Chapter 708: An Extremely Important Matter

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:58:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The next day near noon, Masayoshi Kishimoto received a phone call from Nao Fujie. He was told that he had to go to her place tonight, and that she had an extremely important matter to tell him.

At 5:00 p.m., Masayoshi Kishimoto left work on time, as usual. He drove towards Ginza, Chuo-ku. He arrived at Fujie Nao’s home as promised.

Masayoshi Kishimoto opened the door with his key, and as if he were returning to his own home, he first changed into his own pair of men’s slippers at the entrance, and then walked inside.

When he reached the living room, he saw a table of food that Fujie Nao had carefully prepared long ago. When he looked at this scene, the first thought in his head was, “Can’t it be, today is her birthday?

“What are you still standing around for? Wash your hands and eat.” Fujie Naoe smiled sweetly at her and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto obeyed her words and went to wash his hands. After he washed his hands, he pulled out a chair and sat across from her without taking his chopsticks.

“You didn’t specifically call me here just to have dinner with you, did you? If that’s what you call extremely important, it would be too boring.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said nonchalantly.

Fujie Naoe said with a happy smile, “I’ll tell you the good news, you’re going to be a father. I’m pregnant.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto froze as if he was petrified. Although his body didn’t move, his head was spinning inside.

He thought to himself, “Did you all make a date one by one? One gave birth to a child not long after the other was pregnant. Not long after the other one gave birth, another one became pregnant.

When Fujie Naoe saw his behavior, the happy smile that had appeared on her face a moment before instantly disappeared without a trace, and without any inflection, she said, “Are you planning on not wanting this one child inside my belly?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto came back to his senses and said, “It can’t be that you’re mistaken, right?”

Fujie Naoe stood up abruptly and went to her bedroom. A few moments later, she returned and placed a pregnancy report issued by the hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology department in front of him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the pregnancy report in his hands and read it, it was positive. This meant that Fujie Nao was indeed pregnant. Of course, the possibility of a false positive could not be ruled out.

However, this kind of probability was minuscule and completely negligible, after all, the place she went to for the checkup was not some small private clinic, but one of Tokyo’s notorious major hospitals.

“Since you’re pregnant, prepare to give birth!” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he placed the pregnancy report is on one side of the dining table.

“Are you sure?” Fujie Nao’s pair of eyes was staring at him dead on, saying.

“If you don’t want this child inside your belly, I completely respect your decision.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Why wouldn’t I want it? He’s the fruit of my love with you.” Fujie Naoe said seriously.

“Since you want to have a child, and I have no problem with it, then let’s have it.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that a child’s greatest role was to act as a bond between two adults.

He felt that there was no hiding from what was going to happen. Even if he had worn that in the first place, there was no guarantee that she would do something about it.

All Fujie Nao needed to do was poke some unnoticeable pinholes with a needle on top of all the condoms stored with her.

Having the existence of this one child inside her stomach also deepened the relationship and bond between herself and her.

“You didn’t lie to me?” Fujie Nao said with another confirmation.

“Do you need me to write down a pledge for you?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he couldn’t help but dislike her for being a bit long-winded.

Fujie Nao suddenly showed a smile on her face. She resumed her seat and said, “That won’t be necessary. I have full confidence that you won’t be going back on your word.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi was neither as happy as Natsui Makoto was when she was pregnant nor as happy as Sakai Rie was when she was pregnant when he was confronted with his own woman’s pregnancy this time around.

His heart was quite complicated, and he did not feel that this child inside Fujie Nao’s stomach had come at too bad a time, and was completely outside of his plans.

Fujie Nao placed the palm of her right hand on top of her belly and carefully asked, “Will our child’s future surname be Kishimoto after you?”

“We’re not married, so naturally it will have to take your surname Fujie. If the surname of the child inside your womb takes my surname Kishimoto, will you also have to change your surname to my surname Kishimoto?

How will you fill in the father’s name? This will not only be filled in when you give birth to a child, but also when the child is enrolled in school in the future.

If people from the outside world know that I have such an illegitimate child, it will certainly cause a lot of public controversy. At that time, what do you think I should do?

Forcing me to completely clear the relationship with you and deny it? Or do I just backtrack and say that you’re indiscreet or something like that?” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face remained calm as he reasoned.

Of course Fujie Nao knew that he was not an ordinary person. Being her outsider herself, it was natural that she was not allowed to see the light of day. The child between the two was likewise only able to live in the shadows.

“It’s nothing for me. It’s just that I feel that I’ve wronged our child.” Fujie Nao began to use the child inside her stomach as a bargaining chip to make a maximum positive fight, saying.

“From the day you were with me, you should have known that there might be such a result. Nowadays, it’s meaningless for you to say these words again.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she was not a simple woman like Makoto Natsui. He didn’t care if the other party was a virgin or not when she first slept with him?

He also had no doubt that this one child inside Fujie Nao’s stomach was his own seed. What he cared about was the fact that she valued herself as having the title of Chairman of the Hard Gold Group.

This is completely unlike Natsui Makoto and Sakai Rie, who love themselves whether they are the chairman or an ordinary person.

The fact that both of them were once intact was also a plus. They each still had zero relationship history before dating themselves. This was another plus point.

Oriental men would value a woman who was a blank sheet of paper in terms of her emotional history even more, with a sense of responsibility to take care of each other in their hearts.

Fujie Nao by his consent, to be able to give birth to this child inside the stomach, originally already satisfied. There is always a kind of greed in human beings, and that is the desire to get what one wants. She was no exception.

Seeing that she didn’t make a sound, Masayoshi Kishimoto persuasively lured her, “I’ll transfer all the shares of Firefly Club to you. This way, you and your child will be more secure in the future as well.”

“Since you’ve said so, then I’ll temporarily help you escrow for the child. All of these things will be our child’s in the future.” Fujie Naoe accepted.

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