Chapter 697: A Man in One Swoop

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:57:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

When Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived at the entrance of the hospital’s labor and delivery room, he already saw that a number of people had arrived before him. Everyone knew each other, and as soon as he arrived, people were flocking towards him.

“How is the situation inside?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked bluntly.

“Rie hasn’t given birth to the baby yet.” Aiko Sakai blurted out.

It had been a while since Masayoshi Kishimoto had gotten the call and rushed here. He was in a bit of a hurry and drove through two red lights in a row, the police car behind his ass was chasing him all the way to the parking lot of this hospital.

Kishimoto righteousness after getting off the car, also did not toward to them to carry on a long-winded defense, directly let them to the car to tow away.

The police officers, who had first encountered this type of situation and a person who was so dry and unruffled, stood still for a few moments. By the time they reacted, they could only see Masayoshi Kishimoto’s distant back.

“It can’t be a difficult labor, right?” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but think that Sakai Rie was giving birth for the first time. As far as he knew, it wasn’t easy for a woman to give birth for the first time.

It was much easier if it was the second time they gave birth. Not only that, Sakai Rie had given herself to him with her body intact.

She hadn’t had an abortion even once. That should make it more difficult to have a child. However, he still couldn’t help but go off on a wild tangent and said.

“Don’t worry, this one possibility is not there. The reason why the birth was slow was because Rie chose to have a natural delivery in water.

If she had chosen a cesarean section, you would have seen the baby’s face by now.” Sakai Aiko naturally had to explain.

“Brother Justice, don’t worry too much. I firmly believe that Rie-san and the child will absolutely have a safe mother and child.” Mizuhara Yuki interjected and said in relief.

The matter of Kishimoto Masayoshi personally rushing to the hospital was soon rumored into the ears of the dean. As a result, the dean personally brought some people to the delivery room.

Masayoshi Kishimoto and the dean officially met for the first time and bowed to each other in greeting. This set of Japanese etiquette belonged to formalism, which was only about the process, the result was not important.

“President Kishimoto, do you get bloodsick?” The dean said in a serious manner.

Masayoshi Kishimoto replied succinctly, “No bloodsickness.”

“If Your Ladyship can have you by her side, then it will give her great encouragement and strength in spirit.” The dean said truthfully.

Masayoshi Kishimoto immediately understood the implication of his words. He himself could go in as long as he was bold enough not to be afraid of the sight of a woman giving birth.

Masayoshi Kishimoto confirmed, “I can really go inside the labor room?”

“There is no problem.” The dean said very seriously.

“Then I’ll go in now.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without a single star of hesitation.

As soon as his words fell, the dean arranged for his female secretary is to accompany the other party into the labor room. This was not an operation, it was just a woman giving birth to a child, there was no need to have to change into surgical gowns and other operations.

The dean’s female secretary took the initiative to introduce, “This is Chairman Kishimoto.”

The medical staff inside the maternity room then all understood that this one young man was the husband of the VIP woman in labor. They all grew eyes, looking ordinary-looking and unassuming, that such a young man would be a zaibatsu.

It really should be that sentence, people can not look like, sea water can not be measured. Although the person is young, but who let the other person is exceptionally bullish?

They had initially mistakenly thought that it would be another old husband and young wife pairing, after all, they had heard Rie Sakai addressed as the Chairman’s wife.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s attention was focused on Rie Sakai, who was immersed inside the warm bathtub. Without hesitation, he walked over and took over from the female doctor sitting next to her who was constantly giving her words of encouragement.

“Masayoshi Kishimoto, you bastard. Do you realize that I’m in pain?” Rie Sakai blurted out when she saw it was him.

“You’re not wrong, I’m an asshole. I know you’re in pain.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he took it upon himself to reach out and grab one of her hands.

“You know shit.” Rie Sakai said with a complete lack of the good upbringing she had underneath her normal state.

“I am an ass.” Masayoshi Kishimoto wouldn’t do anything with her in this one situation and would just go along with her words and said.

“Since she’s in so much pain, can you give her a shot of painkillers?” Masayoshi Kishimoto cut through the pain that she was passing out, so he looked to the side of the medical staff and said.

“Analgesic, your ass. Do you want our child to be stupid?” Sakai Rie was in pain, but her consciousness was completely awake.

She didn’t use painkillers because conventional thinking had told her that they were filled with morphine. This kind of thing is not good for the brain, especially the central nervous system.

The baby inside her stomach was only a little bit small, so it couldn’t withstand the side effects of the morphine injected into its mother’s body.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not argue with her at any point, what she said was what she said. Sakai Rie’s starting point was also for the good of the child.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have preferred to choose to endure so much pain all by herself. She could immediately switch to a cesarean section if she wanted to.

“Chairman Kishimoto, you need to give the madam more encouragement on top of her spirit.” The female doctor calmly said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto nodded his head and responded with an “Understood.” His own method was wrong at first, so he hurriedly changed it, “Rie, you are most certainly a brave woman.”

Sakai Rie didn’t reply, and lifted his arm without saying a word, biting it on the side of her head, and then exerting force towards her lower body. Masayoshi Kishimoto instantly felt a strong sense of pain. He just had to endure it, and didn’t dare to push her head away.

“The baby’s head is out. Ma’am, you need to apply more force.” The other female doctor was the one who had been making the necessary observations said.

Rie Sakai exerted more force, which also made the arm that was biting Masayoshi Kishimoto was exerting force together. Masayoshi Kishimoto received the pain along with her.

The child let out a clear and loud cry, and he was finally born without incident. At this point, Rie Sakai slacked off, cutting into an unprecedented level of exhaustion.

“Congratulations Chairman and Mrs. Kishimoto, it’s a son.” The female doctor who delivered the baby was all smiles as she said.

“Thank you.” For a moment, Masayoshi Kishimoto forgot about the skin on his arm that had been bitten by Rie Sakai, and immersed himself in the joy of being able to watch the birth of his son with his own eyes, said.

“Let me take a good look at him too.” Sakai Rie said breathlessly as she was still lying inside the bathtub.

The female doctor who delivered the baby came closer and held the baby in her arms to her eyes, so that she could see him clearly.

“I can see that this is a man with a good mind and a beautiful face. There’s no telling how many girls he’ll have in his future to be enamored and crazy about him.” The female doctor smiled.

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