Chapter 681: The Expected Date of Labor

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:56:59
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The black Maybach that Rie Sakai was traveling in was parked in front of a hospital. As soon as the driver’s door opened, the chauffeur took the first step down, and then went to the backseat position and took the initiative to open the door for her.

This has been professionally trained senior private driver, hands with white gloves, naturally a whole set of the duty is done impeccably.

The maid sitting on the left side of the passenger side of the car, hurriedly accelerated steps around the car half circle is the same came to the right side of the car backseat

Sakai Rie with a big belly, hands protecting her belly, carefully moving her feet towards the outside. As soon as her body was out of the car door, her own personal maid hurriedly reached over for an assist.

Sakai Rie got out of the car, walked out, just stood not long, not yet had the time to move the steps under the feet, will see the hospital’s director is wearing a smile, personally led a cadre of medical staff is the initiative to welcome.

“Mrs. Kishimoto, it is indeed our honor that you were able to choose our hospital to deliver your baby.” The dean calmly said.

Sakai Rie, who had reached her due date, was going to choose a hospital that she liked the most, rather than looking at the price of giving birth. She was going to spend a lot of money on top of giving birth.

“I’ll have to ask you guys to take a lot of trouble for the next thing.” Sakai Rie said unhurriedly.

“The room was already prepared for you. It’s one of the best suites in our hospital.” The dean said with an unchanging smile.

Sakai Rie was not the least bit surprised by this one, after all, she was a VIP admitted to the hospital. The contact between the two parties had been made long before this.

With the dean herself leading the way, Sakai Rie was the one who took the steps towards the front. On one side of her was her own personal maid following close behind, while on the other side was the dean.

Behind them, a cadre of medical staff followed silently. At first, Rie Sakai wasn’t used to this kind of front and center. As time passed and the number of times increased, she slowly became accustomed to it.

They walked through the lobby of the hospital, and by taking the elevator, Rie Sakai, the dean, and the personal maid were able to go up first. As soon as the elevator doors opened, the dean stepped out and personally took the two of them into the exclusive VIP room.

Rie Sakai was confronted with this hospital suite, which was not at all like being hospitalized, but like walking into a star-rated hotel suite.

This gave her the biggest personal feeling that there was no ordinary ward that gave people a more or less depressing and uncomfortable feeling.

Not long after that, not only that a bunch of medical staff came into the VIP room one after another, but also Sakai Rie’s driver came into the VIP room with a big bag of things.

Rie Sakai suddenly raised her hand, causing the driver to immediately understand. He immediately opened his bag and took out a wrapped item, not to the hand of the hostess, but to the hand of the maid.

Sakai Rie’s right index finger pointed again, and the maid handed the item over to the dean’s hand.

The dean took the item and said with a smile, “Thank you.”

“Hand out the stuff to everyone!” Sakai Rie instructed calm as water.

As a result, the driver took out things from his bag one by one and distributed them to the hands of every medical staff present.

“In the future, thank you for your trouble. Afterwards, there will also be a thank you gift. This is a small gift for everyone.” Rie Sakai said her words in a subtle yet direct manner.

Even if she didn’t say it, the medical staff would have acted particularly positively. Although it was not possible to receive red envelopes in public, it was a different matter in private.

Before Rie Sakai came here, the hospital had held a special discussion meeting about the patients who had been admitted. At the meeting, the medical staff raised their hands one after another, volunteering to serve as chief surgeons, assistants, and full-time escorts.

They all agreed with each other that there was often no thanks for providing medical services to the general public or to women in labor. Even if they did, it would be something of little value.

Who was Rie Sakai? That was the wife of the titular Hard Gold Zaibatsu. This was Masayoshi Kishimoto and her first child. Afterward, the other party wouldn’t be able to give less than a thank you gift.

When there are benefits and more benefits, it’s natural to mobilize people’s enthusiasm and motivation. Today, just one meeting, the other party gave a gift.

The combination of L and V on top of the wrapped bag of the meet and greet gift, there is no one who does not recognize it. Although each of them holds the same thing in their hands, but the heart is clear, just the beginning. Afterward, or midway through, it was inevitable that they would be subjected to something different from the other side.

After the things were distributed by the driver, the dean made a forty-five degree bow towards Rie Sakai and prepared to take his leave, ”Madame will rest here in peace. If there is anything you need, please be sure to make yourself at home. I won’t bother you much longer.”

Sakai Rie nodded her head with a smile and did not make a single glance, only landing her gaze on a vase in the corner of the room.

The dean’s farewell caused the medical staff who followed him to bow forty-five degrees to Rie Sakai in unison.

One by one, they left the VIP room and went back to their respective places. The paramedic couldn’t wait to take out the box from within the paper bag and open it, inside was a classic LV wallet.

“A plutocrat’s wife is a plutocrat’s wife, it’s really different, really generous.” A female nurse is blurted out.

“This is a lady’s wallet, how can a big man like me use it?” A male doctor said casually.

“Don’t you have a girlfriend? If not, give it to me.” A female doctor was straight to the point.

“I don’t have a girlfriend, but I have a wife. I’ll bring it back to my mom. She’ll be happy.” The male doctor had no intention of giving it away.

“I didn’t see it, so you’re still a big filial son.” The female doctor smiled.

The Minister of Obstetrics and Gynecology was serious, “You guys be quiet for a while. The woman in labor this time is not an ordinary one, so everyone has to be on their toes.

VIP hasn’t yet made a final decision on whether to have a natural water birth or a cesarean section. If she chose the latter, she would still have to confirm the final surgical plan with the other party.

Before this, even though there had been several discussions, no final plan had been set. Less trauma, naturally, was a must.

You also have to consider that if someone else wears a bikini, you can’t have exposed wounds on the surface of the skin, as if you hadn’t given birth to a child.

It drastically increases the difficulty of the surgery, but again, it is a must. In addition, the VIP has long been proposed that only female medical personnel can be present during her labor and delivery. Everything the other party requests, we have to respect and make sure to do.”

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