Chapter 727: Prime Minister of Korea

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:59:05
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On this day, Masayoshi Kishimoto and the rest of his party’s convoy was parked in front of the main entrance of a five-star hotel in Roppongi, the harbor district.

The man who would be dressed in a suit less often, the person he was meeting today was the Prime Minister of South Korea who was visiting Japan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs played a bridging role in facilitating the meeting between the two sides.

Kishimoto Masayoshi who stepped out of the car, of course, know what the content of the talks will involve a what. Not to mention the South Korean Prime Minister, even if the South Korean President personally came to Japan, but also to talk about interests, rather than talk about the so-called friendship.

Among the people who accompanied Masayoshi Kishimoto were Secretary General Mirai Yamada, Minister of Justice Kazuya Takahashi, and Minister of Propaganda Ryosuke Natsume.

All of them had seen the world before, so they weren’t intimidated at all. Not to mention that it was still on top of their own turf. Masayoshi Kishimoto walked in front, his own entourage flanking him.

Next to him on the left side was a low-ranking official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the lobby manager of the hotel and other people who acted as their guide.

The journalists who came to the hotel were even more energetic, and all kinds of cameras were aimed at Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others. With the cooperation of so many people, Masayoshi Kishimoto and the others really had a kind of starry red carpet.

Entering into the specially prepared conference room, according to the Japanese and Korean meeting etiquette, instead of shaking hands, they bowed and greeted each other.

After everyone has finished their courtesies, it is natural to enter into the content of the main topic. Both sides will hold a closed door meeting involving practical interests.

Justice Kishimoto’s side of the crowd sat on one side of the long conference table, while the South Korean Prime Minister and others were seated on the other side of the long conference table. Officials from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs were the ones who had a presence at the meeting.

“I hope that the Hard Gold Group will stop shorting the Korean stock market on this.” The South Korean Prime Minister’s opening remarks were straight to the point.

Although Masayoshi Kishimoto did not speak Korean, his chief of staff, Mirai Yamada, was fluent in Korean. He spoke Japanese while she, sitting to his right, performed a simultaneous translation.

“The shorting of the Korean stock market by our Hard Gold Group is completely in line with the rules of the international financial game, and there are no illegal moves.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

The South Korean Prime Minister naturally came prepared. He and can not be clear light words naturally can not impress the other party. As long as the Hard Gold Group stops, then the pressure on the Korean financial system will be reduced a lot.

He appeared here and hard gold group chairman Kishimoto Masayoshi direct interview, is for this purpose. As for how to impress the other party, one was the exchange of benefits, and the other was the threat.

The latter obviously wouldn’t work, after all, it wasn’t like the others had done anything illegal. Just as a regular and legal casino opens its doors to do business, gamblers come in to gamble.

The other party has won a large amount of money from the casino, so it is hard not to, just to insist on distorting the facts and saying that others are cheating? In this way, it will lose its own international credibility. In the future, who will still come to play?

Since this latter path did not work, the only option was to take the first path. As for how the two sides would conduct an exchange between benefits, that would need to be discussed in detail.

“I also didn’t say that you guys have violated the law.” The Korean Prime Minister smiled in a pretense of ease.

It wasn’t like Justice Kishimoto didn’t know that Korea was already in deep water. All the charcoal in Korean supermarkets had been taken off the shelves by explicit order of the government. Not only that, but in places in South Korea that were prone to suicides, the patrols of personnel were also stepped up.

The reason why the South Korean government has issued such a decree is that there are too many people committing suicide by burning charcoal, which has started to become a social problem.

In fact, if people really want to die, there are many ways to do so. Just because the Government has introduced this policy measure, it will not be able to completely stop those people who have huge personal debts.

The annual income of an ordinary person in his lifetime has a ceiling and a limit. Once one owes close to or more than that limit and ceiling of one’s lifetime income, then one will personally feel what it means for the sky to fall.

Debt collectors, naturally, will continue to make all kinds of phone calls, within a day, as few as one, twenty, more is several dozen. Even if you do not answer the phone, there will be a variety of debt collection short messages.

In addition, door-to-door collection, is also one of the methods. Every day so, completely able to a psychological capacity of poor normal people to get run over.

When a person reaches this point, the most likely extreme behavior is to choose to commit suicide and get it over with. Even if the Government has come forward to reduce or waive the interest, it does not mean that the principal will not be repaid.

For the sake of self-preservation and survival, the banking sector may not necessarily implement the relevant government policies and measures in full. At the same time, the government can only turn a blind eye even if it knows that the entire banking sector is acting against its wishes.

Politicians are bound to make a gesture in order to deceive the nation’s trust, hope and votes. Another aspect of reality is that they are equally aware that if the country’s banking sector really runs out of steam, Korea’s national economy will be finished.

Furthermore, letting the banking sector add so much bad debt for no reason would not do the job, after all, it’s not like they’re doing charity and letting the one who borrowed the money not have to pay it back for nothing.

They usually do things, either directly all kinds of collection, or is to package the debt, sold at a discount to others to collect. This will inevitably involve the use of all sorts of violent means.

The debtor, even if he gets an installment repayment, will drastically reduce the current quality of life. Debt repayment can take as little as a few years or as much as a few decades.

Instead of living such a hopeless and hard life, it would be better to die. In addition, South Korea is also a suicide country, resulting in many Koreans are on the road to extinction.

It is not an isolated phenomenon in Korea, but has become a common social problem. It directly affects millions of people, and indirectly affects millions of families and tens of millions of people.

There are not but a few people in Korea who are not involved. This internal problem has not been solved, and the external problem is pressing forward. The short sellers led by Japan’s Hard Gold Group are even more drastic in their approach to South Korea.

If the situation is not urgent, South Korea’s prime minister will not personally fly to Tokyo, Japan and Kishimoto justice for an interview. The person who authorized him, since there is the meaning of the President of South Korea in it, and even the entire banking industry in South Korea.

Kishimoto justice pondered for a while, said: “you want me to eat into the mouth inside the things spit out, that is not easy. Unless I am shown something better.”

The Korean Prime Minister saw that the other party was not an ironclad man, and there was absolutely nothing to talk about. Since the other party had already made a handicap that could be talked about, it was a good start.

“What else do you want?” The South Korean Prime Minister said bluntly.

“It’s not what I want, it’s whether or not you’re willing to give me such an opportunity to help Korea through the crisis.” Justice Kishimoto smiled a little and said.

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