Chapter 688 Destiny

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:57:19
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Aiko Sakai looked at her eldest daughter with fascination, tangibly sensing that she had become different from what she used to be. The other party was less na茂ve, and penetrated into the essence of the laws of human social and economic development.

Of course, he himself was equally clear that it was not that his eldest daughter had awakened herself quickly, but that she had been deeply influenced by Masayoshi Kishimoto. This is supposed to be the case of those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black. The eldest daughter hadn’t received his brainwashing both actively and passively.

“Don’t you look at me like that. Could it be that you don’t think I’m your daughter anymore?” Sakai Rie was a little uncomfortable as she was looked at by her mother with that kind of surprise, and said.

“I just think that you’re getting that air of a high and mighty noble lady.” Aiko Sakai said with feeling.

“It might really be fate that I’ve become the way I am today. When I was in college myself, I was really too naive.

The landlords or daimyo of feudal Japan collected rent from the tenant farmers, thus economically controlling not only their personal freedom, but also their future development.

The peasants worked hard with their backs to the ground and had no idea what the outside world was like. This often leaves them without the ability to think independently and open their eyes.

It is common for people to think only of resting after physical exertion, leading to a lazy head that doesn’t want to think and has to resign itself to its fate. The only hope is to be able to cast a good birth in the afterlife.”

She paused here and then continued, “With the progress of mankind, the development of productive forces, and the revolution above technology …… Japan gradually entered a capitalist society from a feudal society.

Especially in the current modern capitalist society, large and small capitalists are still using economic forms to control the middle and lower classes of people.

The surplus rural laborers were liberated from working on the land and were put to work in various factories.

In the past, they were sharecroppers who had to pay rent to the masters. Nowadays, they are laborers, so they have to pay rent to their landlords.

In addition to that, there are many other types of occupations in the cosmopolitan city of Tokyo. For example, they are low-level white-collar workers, low-level craftsmen, and so on.

Whenever their hands stop and they don’t have a job, then their mouths will stop; after all, people consume every day. When there is no income but only expenditure, it will bring anxiety and insecurity to people.

On the contrary, the landlord and other profit-eating class is completely without having to do the hard work of a specific job, sitting on the rent, lending …… will be able to live a comfortable life without food and clothing.”

“What’s the point of you saying some of these things to me?” Sakai Aiko said without understanding her true intentions.

“I am grateful to my grandfather, and to you and father for being able to finalize that marriage contract with the Kishimoto family back then. For a non-Tokyo-born person like me, what kind of capital is there to compete with the crowd of people born and raised here.

My core competitiveness is my good looks. Even the most beautiful woman has a shelf life and a time limit on her looks and body.

In Tokyo, there are a lot of beautiful young women. There are not only Japanese women, but also foreign women. There are many native Tokyoites who have been living here since the Edo period.

Not to mention the fact that since Japan was defeated in World War II and rebuilt, many families have accumulated wealth over several generations and are able to enjoy the good life in Tokyo today.

Of course, some of them have talented people or descendants who have grasped the opportunities of the times. Masayoshi Kishimoto was both. That is why he was able to rise to the top of his career.

As for the ordinary young people who came to Beijing to work hard, they often only have the fate of being consumed by this international metropolis.

Buying a house is a threshold that is difficult for them to cross, after all, the sacrifices and efforts of a generation at the present time alone are not enough.” Rie Sakai said slowly.

“Since you harbor gratitude towards us, shouldn’t you return the favor more often!” Aiko Sakai caught a point in the other’s words and said.

“I’ve already repaid you guys a long time ago. Mom don’t forget about the 200 million yen in the first place. Throwing out the Sakai family’s 40 million yen in foreign debt, each of you also shared 40 million yen.

Instead of cutting ties with the Sakai family, I’ve been helping you out on occasion. Mei-Ling’s tuition and living expenses are paid for by the Kishimoto family.

Even though she will have to pay back the money in installments after she graduates from university and gets a job, we do not charge her a single yen in interest. If it were run commercially, the interest alone would be a considerable amount.

As for dad, didn’t he just take up the position of branch chief of the Hard Gold Bank’s Kochi City branch not long ago?” Rie Sakai reasoned.

“Since you’ve helped your sister, your father, then by the way, help your mom me too!” Aiko Sakai said as she offered her hands to take one of hers.

“You want money to speculate on real estate!” Rie Sakai said as she hit the nail on the head.

“Mom doesn’t lend you money for nothing. If we make a profit, we’ll split it fifty-fifty. If you lose, it’s on me alone. You’re a sure thing.” Aiko Sakai smiled.

“No money.” Sakai Rie replied succinctly.

Sakai Aiko was displeased, “I don’t believe that you would have no money.”

“Believe it or not, I really do have no money. If I upset you and you want to go back to Kochi City. I’ll immediately arrange for a private jet to take you home.” Rie Sakai said on the spot.

“It’s not like I’m borrowing much, just five, six, seven, eight, nine hundred million yen. Mom believes that this little amount of money is nothing to you at all.

You are carrying the future and heir of the Kishimoto family inside your belly.” Sakai Aiko took the initiative to reach out her right palm to caress her daughter’s highly protruding belly and said, “Grandmother really envies you.

You’ve already reached the peak of your life before you were even born, not only do you have the luxury of enjoying endless riches and honor, but your father has also specially set up a wish fund for you of 10 billion dollars, 10 billion dollars, not 10 billion yen.”

“You opened your mouth to use billion as a unit, do you really think I’m a money printing machine?” Sakai Rie said with a frown.

“As your own mother, I won’t harm you.” Sakai Aiko played the emotional card big time and said.

“You’re just harming me.” Rie Sakai argued.

“If you don’t feel comfortable with your mom borrowing money and not paying it back, then I’ll mortgage that one ancestral folklore store in my hometown to you.” Aiko Sakai said in a serious manner.

“No.” Rie Sakai said firmly.

Sakai Aiko looked at her as being completely unimpressed and said, “At night, Justice and I will have another good talk.”

Rie Sakai couldn’t help but laugh and said, “The result will only be the same.”

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