Chapter 741: Taking Pictures Together

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:59:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the show was completely over, Masayoshi Kishimoto also spent 1,000 yen to get a special coupon to line up for a picture with Shoko Nakagawa.

When it came to him, the two stood horizontally. Masayoshi Kishimoto’s left hand gestured half a heart, while Shoko Nakagawa’s right hand gestured the other half.

This together made a full heart gesture. The theater staff standing across from them naturally took a picture of them together.

The other party then handed the photo over to Nakagawa Shoko. She performs an autograph on the edge of the photo of herself and the fan.

As Nakagawa Shoko handed the photo over to Kishimoto Masayoshi with both hands, she suddenly remembered something inside her head.

She remembered that it was the day before yesterday, or was it yesterday, that she overheard a big figure in the TV news report screen that looked too much like the one in front of her.

“Shoko, Shoko.” The staff member next to her saw her looking at the other person in a daze, so she kindly carried out the one reminder that should be there and said.

After Nakagawa Shoko reacted, it was only then that she let go of the group photo and handed it over to Kishimoto Masayoshi. She was still trying to remember who that person was.

Masayoshi Kishimoto got the photo, just glanced at it, and put it into his right pants pocket. He turned around and headed for the exit.

He had absolutely no desire to stay and go to an izakaya with the others to gulp down beer while talking about all the things that were going on in this circle. He didn’t belong in this circle in the first place.

The reason why he was here was just with some whims. Of course, he did not mean to look down on them, after all, everyone was free to choose their favorite hobbies and things.

It’s just that the cruelty of reality lies in the fact that the upper class elites dominate the direction. What is good and what is bad …… is just like it is up to them.

Justice Kishimoto walked out of the small theater and went from the negative floor to the ground. He hadn t gotten out far before Nakagawa Shoko came up from behind him.

Standing across from him, she hurriedly made a ninety-degree bow and said, “I never expected to be able to make you condescend to come.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

Nakagawa Shoko erected her waist and raised her head to look at him, “You must be the chairman of the Hard Gold Group, Kishimoto Masayoshi! I’ve seen you inside the TV news.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto pretended to be a fool and smiled, “You’ve definitely mistaken me for someone else. If I’m really as powerful as you say, how could I possibly appear in a place like this?”

Nakagawa Shoko thought about it a little, and did not fail to feel that he had a point. What kind of a big shot was the chairman of the Hard Gold Group, that was a leading man who could sway the economy and hold a meeting with the Prime Minister of South Korea, not some small fry.

Nakagawa Shoko was staring at his face carefully. She felt that although there were people in the world who looked like him, the probability was extremely small, and even fewer were as similar as him.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was not flustered at all, and instead brought his face closer in her direction, saying, “This way, you can see it more clearly!

If I were really the chairman of the Hard Gold Group as you said, naturally I would have purchased all of your special vouchers for tonight in one go. To tell you the truth, I’m just an ordinary office worker.”

Nakagawa Shoko immediately showed some disappointment. As far as she knew, Hard Gold Media, a subsidiary of the Hard Gold Group, was not only a large company, but also a dream factory that manufactured star artists.

“I’m sorry, maybe I really did recognize the wrong person.” Nakagawa Shoko with an apologetic tone was flashing to the side to make way.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t say anything more and retraced his steps towards the front. His pace was completely unruffled, appearing particularly calm and collected.

Not even five meters away from him, Nakagawa Shoko shouted out loud with all her courage, “Kishimoto Masayoshi.”

When Masayoshi Kishimoto heard someone behind him shouting his name, his instinctive first reaction would be to subconsciously turn around and look back.

When he turned around, he saw that the person shouting his name was Nakagawa Shoko, and realized that he had revealed himself. For that reason, he could see that this one little girl in front of him was quite smart.

Nakagawa Shoko made another ninety-degree bow towards her and said, “I’m sorry, Chairman Kishimoto. I shouldn’t have called you by your name like I did just now.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto realized that there would be no point in continuing to pretend any longer. Although he didn’t like people with an overly strong heart, he liked to give it to people who were able to spot an opportunity and proactively go for it.

“Do you have anything else?” Masayoshi Kishimoto straightened up.

Nakagawa Shoko stood up straight and walked towards him proactively, saying in a serious manner, “I really, really like being an idol.”

“I see.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a slight smile.

“I hope you can give me a chance.” Nakagawa Shoko raised her right index finger, followed by a hands together in front of her face for a sincere request, saying.

“Even if Hard Gold Media has the artist company Hori Production Co. under its umbrella, I really don’t understand the specifics of this business.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t lie to her, it was all the truth.

His own initial investment in Hori Production Co. was because of Kyoko Fukada. Later, the reason why he had increased his investment and even annexed it and incorporated it under Hard Gold Media was because he had once taken the initiative to put forward the idea of touting Ayase Yao, but it had not been passed.

Being a man who disliked being rejected by others the most, he increased his holdings in Hori Productions Corporation, after all, the size of a person’s voice in a company was determined by the size of his or her shares.

“You mean to say that I have absolutely no chance.” Nakagawa Shoko once again revealed a disappointed expression on her round face and said.

“You have to understand that opportunities are to be actively fought for by oneself, not given by others. If you think that I will just give you a chance like that, then you are very wrong.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Sorry for the delay.” Nakagawa Shoko was disappointed to the extreme in her heart. She understood for herself that the future of underground idols was extremely slim.

Some of these so-called idols of theirs, those were people who had not been seen by the big companies of artists. Before this, it wasn’t as if she hadn’t tried out for the artist recruitment of the big artist companies.

This final result, all of them were failures. Even if there was quite a bit of frustration in one’s heart, it had never dampened one’s initial desire to become an idol.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took out the business card box that he carried with him, and pulled out a business card from it that he handed to her, “Take this and go see Hard Gold Media’s president, Shingo Oda. As to whether or not you’ll be favored by him in the end, it’s all up to you.”

Nakagawa Shoko was so excited that it was hard to contain herself, and with trembling hands, she took his business card over, and made another ninety-degree bow and said, “Thank you, I’ll do my best.”

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