Chapter 742 Life

Release Date: 2024-07-21 10:59:49
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto felt breathless, much more comfortable than before when he stayed in the enclosed space of the small theater on the negative floor. He moved his feet and walked somewhat aimlessly.

Suddenly feeling hungry, he began to look left and right. He saw a traditional Japanese style izakaya and walked straight in.

Masayoshi Kishimoto found an empty seat and sat down, then looked up at the signs inside the store that had the names and prices of the dishes written on them and hung up. In addition to ordering a few of the restaurant’s signature dishes, he also ordered a large glass of beer.

Masayoshi Kishimoto really acted like an ordinary office worker, picking up the beer and taking a large sip before placing the glass of beer is on the tabletop.

He slightly looked at the customers in the store, all of them were about the same age as himself. Looking at them, they should have just finished working overtime. In the middle of a working day, this should be the most enjoyable time for them.

According to the night life habits of ordinary Japanese salaryman men, either they drink to a certain extent and go home directly, or they go to the customary store to buy sex when they are almost drunk.

This is not quite the same as the average Chinese salaryman. Unless it is a friend or colleague party, they like to drink a good deal of drunkenness, then think of going to massage. Whether it’s the soles of their feet or their whole body, it’s fine.

Some other men like to go to the bathhouse to have a bath, and then have a massage. Finally, before going home to go, and then a snack, or even another round of drinking, absolutely beautiful.

The average Korean salaryman is divided into three main factions. The first faction of Korean ordinary salaried men also like to drink to have a seven or eight points to go to the massage parlor to do massage, soothing and revitalizing pain.

The second faction of ordinary Korean salaried men like to take advantage of the drunkenness to go to the red light district to buy spring, after all, yellow gambling in South Korea is also a legal existence.

The third faction of ordinary Korean salaried men either go to drink at roadside stalls or inside small hotels. Then, go home again to sleep.

Japanese and Korean men like to go and have some drinks after work, one is the need to socialize, the other is to relax the spirit, de-stress, and conveniently go to sleep as soon as they lie down.

Even if they don’t drink outside, they will still have a beer at home after a shower. This has become a way of life for them.

For the average Chinese salaried man, dining out is still a rather extravagant thing, commonly called going to a restaurant.

With their financial strength, they are naturally not able to support individuals eating and drinking out every day. Even a small restaurant is much more expensive than eating at home.

Not to mention that in 2002 in mainland China, the general cost of living for college students was only three to five hundred yuan. The average monthly salary in Shanghai was only 1,623 yuan.

A couple in love, go to eat a KFC, that is equivalent to eating a big meal, very good. This is not at all a decade or so later in mainland China, KFC has been a lot of ordinary people a meal thing.

Kishimoto justice in the izakaya can hear all kinds of whining complaints of the office workers, venting, either cursing the boss is an asshole, or cursing the boss is a son of a bitch.

Or else, they were cursing this and that. This has become one of their daily nightlife tirades. Of course, it’s all in the absence of the supervisor or the boss.

If they were there, they would all be groveling again. Japan is a high-pressure society, but it also gives everyone an outlet to vent their frustrations.

If you want to see the true colors of the Japanese people, what you see in the daytime, the polite and courteous people who either say “excuse me” or bow or whatever, are generally fake. With the service nature of the work of the Japanese, but also a smile on their faces.

This set of Japanese etiquette has become the Japanese formatted a social norm and work content form. Only at night, after the Japanese have had a few more drinks, remove the disguise, will reveal their true colors.

Kishimoto justice smiled to himself, I think he must be in the back of the subordinates have not been less all kinds of scolding. It’s not easy to be a boss.

Kishimoto Masayoshi ate and drank his fill, paid the money, and then walked out of the izakaya alone. He saw that there was a Japanese-style Internet cafe not far ahead, so he headed that way.

In Tokyo, Japan, there are also Chinese-style Internet cafes, is the layout of rows and rows of computers, there is no block, unlike the Japanese-style Internet cafes are separate compartments, both can accommodate one person, there can also accommodate two people.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked into this Japanese-style Internet caf茅, directly to come to an all-night. He immediately had a feeling that he had returned to his former life as a student.

Japanese-style Internet cafe billing, the daytime is different, the night is different, not only can pack all day, but also can be monthly.

This package all-day price is cheaper than an hour by hour calculation, and the monthly package is even cheaper. Inside the Japanese style internet cafe rooms, there are not only computers, but also TVs, and even Sony PS, Sega, and Nintendo.

In addition, there are comics, some drinks are free, there are washing machines, shower rooms, even bath water, hair dryer and so on are prepared.

During the period of high economic growth in Japan, this was a temporary place for salarymen who missed the last train or had too much to drink.

Nowadays, it has become a haven for those who are struggling financially. They were also known as cybercafe refugees. Masayoshi Kishimoto was about to properly experience it again tonight.

It wasn’t the first time he had come to such a place. As he remembered, the last time he came here was years ago when he was in a relationship with Natsui Makoto, and the two of them had come here once before.

He had come here to teach her how to download songs from the internet into MP3s. A few years had passed since then, and the two of them even had children.

Kishimoto justice alone in such a relatively closed small space inside, but does not feel depressed, just cut the sound insulation effect is not good.

Sleeping here, genuinely rest will not be good. When he got up the next day, his body would experience some physical weakness, if not some soreness. People who live in such a place for a long time will easily fall into a vicious circle.

If you don’t rest well, your working condition will be poor, your income won’t go up, you won’t be able to save money, you won’t be able to move out of the place, and you will be overwhelmed by the thought of living one day at a time, as the weeks go on and on and on and on and on and on, even month after month, year after year.

This is the same as another Japanese specialty, capsule apartments. The soundproofing of the capsule apartments is equally poor. It has to be said what’s so good about it. The best feature is that it’s a lot cheaper than staying in a regular hostel. Whether it was in a Japanese-style internet caf茅 or a Japanese-style capsule apartment, it was not suitable for people to stay for a long period of time.

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