Chapter 739: The Little Theater

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:59:40
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto had finished his dinner, paid for it, and followed the three people at the neighboring table to the entrance of an underground idol show.

The reason why he chose them was that during dinner, he heard them talking about going to see their favorite idol’s performance tonight.

Since it fit with his purpose, he went right along with it. Masayoshi Kishimoto paid 2000 yen for a ticket to get inside.

Although the show hadn’t officially started yet, some people had already begun to gather. They were gathered in twos and threes chatting about common topics.

This small theater was located on the first floor, the venue wasn’t that big, the stage was simple, and the entire decoration, lighting, and whatnot, were all very average, and couldn’t be compared to an orthodox idol’s concert.

Ventilation effect to Kishimoto Masayoshi’s feeling is not too good, a little chest feeling, the air is also filled with air freshener’s sweet smell and scent.

Masayoshi Kishimoto stood on top of the last inconspicuous spot, and saw not only people in standard otaku attire and the like, but also office workers in suits.

They also had a wide age range, the younger ones, probably in their late teens and early twenties, while the older ones, in their fifties and sixties.

An unfamiliar man in a suit-like appearance was the one who suddenly took the initiative to stand next to Masayoshi Kishimoto and said bluntly, “By the looks of it, this is the first time you’ve been here like this, isn’t it!”

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not make a single denial saying, “Yes.”

“If they can add new fans, then we are most happy. Every person they add also means that they have increased their popularity a bit more. A newcomer like you who can tell at a glance that it’s your first time here.

These hands are neither holding supportive glow sticks on top of them, nor are they wearing supportive clothes, and the top of your neck is for not wearing a supportive scarf.” The strange man looked at him sideways and said without haste.

Masayoshi Kishimoto looked at him sideways as well, and said with a slight smile, “You must be an office worker! Come here to de-stress and vent?”

“It’s partly because of a look like what you said. It’s mostly because I personally like it. They work hard, but they just lack the luck of the hour and natural talent.

Although not everyone can stand on stage and perform like a proper idol, I believe that many people have the dream of becoming an idol.

This place provides an opportunity and a stage for those who have a dream in their heart. Even if they are not accepted by the mainstream society, they are still passionate about it.

Having a heart that dares to follow your dreams, as well as that passion is the most important thing. Don’t you think so?” The strange man spoke eloquently.

“Not bad. I just wonder what their income composition is like?” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

“After their performance, you can not only buy their related peripherals, but you can also get a picture with one of them.

For the latter, you need to buy a special voucher, which is 1,000 yen each. In addition to getting a picture with your favorite aegyo, you’ll also be able to chat a bit.

Actually! They really don’t make much money, mainly just a commission on the sale of the photo rolls. That’s not bad at all. Some firms don’t even give such a commission.

As far as I know, their income is about 30,000 yen a month, and the best ones are only 50,000 yen a month.” The strange man described.

“It’s hard to survive in Tokyo on that kind of money! How do they survive? Besides, if the firm doesn’t even give them a commission, who else will do it?” Masayoshi Kishimoto unconsciously chatted with the other man.

“Your question is a good one. Some firms still provide accommodation, but it’s the kind where a group of people sleep in one room. For those that don’t, they have to find their own place to live.

In order to survive in Tokyo, they have other part-time jobs besides performing here. Otherwise, as you said, it’s hard to survive.

On this stage, they are Aizou. After they get off this stage, they are exactly the same as us ordinary people, all have to run around for life, there is no difference.

The belief that sustains them on this path is to realize their dreams, to stand on this stage and be noticed.

Even if there is only one fan, it will make them energized and full of energy. Therefore, even if the firm does not give money, it will not stop many people from pursuing their dreams with such a fire-like passion.

Of course, it’s also because there’s a constant stream of people wanting to enter this line of work that is what gave birth to the firm daring to do so.” The strange man said seriously.

Justice Kishimoto understood. Judging from some of these detailed introductions from the other party, he was definitely a frequent visitor to this place, and a true fan of a certain aegyo.

One didn’t need to ask him why no one had gone to sue the firm. This really didn’t have any one thing to do with the triads or anything. The reasoning was simple.

The firm took advantage of the convenience of the law and signed a management contract with its own artists instead of a general labor contract. The management contract is not responsible for the minimum hourly wage, minimum income, pension insurance and so on.

This means that those who sign such contracts only get a commission, or even no commission at all. The number of people in various underground idol groups is huge.

Those who are able to make ends meet by performing are considered to be the best of the best. The vast majority of them rely on family support or part-time jobs to make ends meet.

There are very few of them who are truly starry-eyed. Plus, Japan’s cultural values from ancient times to the present day, every single one of them has to contribute and mean something to society, the country …….

Otherwise, it loses the value of survival. Japanese people traditionally worship the strong, for the weak, always disdain for the reason is derived from this.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was the one who felt it the most. As the chairman of the hard gold group, really have that kind of high above, the king’s feeling, after all, every person will bow to their own respect.

Japanese people will not have Chinese people that kind of is we feed the capitalist argument, but only the capitalist feed their argument.

The root is still in the Japanese culture, tracing the roots to the Meiji Restoration, the big landowners have become big capitalists, which is a foundation of the present.

Who were the big landowners? It wasn’t mainly the daimyo of the past. The Meiji Restoration took away some of the political privileges of the daimyo and gave them some economic privileges in exchange.

The purpose of the Meiji Restoration was to bring the centrist daimyo clans to their side. Otherwise, during the Meiji Restoration, why did some daimyo clans support it and some oppose it?

As with Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, the content did not identify all black slaves within the United States as free men. Those states that were willing to follow his lead, black slaves were still black slaves.

Even if the Negroes were emancipated, so what? Many black slaves had no place to go and had to find a place to work, and often in the end, they continued to work for the slave owners of the past who did not oppose Lincoln, who were not dispossessed and lost their estates.

Which still exists in the United States to this day. The only difference lies in the fact that they are no longer some kind of black slaves and have become so-called free men. Slave owners became farm owners.

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