Chapter 718: Outstanding Youth

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:58:40
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs slowly lifted up the teacup in front of him and took a sip of the tea with a slight tilt of his head, saying: ”The vast majority of young people nowadays are not only morally degenerate, but also spiritually decadent.

There are too few outstanding young people like you. The future of Japan can only rely on young people like you to shoulder the mission.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face was calm and unperturbed. He could not help but realize that the previous generation always thought that the generation after them could not do this or that. The previous generation often only saw the shortcomings of the generation after them, but ignored the strengths in them.

When the next generation looks at the previous generation, it is common to see that their thinking cannot keep up with the trend of the times. There are always practical problems facing each generation, and it is simply not possible to generalize.

“There is a saying that a soldier who is not like a general is not a good soldier. A politician who doesn’t act like a prime minister is not a good politician.

For this reason, what do you think?” Justice Kishimoto couldn’t have been speaking idly when he had such a one-on-one interview with him inside his office.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was immediately moved in his heart, followed by a flash of light in his eyes. The eyes were the windows to the soul, able to reflect the truth of what was going on inside a person’s heart.

In an instant, he made a cover up, after all, is standing in the Japanese political arena for decades of old fox. Although his heart desperately longed for the position of prime minister, but could not show such ambition.

Not to mention that he and Masayoshi Kishimoto were still meeting for the first time. To a certain extent, he also had to thank the South Korean president for urgently summoning the Japanese ambassador to South Korea to talk about the shorting of the Hard Gold Group.

Without such an excuse, the meeting between himself and Masayoshi Kishimoto would not have been as natural as it was at the moment. He is completely in and out, can talk about the matter of Korea, but also can talk about the possibility of the existence of cooperation between the two sides in the future.

One wants to go one hundred feet further, naturally the support of the plutocrats is indispensable. This is the most direct is political contributions, after all, what things are not able to leave the money.

At the moment, sitting across from him this young man, but by the Japanese financial sector known as hard gold plutocrats. Moreover, short Korea in the battle, not only proved that the other side has excessive courage and wisdom, but also reflects its extraordinary financial strength.

The Foreign Minister said without haste, “I am still far from the throne of the Prime Minister! When I finish this term as Foreign Minister, I will be considered to have accomplished my mission and be able to enjoy a good and peaceful retirement.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t believe this kind of tongue-in-cheek remark of his at all. A true politician would value his personal political life more than his life.

If the other party had really said what he said, I’m afraid he wouldn’t have been able to sit in the high position of Foreign Minister. A man without ambition wouldn’t even be here.

“I heard that you like to play golf. I am also particularly fond of this one sport. In the future, we can instead meet up from time to time to play golf.

At that time, you must not dislike my poor ball skills. My golfing skills really still need some good guidance from an old-timer like you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

The Foreign Minister saw that he not only had a high IQ, but also a high EQ. If it was just an ordinary outstanding young man, as long as because of the youthful ambition, more or less will show the crazy side, all as if it is God’s favorite proud son of heaven, and everyone should be obeyed by him.

He said is right, there is no mistake, just like God’s spokesman in the world in general. Such an excellent young man as this, the Foreign Minister had not seen few.

The young man he saw today was completely different. Not only was he quite good at things, but he also showed weakness. For young people, showing weakness was not easy, after all, young people all like to show off.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs thought about it for a moment, and then quickly realized that it was all right. If Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t have these outstanding qualities, he wouldn’t have the social status he has today, and would still be able to talk about things on an equal footing with himself.

I climbed to the current position above the sitting, but used the individual most of the life time. This which experienced the big and small wind and waves can be quite a lot.

“You are too self-effacing.” The Foreign Minister laughed a little and said.

“I’m speaking the truth.” Justice Kishimoto responded with a smile and said.

“Let’s make an appointment sometime in the future. I have one more thing to say to you here. The Prime Minister of South Korea will be visiting Japan in an unofficial and official capacity in the near future.

If my guess is correct, the other party will definitely make an appointment to talk about that one. The Prime Minister of South Korea doesn’t have much real power, but those who are able to hold that position are often the head of one of the opposition parties.

Or one of the president’s inner circle. He can also be like a special envoy under the orders of the Korean President.” The Foreign Minister said in a serious manner.

Justice Kishimoto of course knew that Korea not only had a president, but also a prime minister. There were times when the Prime Minister of Korea had no greater role than to take the fall for the President of Korea.

If it was really like what the Foreign Minister said, he would definitely have to have a meeting with the Korean Prime Minister. At that time, the matter of naked interest will be brought to the surface.

The request of the Korean side is only to let the person who has been ordered to do so, such as Inoue Uenji, to stop actively attacking. For this reason, they will certainly come up with a quid pro quo, after all, there is no such thing as a free lunch under the sky.

For themselves, of course, will not make the Korean economy to collapse, from then on, that is not beneficial to their own interests, after all, they have a network game in Korea, real estate aspects of a lot of investment.

“As long as the price offered by the Korean side is reasonable, then I can accept. Korea’s strength is not a good thing for Japan.

The collapse of the Korean economy is also not a good thing for Japan. By then, there will be countless Koreans who will be smuggled into Japan.

Such a situation can be a serious threat to Japan’s social security and economic development.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made his heart clear and said.

“Your ability to have such a vision of worrying about the country and the people really makes me admire you.” The Foreign Minister was not without impressing him. He had originally thought that he was a profit-oriented man.

He hadn’t expected Masayoshi Kishimoto to have a sense of family and country. If there were a few more people like him among the young people of Japan, then the future of Japan would be bright.

Unfortunately, just as he had said earlier, more and more of Japan’s young people had lost their fighting spirit and were immersed in the small pleasures of life.

“I wouldn’t dare.” Although Masayoshi Kishimoto had no intention of pleasing the other party, he really wasn’t being sycophantic. The collapse of Korea’s economy was really a hundred harms to his own interests.

Those of his investments in South Korea will inevitably be engulfed by the anti-Japanese wave. Even if the Japanese government took the initiative to come forward, it would be another protracted diplomatic and economic and trade war.

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