family had established a firm foothold in Tokyo, and the economy was gradually getting better, it wasn’t quite the same as being rich and powerful.

When I sent Rie to Tokyo, Masayoshi Kishimoto inherited a pachinko parlor in Ueno, Taito District, a house, and a number of other properties from his late father.

It was, at best, an upper-middle-class Tokyo property. In just a few years, his business has grown bigger and stronger.” Masao Sakai picked up his glass and took a sip of the avenue.

He paused here and added with a twist of words, “I remember, you guys once even laughed at me. Saying that I’m still honoring the marriage contract made by the previous generation in this day and age.

I should have let Rie stay in Kochi City to study at the university, there was no need to go to Tokyo at all. Who did you match her with? His father is also a member of our city council.”

Friend A and Friend B instantly engaged in a selective amnesia. Though they had once made a thoughtless remark, it was true to the saying that the talker is short and the rememberer is long.

Even if they fully recalled that each had once said this to Sakai Masao, they did not say a word. Nowadays, someone else’s daughter was not only the wife of a plutocrat, but also had a job that was beyond envy.

Both of them also knew that Sakai Masao had such a plutocrat son-in-law as his backstage, and that meant that the other party was directly promoted to the ranks of this city’s managers.

“Let this past be past! When you have the chance in the future, you must take good care of our old friends.” Friend A suddenly spoke up.

“If we were really able to see it right, then we wouldn’t be in such a state today. Saying a thousand words, it is an indisputable fact that your eldest daughter Rie’s life carries a prosperous husband’s face and a wealthy face.

It’s only right that you, a father, should follow in the light.” Friend B was rounding himself off.

Sakai Masao was neither a man who held grudges nor a small-minded man. The reason why he brought up the past was not that he had to punch anyone in the face. The reason why he had said it was that he had suddenly thought of it himself.

“Tonight, let’s not get drunk. All on me.” Sakai Masao swept away the depression that was suppressed in his heart and had a colorful and superb mood and said.

Friend A and Friend B of course would not compete with him. Both of them, even if they were office workers, belonged to a very ordinary kind.

Every month’s pocket money, just like most ordinary Japanese men, only a mere 30,000 yen. Currently, Sakai Masao ordered the best wine and the best dishes.

This meal of wine, naturally, will not be cheap. For an ordinary man, I’m afraid that there would be very little left of this thirty thousand yen a month pocket money.

“Masao, your eldest daughter is completely free of any further worries on your part. But you have a young daughter and a son.” Friend A talked to Masao Sakai.

“Is it hard to believe that you still have something in mind?” Friend B asked casually.

“As Meiling and Shota’s elder, it’s natural to care about their siblings.” Friend A explained.

Sakai Masao couldn’t help but think about it as well. His own youngest daughter, Meiling, was in college, but she had reached the age to talk about marriage.

It wasn’t like he wasn’t aware that she grew up comparing herself to her older sister in everything. There was another thing that was a family matter that made him say no, and that was the sale of the marriage contract for a share of the money.

Sakai Mirei, Sakai Shota, Sakai Aiko, Sakai Masao, and Sakai Rie were the only ones who didn’t want it. Each of the four of them was to split 40 million yen.

I didn’t use a single yen of my share and saved it all. When Rie Sakai got married, he returned all the money to her as a dowry, but she refused.

His own eldest daughter’s reasoning was convincing and difficult to refuse. Rie Sakai’s future was not something he needed to worry about any more, after all, she was a woman with a husband. The money would be left for his retirement and just in case.

Sakai Mirei’s share had been squandered a long time ago, and she had borrowed money from her sister to pay for her education and living expenses.

She had been living in Tokyo for some time, and her horizons were getting higher and higher. As for ordinary men, she simply can not see.

Her wife, Aiko Sakai, had re-invested her share in the folkloric inn of her ancestors.

His own son, too, was a man who spoke and wore designer labels. Even without asking Sakai Shota, he could tell that he had very little money left.

When outsiders looked at their family, they were envious and jealous. As a matter of fact, the only people who knew their own family’s problems best were their own family members.

Sakai Masao thought of here, inside can not help but come out some more feeling of despair. He tilted his head and drank the sake in the cup.

He did not expect anything more, and only thought that doing a good job as a branch chief would be the best way to repay his son-in-law, Masayoshi Kishimoto, and his eldest daughter, Rie Sakai.

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