Chapter 714 Source of Funds

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:58:29
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Masayoshi Kishimoto drank from his glass of milk and slowly put it down, saying without haste, “Human society is originally a world of the weak and the strong.

You feel sorry for some people, but in my opinion, some people are completely to blame. There is no lack of people among them who feel quite good about themselves, mocking others for dressing poorly, eating poorly, living poorly ……

Always like to take things for granted. Such people are generally found in the so-called in the company in the general clerical staff, low-level white-collar.

They are all bright and shiny outside, but inside is miserable, always like to make fun of others to find spiritual and psychological comfort. With a meager income, it is difficult to support a really decent life.

There is a huge divide between management staff and non-management staff. Low-level white-collar workers belong to the non-managerial staff, and it is difficult for them to enter the management in their whole life.

On the one hand, they long desperately for a good life, and envy and hate high-level white-collar workers, but it is difficult for them to become one of them.

On the other hand, the manual laborers and more or less disdain, not without feeling that they are a group of sweaty, no education, no thought, no culture, no brain, no taste of the mud legs.

Engaged in simple manual labor people look at the attitude of the low-level white-collar workers is, don’t look at now jumping happy, after the quasi-guaranteed pull list.

All are leeks, and why hurt each other? This is a typical bottom mutual strangulation. If they really understand, it would not be so bad.

To put it bluntly, they are a group of self-righteous idiots. If they don’t have the slightest bit of weight in their own personal hearts, then they truly deserve to become lambs to be slaughtered.”

Sakai Rie looked him over and over again in a good way, and although she didn’t feel that he had completely changed into a different person, she clearly had the feeling that he was changing.

However, it didn’t matter to her. Since she had upgraded from a wife to a mother, her attention had shifted from her husband to her son.

As for investment matters, she didn’t know anything about it, nor did she intend to try to figure it out. If he wanted to do something, then let him do it.

“Do you know what was the best-selling thing in the United States during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1933?” Justice Kishimoto asked with a smile.

“No idea.” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“Birth control pills. Even if the economy is bad, people have that one primal desire. Perhaps, it will even be stronger than when the economy is good.

When people are upset, they naturally need an outlet. Without a job, there is no money in the pocket, which directly leads to no money to spend on other entertainment.

Even going to the bar to drink a bottle of beer, can not do. Between husband and wife, between men and women friends in bed sports, has become the main way of entertainment and recreation.

People in the pastime above the rich and colorful, guaranteed that will be in that a man and a woman thing above the less. The most typical example is the emergence of anime and online games, which gave birth to more and more herbivorous men and women.

Prior to capitalism, the most popular pastime for the average person was to tinker with the little people. The benefit was not only to satisfy one’s most primitive desires, but also to create more labor for the family.

In those days, men had a higher status than women because they had an advantage in physical labor, which meant that they could earn more money.

In today’s modern society, the use of machines has resulted in the gradual decrease of men’s advantage in physical labor.

The increase in women’s education and the awakening of women’s rights have led to more job opportunities in the society, which in turn has led to the improvement of the economic status.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

Shortly after his words fell, his cell phone suddenly rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that the caller ID was the name of Inoue Kamiji, so he pressed the green answer button without hesitation.

The cell phone call was connected, Inoue Ueniji with a somewhat anxious tone of voice straight to the point: “I got reliable information, the South Korean government has begun to investigate the shorting of the South Korean stock market institutions of the source of funds.

There is no doubt that we are definitely on the list, and we are still at the top of the list. I’m afraid it won’t be long before they should be able to find out that the source of funds is Japan, as well as our Hard Gold Group’s head above.”

“What’s your hurry? What’s there to be anxious about. Even if the sky collapses, aren’t there still me to hold it for you? You only need to do the things I’ve entrusted to you well.

As for the other things, leave them to me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto held a cell phone in his right hand attached to the side of his right ear and spoke decisively.

Inuyasha Kamiji explained, “I’m not afraid. This is definitely going to end up being too much for the paper. Our whereabouts lurking in Seoul, Korea will be completely exposed.”

“In that case, it’s time to remove the disguise and fight hard in person.” Justice Kishimoto decided without a single star of hesitation.

With such a delivery from the chairman, Inoue Kamiji then did so with his heart in the right place. He understood and said, “I understand.”

“On the day of victory, I will use that private airplane of mine to pick up some of you meritorious men back to Tokyo, Japan for a proper reward.” Justice Kishimoto said seriously.

Although Inoue Kamiji saw the light of victory, he didn’t dare to take credit for it and said, “The first credit goes to you, Chairman. We all acted on your orders.

Without your initial determination to make such a particularly significant deployment and plan, there would have been nothing for us.”

“When did you learn to kiss my ass as well?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said casually.

“I’m just being honest, and in no way do I mean to slip up.” Inuyasha Kamiji was all seriousness.

“You will maximize the results of the war for me. This year, you and this one team of yours will be the best of the Hard Gold Group. You Hard Gold Bank will also be the first to win this award as a result.” Masayoshi Kishimoto promised.

Inuyasha Kamiji was instantly excited. He himself had always viewed Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s Hard Gold Capital as his biggest competitor.

Even if one’s own Hard Gold Bank was ranked fifth within the Hard Gold Group’s six subsidiaries at the moment, one was still as ambitious as ever.

This time after the successful looting of South Korea, the strength of the hard gold bank will certainly get a comprehensive promotion, it is entirely possible to be able to rise from the ranking of fifth to the ranking of the third position above.

The Hard Gold Bank that he was in charge of managing had since surpassed the third and fourth ranked, that is, Shingo Oda’s Hard Gold Media and Miyazaki Ryuui’s Hard Gold Denshi.

Inuyasha Kamiji swore, “Please rest assured, Chairman, I will do everything I can to loot the Korean’s wealth is the maximum amount possible, thus making it impossible for them to turn over for years.”

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