Chapter 716: Same People, Different Lives

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:58:34
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Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have to go to his own company to sit in the town, but was also completely able to realize a remote control command on it.

After he and Natsui Makoto finished talking, he looked down at the koi swimming freely in the pool.

Japanese koi were not only famously beautiful, but also famously expensive. This pool of Japanese koi at home is naturally very expensive.

“A human life is not as expensive as a fish.” Masayoshi Kishimoto recalled a news report he had once read that said that a slave in the modern slave trade business was only worth about 1,000 dollars.

Not to mention a modern slave, even an ordinary person might not be worth as much as a koi fish in his own pond. He said with a sudden sigh of relief.

Masayoshi Kishimoto held his cell phone in his right hand and once again searched for the phone number within his cell phone. He found the cell phone number of his propaganda minister, Natsume Ryosuke, and dialed it without hesitation.

As soon as the call was made, Natsume Ryosuke asked in a serious manner, “Chairman, what are your instructions?”

“Under the current state of affairs, it’s not a solution for us to remain silent, there’s always a need to make a statement.

The things that follow will be left to your company’s publicity department to deal with one by one.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said decisively.

“Understood.” Natsume Ryousuke didn’t drag his feet one bit. His own job was to deal with some of these company matters.

He had long ago started working on this aspect of the preparations a step in advance, after all, the company’s headquarters was surrounded by domestic and foreign journalists. It was naturally impossible to remain silent.

He was waiting for the president’s instructions. Without the other party’s instructions, he simply did not dare to make his own decisions. Speaking out on his own did not represent an individual, but rather the entire Hard Gold Group.

After Masayoshi Kishimoto said the things that needed to be explained to him, he pressed the red hang up button on his cell phone.

He didn’t continue to stand still, and began to slowly take an after-dinner walk inside his own park-like mansion, while on the other hand, he was thinking about some things inside his head.

As Natsui Makoto said, the President of South Korea has urgently summoned the Japanese Ambassador to South Korea. He needed to save for a rainy day.

The economy is always involved in politics. He did the sack of shorting a country, will certainly cause a huge shock between countries.

The good side of developed capitalist countries is that politics serves the economy. As one of Japan’s zaibatsu himself, he would rightly enjoy such a privilege.

If necessary, he could also get some of the Japanese politicians who had been favored by him to come forward and make a relevant statement on behalf of the Hard Gold Group.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked along the winding, cobblestone-paved path, and massaged the soles of his feet.

When Katsudaira Yamaguchi had built the Kishimoto family mansion, he had taken privacy into consideration and had transplanted a number of hundred-year-old trees from the deep forests of Japan.

These trees, with their thick foliage, naturally formed a barrier that prevented the outside world from climbing up and intentionally prying into the mansion.

As Masayoshi Kishimoto walked, he unconsciously walked back to the main house. After he entered the house, he went straight upstairs and ran towards the nursery.

This one son born to himself and Rie Sakai was simply enjoying the treatment of a prince. Inside the nursery, there was someone on duty twenty-four hours a day.

When the person on duty saw Masayoshi Kishimoto walk in, he immediately stood up and took the initiative to make a forty-five degree bow towards him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked straight towards the crib and saw that his son was not sleeping. The little guy was looking at the toy hanging in mid-air with a pair of big beautiful eyes like his birth mother’s.

Kishimoto Masayoshi couldn’t help but stretch out his hands to pick up his son and kiss his little face, which was like peeling off the shell of an egg, as he looked at his extremely cute face.

Sakai Rie suddenly appeared and exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

Kishimoto righteousness hands holding son is back turned around and said: “I kiss my own son, what’s wrong? You don’t make a fuss.”

“Did you sterilize your hands before you hugged your son?” Sakai Rie questioned as she walked to him in three steps.

“Nuts. I’m his real father, it’s not like I’m a two-legged walking virus infector. It’s hard to believe that I would carry the virus to infect him?” Justice Kishimoto said unhappily.

Sakai Rie towards him was holding out her hands saying, “Give my son back to me.”

“Could you have given birth to him without me? You think you’re an earthworm, a hermaphrodite!” Justice Kishimoto blurted out.

“Cut the nagging and give me my son.” Sakai Rie said as she reached directly into his arms to hug him.

Of course, Masayoshi Kishimoto was not able to pull away from her, after all, it was his own son. He definitely did not want to hurt his son in any way.

He watched with bated breath as she took his son from the individual’s hands. The son’s outstretched little arms and legs were so interesting.

Rie Sakai held her son in her arms and said, “Go sterilize it. You are not allowed to hold your son until you sterilize it.”

Even though Masayoshi Kishimoto saw that the man on duty was holding a bottle of spray disinfectant in his hand, he did not walk over to her as she wanted.

“Just don’t sterilize it.” Kishimoto Masayoshi instantly created a rebellious emotion in his mind and said.

“Then I won’t let you hold your son.” Sakai Rie was extremely insistent.

“If you don’t hug, you don’t hug.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“This is your own words, don’t back out and deny it.” Sakai Rie argued.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked to her son in her arms and said, “Baby! It’s not that dad didn’t hug you, but your mom wouldn’t let me hug you. If you want to blame it in your heart, blame it on your psychotic mom.”

“You’re the one who’s nuts. Is it that hard to let you sterilize it a bit?” Sakai Rie couldn’t help but start her daily fight with him.

“You didn’t sterilize it either, so how can you just come up and hug your son? That’s clearly a case of only allowing the officials to set fire to the people.” Justice Kishimoto refuted.

“I carried him, I gave birth to him, he and I share a destiny. Do you understand?” Rie Sakai said with sharp teeth.

“Don’t understand.” Masayoshi Kishimoto was really crying and laughing. He did see that Sakai Rie viewed her son as one of her doppelgangers Dao.

“You haven’t experienced the labor of carrying a child to term, much less understand the pain of childbirth. He is the flesh that fell from my body, the flesh of my heart.” Sakai Rie said as she brought her face close to the top of her son’s little face in her arms.

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