Chapter 737: Underground Idol

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:59:35
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When it was time to leave work, Masayoshi Kishimoto still walked out of his president’s office on time and on point. Inside the Hard Gold Group headquarters, no matter where he went, there would always be someone who would voluntarily flash to the side, followed by a forty-five-degree bow and salute towards him.

Over time, he gradually became accustomed to it. Even when he walked out of the Hard Gold Group’s headquarters building, he would still be respected by others.

This all stemmed from his own superb economic strength and extraordinary personal abilities. The manifestation was nothing but reflected in the car he drove and the room he lived in ……

Masayoshi Kishimoto sat on the driver’s seat of his red Ferrari, but did not start the engine. He put his hands on the steering wheel of the car, suddenly there was a kind of idea that he didn’t know where to go well inside his head to be able to produce out?

He had always disliked a patterned lifestyle. He was most partial to trying new things. In his previous life, as an ordinary person, he naturally aspired to become a big shot, yearning for that kind of drunken beauty’s knee, waking up to hold the power of the world.

In this life, he had already fully realized the qualitative leap from a small person to a big person. Money, power, beauty …… he is not bad.

As time passes, he wants to return to the life of a small man in his previous life. Kishimoto justice thought of here, can not help but be moved up.

The heart is better than action, he decided to have a small change tonight. He got out of the car and prepared to take the subway to Akihabara in Chiyoda-ku.

Otaku culture was popular amongst some of today’s young people, and Akihabara was a mecca for otaku. Masayoshi Kishimoto had been to the place many times before.

This time, of course, he was going to do something different, that is, he was going to meet the underground idols of Japanese otaku culture.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that in 2002, although the underground idol had long been in Japan for many years, but the influence on the whole of China, East Asia, Southeast Asia, and even Asia, as well as the world had not yet become a climate.

Really let more and more people understand, know, like this kind of Japanese idol culture, the main credit must be attributed to AKB48 in the hands of Akimoto Yasushi’s creation.

This kind of real idol development is just like an innovation in management. Therefore, it was a certain inevitability that he was able to achieve great success in the end.

However, this was three years later, in 2005, when AKB48 started out as an underground idol in Akihabara.

It was only after they caught fire that they had an official debut. They were never meant to be an orthodox Japanese idol camp or build.

They were criticized for being a “bottomless army”, and some of their songs were pornographic, forbidden love, etc. The problem is that these were all criticized at the time.

The problem is that all of these things were forced upon us by the reality of the time. The first thing was to get the audience in.

Who are the people who pay a little money to go into a small, unknown theater to see a so-called idol concert?

These people were often driven with the psychology of curiosity. Plus, their existence is already defined by Japanese society as a non-mainstream existence, ostracized by mainstream society.

Whether it’s someone who works in a related job or an audience member who goes to a show, it’s viewed as a disgusting behavior by the mainstream population.

This is something that is not easily seen in Tokyo, a cosmopolitan city with a wide range of cultures.

It’s not at all twenty years later, redefining non-mainstream as a niche cultural category. It’s as if the rise of Netflix at this point in time was more or less the same.

It was filled with all kinds of pornography, which allowed a group of writers to start or make a fortune from it. It’s almost the same as AKB48’s history.

Twenty years later, the net article constantly upgraded, the market from overgrown to the beginning of the orderly development, the market cultivated the taste of more and more difficult readers.

They have long since been unsatisfied with the pretentious face-slapping, wildly cool and dazzling hanging in the sky. People who still like those are called white people.

From the small white metamorphosis called the old white readers have begun to move towards the rationality of the plot, the story of the interesting. For this reason, some of the great gods who couldn’t keep up with the development of the netizen era and the needs of the readers began to fall out of favor.

The people who are willing to pay money for this initiative are estimated to be the majority of the old white people, while the young white people, more still remain in the stage of white whoring above.

As a matter of fact, some of the gods do not have a high education, are not strong, and their writing skills are not very good, but they just caught up with the golden age of the development of online literature.

A little bit of good luck, also stand out. Net article among the new batch of gods, just like the beginning of the key universities with undergraduate degrees, writing skills are also not lack of some traditional writers of the vest, the strength is more and more powerful.

The reason why more and more high-caliber people will be attracted into this line, one is the economic reasons. Once you become a god, you can earn a lot of money, buy a car, buy a house, live a good material life, and feed a large family is not any problem at all.

The second reason is fame. The works of the great god writers can not only be adapted into games, cartoons, but also can be adapted into movies and TV dramas. This audience a wide range, publicity is more, naturally will make the honors in reality have popularity and fame.

The third is the recognition of the mainstream society. Net writing is no longer synonymous with pornography and violence, and the same can be written by people with good stories.

Although it is still criticized that the writing is not good, but it is inextricably linked to reality, and there is no way around it. Traditional writers generally write a work takes 2, 3 years, word count of 200,000 to 300,000 can be a book.

Full-time net article writers can generally reach 200,000 to 300,000 words a month abound. In the golden age of the net article, full-time net article writer’s update amount is even greater, more than 300,000 words per month.

If 4000 words a day to update the net article writers, are disliked by readers as turtle speed (such as the author myself I). This is still secondary, readers also demand that the author’s daily update should have a plot, this, that …… or else, it is water.

Unless there is a large amount of stock, team operation of a vest or numerous ghostwriters, it is simply not something that one person can do. Part-time writers, in particular, usually have to work (again, like the author himself me).

This also forces writers do not dare to break, resulting in some writers do not dare to break the cold and take time off, minor injuries do not fire line. Mental stress, coupled with poor health reasons, there is no guarantee that some tragedies will not occur.

Kishimoto justice of course understand, any one of the scenery unlimited people, will experience a period of bitter hardship. AKB48, which was once a huge success, was no exception.

At one point, it too fell into operational difficulties and was pushed to the point where it was on the verge of disbanding. So, it’s always been said that some of AKB48’s sold out, but it’s not quite true.

In particular, the members of AKB48’s first three installments, also known by its fans as its most golden era, didn’t leave, and those who stayed were bound to have gone through numerous difficulties that regular people wouldn’t have gone through.

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