Chapter 707: The Ideal Job (Revised)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:58:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After dinner was over, Kishimoto Masayoshi drove Sakai Mirei is back to her residence downstairs. Although she had taken the initiative to invite him upstairs to sit down and have a cup of coffee, he had made a polite refusal on the grounds that it was late.

Sakai Meiling knew that he was a man of his word. Rather than talk about it more, she might as well leave it at that and say, “Be careful on the road.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto drove off and then ran directly to the mansion in Shinagawa District. The house in Nishimabu, Minato-ku, was already unoccupied, even though there was no intention to sell it as soon as possible.

Masayoshi Kishimoto entered the gates of his own compound and drove along the boulevard for a good distance before he parked his car outside the main house deep in the dense forest. He got out of the car, then closed the door with his backhand and walked forward without locking the car.

Inside and outside his mansion, there were not only numerous surveillance cameras, but also infrared rays. Security is absolutely foolproof, after all, the security level is the highest.

As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto entered the house, he saw Rie Sakai sitting on top of a Western antique sofa, casually flipping through some fashion magazines.

He knew that the other party was waiting for him, but he said, “It’s so late, you’re still up? You’re in good spirits.”

Sakai Rie closed the magazine in her hand and smoothly placed it on the sofa surface to her right. She patted the sofa surface on her left side with her left palm and said, “Why don’t you come over and sit down!”

“Can I not sit down? There’s something, we’ll talk about it slowly in the morning, okay? I want to go up and wash up.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t really want to talk about things in the middle of the night.

“If you don’t come over and sit down, you’re not going to be able to sleep well tonight.” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto only had to walk towards her and sit on his butt on her left side. He threw the weight of his body backward and leaned his back up against the back of the couch.

“My mom called to tell me that you’ve decided to set up a sixth wholly owned subsidiary.” Rie Sakai said truthfully.

“That news traveled pretty fast. It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I decided something in the morning, and even your mom knows about it.

What does your mom want by calling you about this? Is it hard to believe that your mom is still planning to recommend someone to become the president of Hard Gold Network?” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Don’t your mom, your mom. My mom is also your mother-in-law.” Rie Sakai frowned and said.

“What is my mother in law trying to give me an instruction on through you?” Justice Kishimoto said in disbelief.

“She felt that the fat was flowing in, so she recommended my father towards me.” Rie Sakai had a point to make.

“Does your mom not have much to do all day? She’s really managing a lot. Why don’t you just let her be the president of my Hard Gold Group?

Your father’s position as the branch chief of the Hard Gold Bank branch in Kochi is not even warmed up yet, so he can’t wait to get promoted again?

Does your dad know anything about online games? I’m afraid he’s never even played one! And he wants to become the president of Hard Gold Network?” Justice Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

“Wasn’t I discussing this with you?” Rie Sakai said as she looked sideways at him.

“What’s there to discuss about this one?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“My father doesn’t know anything about online games, but he can learn slowly! Are you really so relieved that you’re handing over the presidency of a wholly-owned subsidiary to an outsider?” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“You want to learn, right? Then you should go back to school and learn slowly. I’m not a school that educates people, but a company that needs to make a profit.

I don’t look at whether the other party is an outsider or a family member. Whoever has the ability, whoever is competent and can match the corresponding position, then I will appoint whoever will do the job.

Let alone your father, even my own son, if he doesn’t have any ability, he still won’t be reappointed.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

“Did you take gunpowder tonight? The fire is so strong.” Rie Sakai said offhandedly.

“I think your mom is just over-regulating. Her little selfishness is nothing more than wanting your dad to get to the top. The problem is that your dad has to be able to do that one thing too doesn’t he.

At first, you recommended your dad to be the branch manager of this hard gold bank, and you also said that it was justified. So, I agreed to it, on the basis of merit.

This time, it’s just too outrageous. How could I possibly be comfortable leaving a wholly-owned subsidiary in the hands of someone who doesn’t know what he’s doing?” Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at her sideways and said.

“Since you don’t agree, then forget it. Pretend I didn’t say that.” Sakai Rie had absolutely no intention of trying to insist.

The only reason she mentioned this in front of him was so that she could give her mother something to answer for afterward, so that she wouldn’t be asked about it later and she, as a daughter, didn’t say anything.

“Can I go upstairs and get cleaned up?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked, crying and laughing.

“What are you in a hurry for? Hasn’t the position of president of the Hard Gold Network been internalized by who you’ve decided on?” Rie Sakai asked thoughtfully.

“Don’t guess, there’s no such thing.” Masayoshi Kishimoto replied firmly.

“You’re not lying to me?” Sakai Rie said half-heartedly.

“What do I have to gain by lying to you? Even if a suitable candidate wasn’t found, it wouldn’t be your father, much less your mother, who would take on this one position of president.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made his personal attitude clear and said.

“What do you think of Kazuya Takahashi?” Rie Sakai asked with a sense of purpose.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s first thought was that Kazuya Takahashi himself would never ask Rie Sakai to come in front of him. He knew this hairdresser of his best.

Kishimoto Masayoshi not without thinking of another person said: “Takahashi Kazuya’s Minister of Justice is doing a good job. Not only does he enjoy doing it, but it’s a perfect match for his specialty, is there a need to change?”

“The position of president of the Hard Gold Network feels like it’s going to be a better position, with more power and status, than the head of legal affairs.” Rie Sakai blinked and said.

“Nine times out of ten, it should have been Yuki Mizuhara who took it upon herself to broker a relationship to you to put in a good word for Kazuya Takahashi!” Masayoshi Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

“President’s wife, minister’s wife, it really gives off a different feeling. Just as when one hears it’s the president, one immediately assumes it’s the top brass.

The moment you hear it’s a minister, you can’t help but think it’s a mid-level cadre.” Rie Sakai neither admitted nor denied it. She couldn’t help but blink once again and said.

“You guys are the ones who are really different. Many boys from the bottom class have the ideal job in their hearts to be a police officer. Many girls from the bottom class, the ideal job in their hearts is to be a nurse.

The ideal job in the hearts of a good number of ordinary middle-class-born boys is to be a civil servant. As for a good number of ordinary middle-class girls, the ideal job in their hearts is to be a teacher.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

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