Chapter 691 The Ghost

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:57:27
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Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly smiled vaguely. Rie Sakai noticed this sudden move of his and asked in surprise, “What are you laughing at?”

“Actually, we can all start a new sect. I’ll be the sect leader, and Mother-in-Law will be the Grand Elder. As for you, you are the Holy Maiden.” Masayoshi Kishimoto playfully said.

Sakai Rie intentionally jutted her high, bulging belly in his direction and blurted out, “Is there a Holy Maiden with a big belly like mine who is about to give birth to a child?”

“When you give birth to a child, isn’t your belly completely held down? Besides, a woman who gives birth to a child can still be a holy woman. It all depends on how to justify yourself?” Justice Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

“I’m not a holy maiden.” Sakai Rie said unhappily.

“Then you are a Holy Mother. If you give birth to a child that is a boy, then you are a holy son. If the child you give birth to is a girl, it’s a Holy Maiden.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a smile that became less and less serious.

“You are the Holy Spirit.” Rie Sakai was likewise an atheist. She and Masayoshi Kishimoto were both the same on this point, so she wasn’t at all jealous of a Dao of any kind.

Sakai Aiko’s brows furrowed as she made a prayer gesture with her hands and said, “You two aren’t joking about this anymore. Lord! Please forgive these two sinners!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto and Rie Sakai looked at her with a pious look, so they stopped fooling around. Although the husband and wife did not have any religious beliefs, they could not dismiss the fact that those who had religious beliefs were fools.

What each person believes in is free. The communism that Masayoshi Kishimoto believed in was a ghost to the capitalist countries.

A specter, the specter of communism, haunts the continent of Europe. For the holy siege of this spectre, all the forces of old Europe, the Pope and the Czar, Metternich and Quizzo, the radicals of France and the police of Germany, united.

What opposition party is there that is not called a Communist by its enemies in power? And what opposition party does not take the charge of Communism and return it to the more progressive opposition and its own reactionary enemies?

These words from the Communist Manifesto have the same effect that they should have, if not in Europe, then in Japan in Asia.

Masayoshi Kishimoto could not help singing the Internationale. His favorite line in the second verse of the “Internationale” was, “Let the mind break through the cage”.

Sakai Rie covered her forehead with both hands, already speechless by him. Of course she knew all the lyrics of the Internationale.

Who let herself study music? Judging from a musical point of view, not only the lyrics, but also the tune, were quite well-written, very stirring and rich in substance.

Singing it from the mouth of Masayoshi Kishimoto, a plutocrat, made her feel particularly ironic. In the third verse of the Internationale, there was another line that said that the rich had no obligations and that the rights of the poor were just empty words.

If she had known that Masayoshi Kishimoto’s favorite line in the Internationale was, “Let your thoughts break through the cage,” she would have been even more speechless. After all, the previous line of the lyrics was, “We want to recapture the fruits of our labor.

What fruit of labor is this plutocrat trying to reclaim? Is it hard to believe that not enough has been exploited from the toiling masses? Or is he going to take more of the country’s wealth for himself?

Meanwhile, Aiko Sakai was suddenly dumbfounded. She had never seen her son-in-law in such a state of appearance and spirit.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was content after he finished singing. He himself looked like he was going crazy in front of Sakai’s mother and daughter, with some insanity.

However, he didn’t put on a show, and he didn’t use the book show at all, sincerely believing in communism. This one human ideal was definitely good.

Whether or not it could actually be finally realized was another matter. He had also read Das Kapital once in its entirety.

Even in his later years, Marx had witnessed the self-improvement of the capitalist state in all aspects, and had revised some of his earlier radical ideas, becoming more conservative.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was certainly more aware that Das Kapital was not a forbidden book either in Japan or inside the developed countries of the mainstream of Western capitalism.

It is said to have diagnosed the ills of capitalism at that time, but did not prescribe a “cure”. It can be regarded as both a proposal for a new direction of development of human society and an underground sociology.

The famous American sociologists Randall Collins and Michael Marker (or Michael Markovski) in “Discovering Society: A Review of Western Sociological Thought,” Chapter 2, “Underground Sociology: The Viewpoints of Karl Marx,” mentioned.

“Rie, is this little one inside your belly a son or a daughter?” Sakai Aiko waited until her son-in-law had subsided before asking curiously.

“I’m not sure. Just wait until I give birth to the little one to find out.” Rie Sakai didn’t let the doctor tell her know ahead of time. She said if it was just a sense of hopeful anticipation.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her as she ran her hands over her high belly and said, “Ugly duckling.”

Without hesitation, Sakai Rie threw him a blank stare and said, “Is there a man like you who is a father?”

“I was complimenting the child inside your belly.” Justice Kishimoto defended.

“Do you really think I don’t know the story of the ugly duckling?” Rie Sakai said angrily.

“The Ugly Duckling is a fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen and first published in 1843. It tells the story of a swan egg that grows into a white swan after breaking its shell in a flock of ducks and growing into a white swan after a great deal of pain and suffering because of its grotesque appearance, which made it despised by its own kind.

The Ugly Duckling illustrates that as long as one has an ideal, pursues and strives hard for this goal, it does not matter even if one is in adversity, for gold always shines.

The setbacks and pains in life are inevitable and can only be faced with strength. Also the ugly duckling is a metaphor for a small child or young person who is not noticed, and sometimes it refers to something that has just appeared and is not noticed.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a necessary positive explanation.

Sakai Rie turned her anger into joy and said, “Oily mouth.”

“An alternate reality version of the ugly duckling understood, not so much. Once again, the most classic line from the Hindi movie ‘The Wanderer’ is that the son of a thief is a thief, and the son of a judge is a judge.

The reason why the ugly duckling can grow into a beautiful white swan, the main reason is not because of the strange appearance, let the same kind of disdain, after a thousand years of hard work, after a lot of trials and tribulations to be successful, but in its parents were originally a beautiful white swan, not a duck.

If the ugly duckling’s parents were ducks, no matter how hard they tried, they could not become beautiful white swans. The rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation.

If a duck can become a swan, then the only way is by mutation. Other than that, there is no other way.” Masayoshi Kishimoto gently shook his head and said.

For a moment, Sakai Rie really didn’t know whether she should praise him or scold him. This explanation from his mouth had tangibly reflected the problem of class solidification in Japanese society.

Of course, she knew only too well that the child inside her belly would be a beautiful “white swan”, not a “duck”.

If mom and dad are swans, the baby will be a swan, not a duck. If mom and dad are ducks, the ones born will only be ducks, never swans.

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