Chapter 695 – Apple Mash

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:57:38
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Masayoshi Kishimoto carefully carried his daughter down from the top of his neck and placed her on the long sofa in the living room.

Kishimoto Mika couldn’t get enough of it, turning sideways and stretching out her two little hands to rush at him, saying in a milky voice, “Daddy, mama.”

“Mika be good, be obedient, let daddy rest for a while, after eating the apple then I’ll give you a mama-mama ride.” Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on the side beside her and said gently.

Kishimoto Mika nodded and smiled at him, showing that she could wait. Meanwhile, Masayoshi Kishimoto took the one big red apple that had just been peeled from Makoto Natsui’s hand and opened his mouth to bite it.

Kishimoto Mika was deeply attracted by the aroma of the apple and looked at him with her little head held high, “Daddy, eat it.”

Kishimoto Justice noticed that his daughter’s eyes were staring at the apple in her hand and said, “Now, this one thing, you’re not able to eat it yet.”

“Daddy, eat eat.” Kishimoto Mika repeated what she had said earlier and said.

“Good, eat eat.” Kishimoto Masayoshi saw that the corners of her mouth were beginning to drip with gluttonous drool, so he only had to give in and said.

Kishimoto Mika instantly became elated, her hands clapped with a loud “pop-pop-pop-pop”, and nodded her little head like a chicken pecking at rice, saying, “Eat eat eat.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto put in his hand only bites of apple is toward the summer wells true qin handed over, said: “to our family princess into apple puree it!”

“You only have daughters in your heart, why don’t you have sons?” Natsui Makoto asked offhandedly while taking the apple over.

“My daughter is my lover from my past life, while my son is my debt from my past life. A daughter has to be doted on as if she were a lover.

To my son it has to be treated as if it were a debt, not only must it be counted and clear, but also the responsibility of repayment must be honored.” Justice Kishimoto spoke bluntly.

Natsui Makoto did not have any hint of unhappiness, but instead had a sweetness in her heart. According to this logical thinking of Kishimoto Masayoshi, she was his lover in this life, then she should be his daughter in the next life.

He had served him well in this life. In the next life, he should double his favor. She would also be able to enjoy the feeling of being spoiled into a little princess by her father.

Natsui Makoto once again went to the kitchen and took the small bowl with the red Minnie cartoon appearance and the small stainless steel spoon for her daughter out of the sterilizer.

She put some water into the kettle, then placed it on top of the stove and boiled the water. Before the water boiled, she pulled out her knife and cut the apple into some small pieces on top of the chopping board, throwing away the core.

Once the water boiled, Natsui Makoto turned off the heat. She used the boiling water to repeatedly go rolling the small bowl and spoon for her daughter to sterilize it a bit.

After that, she put a piece of apple into the bowl, holding the bowl in her left hand and the spoon in her right hand, and used the back of it to crush the piece of apple vigorously, causing it to become a mushy, thick puree.

“Mika is in no hurry. You can eat it after mommy finishes pureeing the apple.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as she extended her right index finger to wipe the little bit of gluttonous drool that flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Kishimoto Mika was obedient, all ears to her father’s words. She sat and waited patiently, unlike some children who would immediately cry and scream or even roll all over the floor if they didn’t meet the requirements.

Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly smiled and reached out her right index finger just to tickle the sole of her right foot, while her left index finger was to tickle the sole of her left foot.

The tickling of the soles of both of Mika Kishimoto’s feet immediately triggered the laugh points. She giggled so much that her body fell to the side.

Masayoshi Kishimoto followed up with two more tickles on each of his daughter’s soles. Father and daughter were playing together again.

This time, Kishimoto Makoto was still alone, playing with his own things, as if he was isolated from this space.

Natsui Makoto walked back and brought a small bowl of apple puree. When she saw Masayoshi Kishimoto in this state, there wasn’t even the slightest hint of a group company chairman, zaibatsu’s appearance.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to extend his left hand towards Makoto Natsui and said, “Let me feed Mika!”

Natsui Makoto handed him the small bowl with the small stainless steel spoon inside, “Don’t rush to feed her. Wait for me to get a bib and put it around her neck first.”

As soon as she said that, she went to bring her daughter’s special bib and personally put it on her to avoid getting her clothes dirty.

Natsui Makoto’s attention fell back on her son, and not without feeling that he was quite lonely, she went and sat down on her knees beside him to keep him company.

Again, her arrival had little effect on Makoto Kishimoto. He himself just watched him while he continued to play with his toys.

Holding a small bowl in his left hand and a small spoon in his right hand Masaru Kishimoto was holding half a spoon out and said, “Mika, sit down. Let’s start eating the apple puree.”

Kishimoto Mika was indeed very obedient and sat down. She opened her little mouth and went to eat the apple puree that was delivered to the front of her mouth by the little spoon in her father’s hand.

“Is it good?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked with a smile.

Mika Kishimoto smiled and nodded her head, opening her little mouth again after swallowing the apple puree in her mouth.

Masayoshi Kishimoto served some more apple puree inside a spoon was fed inside her mouth and said, “Mika, eat slowly, there’s no rush.”

Natsui Makoto looked up at him and seriously reminded, “Don’t feed Mika all the apple puree in the bowl, be careful not to overstretch her.”

“Do you really think our daughter is stupid? She can’t even tell the difference between satiety and hunger anymore. When she’s full, she’ll naturally know not to eat anymore.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Not to mention a little girl like Mika, even an adult will experience gluttony when she encounters something delicious. It’s natural to get uncomfortable after eating too much and overdoing it.” Natsui Makoto explained.

Masayoshi Kishimoto accepted this statement of hers, and it naturally reminded him of his previous life when he was still studying, when he went to a buffet with his friends.

We all encouraged each other to eat our way back to the capital, or better yet, to eat the boss outright, so we all just let go of our bellies completely and ate and drank. Even if they knew in their hearts that they would not be able to eat their way back to the capital, they tried to make themselves feel that they had lost as little as possible.

Masayoshi Kishimoto fed his daughter another half spoonful of apple puree and said: ”At night, it’s not good to eat too much. We won’t eat it. We’ll eat tomorrow.”

Kishimoto Mika barred her mouth twice and raised her hand to point at him without crying, “Daddy, eat.”

“Our Mika is so well-behaved. There’s something delicious and you know to share it with daddy.” Kishimoto Masayoshi obeyed his daughter’s words and took a spoonful of the apple puree in the middle of the small bowl and sent it inside his mouth and said.

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