Chapter 690: Cults

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:57:25
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Masayoshi Kishimoto did not express his personal attitude, but he understood one thing, that there was a principle of religious freedom in this country of Japan.

It was precisely because of the existence of such a principle of religious freedom that many cults in the guise of religion were spawned. One of the most famous and well-known cults in the world is the Aum Shinrikyo cult.

On March 20, 1995, members of Aum Shinrikyo launched a sarin gas attack on five trains on three subway lines in Tokyo, killing 13 people and injuring 6,300 others, creating a terrorist attack that shocked the world.

The cult changed its name to “Aleph” in 2000 and split into two factions in 2007. The majority of the group is known as the “Aleph Cult”, while the minority is known as the “Wheel of Light Cult”.

Japanese media said they were still using CDs and materials from the original sect leader, Akihiro Asahara.On July 6, 2018, Akihiro Asahara was executed.

“Why don’t you say something, eyeballing my mom, your mother in law going to jump inside the fire pit?” Rie Sakai said as she dropped her attention to Masayoshi Kishimoto.

“You have a problem with that statement. What makes you so sure that the emerging small sect that mother-in-law believes in is a cult? In my opinion, identifying whether a sect is a cult or not is simple to say and difficult to say.

I don’t look at whether or not it’s enriching itself, engaging in personal spiritual worship, and so on, but just one thing: whether or not it’s inflicting casualties on innocent ordinary people.” Justice Kishimoto said carelessly.

“Why does that make me feel like you’re not saying that?” Sakai Rie said unsatisfied with this one answer of his.

“Since the day the Bible was born, it has been modified a total of several hundred times before, during, and after and in small and large ways. On top of the original Christianity, there are also Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox Christianity.

Not only that, on top of these, there are also various minor sects. The reason why people believe in religion is based on practical and spiritual needs.

Why do cults survive? That is also in accordance with the law that existence is reasonable. Where there is day, there is night, and where there is sunlight, there are bound to be shadows.

Cults represent one of the dark sides of the world. Its compelling words and so-called doctrines are not without any truth, but complete nonsense.

Even if its own self-contradictions and problems were a long list, they were not easily detected by ordinary people. Ordinary people often do not have the ability to think independently, are too lazy to think, and do not think seriously or deeply.

They are generally stubborn, only in line with some preconceived notions inside the head to self-justification, to self-exculpation …… even if the objections, will be subject to taunts, ridicule and so on.

Originally belongs to the real life in the less than satisfactory, not confident people, naturally it is difficult to insist on their own views, only to subordinate to the collective thinking.

According to the book “The rabble”, the IQ of the individual will be greatly reduced after the individual consciousness is subordinated to the collective consciousness.

They want a simple and intuitive result, not a problem. Even in today’s latest version of the Bible, there are still some contradictions and difficulties in explaining themselves.

Not to mention the so-called doctrines of cults. They are full of absurdities, contradictions, and difficulties in explaining themselves. Cults capitalize on the weaknesses of human nature to compel a large number of so-called believers.

Who are the groups that are most susceptible to be bewitched by cults? One of them is the ordinary people at the bottom of society. Their lives are not easy, so they naturally need a place where their spirits can be supported and rested.

Even serious religions, not to mention cults, have had problems in the process of evangelization. In “Silence” by Chusaku Endo, it is mentioned that Christianity once had more than 300,000 believers in Kyushu, Japan, but on what basis?

Do you really think that it was the Japanese people who understood the true teachings of Christianity? It was the Japanese people who understood the God of Christianity to be Amaterasu Omikami, whom they had long believed in.

Also, many Japanese people mistakenly believed that if they believed in God, they would be able to go to heaven and enjoy their happiness after death, and that they would not have to live in the real world, which was too difficult for them.

Why was Christianity brutally suppressed by the Tokugawa Shogunate in the early days? It was because some missionaries compelled the believers in Kyushu to revolt.

For any country, for any ruler, that is definitely something with zero tolerance, and it is definitely something that will go on a killing spree.

Prior to this, neither the daimyo of Kyushu nor the Shogunate of Japan had dealt aggressively with Christianity’s moves in Japan, or basically held a non-interventionist attitude.

Furthermore, the national nature of the Japanese is very strong above xenophobia. This country is just like what Chusaku Endo said in his book “Silence”, that in this swampy land of Japan, God has been silent.

Japan is like a swamp, and it is hard for anything else to survive on it, which again shows that this country is very xenophobic.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

Feeling a bit dry at this point, he paused and took a large gulp of sake to moisten his throat before continuing, “Secondly, the reason why cults are able to compel a good number of people is simply from supernatural abilities, money, sex, and so on.

That is to say, what ordinary people lack, what they desire, then they will make a pitch to them. Rather like the way the triad society recruits its youngsters, if you follow the boss, you won’t be bullied in the future, you will have money to spend, and you will have beautiful chicks to pick up. Of course, before some of this realization, it is natural to pay monthly dues, participate in organizational activities.

Furthermore, it is the use of the brainwashing techniques of a pyramid scheme, where believers are gathered together for rallies in an organized and regular manner, thus repeatedly brainwashing them ……”

Sakai Rie didn’t wait for him to finish before directly interrupting, “You don’t want to talk to me about some of this. I just need my mom to not be deceived.

As for what the nature of the cult is all about, I have absolutely no interest in it. Anyway, it definitely can’t fool me. Just give me a straight up pain in the ass, are you able to solve it?”

“Being able to solve it, and not wanting to solve it. So far, there is absolutely no evidence that the new sect that mother-in-law joined is a cult.

As long as the other party doesn’t cross the line of compelling and scourging my family, then they are not making an enemy of me, Kishimoto Justice. Otherwise, it is making an enemy of me.

I’m an atheist and originally had no interest in such things. If I were not an investor, but a politician, I would have been interested in the votes in the hands of the followers of a certain sect.

Even if I don’t believe in that at all in my own heart of hearts, I would still join in for the sake of support. Who made Japan a one-person, one-vote election country?” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

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