Chapter 751 The Ministry of Supervision

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:00:15
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Personnel Minister Takayuki Nanno walked into the Chairman’s office. He sat down with a joyful look on his face and couldn’t wait to report, “We’ve grown and developed again.

Nowadays, the total number of our Hard Gold Group’s regular and unofficial employees around the world combined is surpassing the fifty thousand mark.”

Justice Kishimoto calmly and without waves looked over at him and said, “I see.”

“Why do you look unhappy?” Nanno Takayuki knew how to read people’s words and said.

“Have you heard the saying? Some people die when they’re thirty years old, only to wait until they’re eighty years old before they’re buried inside the earth.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“You don’t scare me like that. All of us up and down the Hard Gold Group still need your leadership.” Takayuki Nanno said knowing that he would be a man of thirty this year.

“While our Hard Gold Group is growing, internal problems have also increased. Corruption is not only only found only in government departments, but also inside large corporations.

I’m determined to spend a year to properly organize and clean up internally. Therefore, I’m going to create a new department, the Inspection Department.

Not only in the headquarters of the Hard Gold Group, but also in the six subsidiaries, as well as in the major subsidiaries, there must be a branch of the Supervision Department. You will have to be extra diligent in finding a suitable candidate for the position of Minister.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

Nanno Takayuki had long since heard about some of the corruption within the Hard Gold Group of Companies. There was no lack of misrepresentation of financial expenses, using public funds to eat, drink and buy all sorts of things, using public funds to go in and out of all sorts of high-class entertainment venues, receiving all sorts of valuable gifts, and so on.

He was also clear that such things did not only exist within this company, even within other large multinational companies, they still existed.

“In theory, I shouldn’t raise any objections. I just have some concerns, once the Supervision Department is established, although it can deter and combat corruption within the company to a certain extent, it will also discourage some people from working to a certain extent.

This is the norm for the Hard Gold Group during the period of rapid growth. What I mean is, let’s put it off for a while, there’s no rush.

We should still focus our main energy and attention on the company’s succeeding development and making it bigger and stronger.” Nanno Takayuki put forward some of his personal thoughts and worries, saying.

“No matter how fast, big, or good the construction is, as long as there are internal worms that arise and grow, then there will be a potential threat to it.

Inside a short period of time, it’s no big deal. As time goes by, not only will there be more and more moths, but their appetite will also grow bigger and bigger.

I don’t want the Hard Gold Group to end up with a shiny shell on the outside, while the inside is already full of holes.

If it encounters any sudden and unpredictable black swan event, it will collapse. There is a Chinese saying that a dike of a thousand miles collapses in an ant hole.

Slower development is slower. What I want is to have a long-lasting foundation and build a company that has been around for a hundred years, or even a thousand years.” Justice Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“If your mind is made up, I have nothing more to say. Above the candidate for the Minister of Supervision, I will sea the candidates out for you as soon as possible.” Nanno Takayuki felt the firmness of his attitude and said.

“The candidate is not to be placed within our Hard Gold Group, but to come from the outside.” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s purpose of having an “airborne force” was to make it easier for him to dare to strike and to offend.

The position of Inspector General was one of the most unpopular, yet it was one of the indispensable components to stabilize the interior. In the past, either the company was small and could not be used, or he was busy with other things and did not have the time to do this one thing.

This year, he was determined to free up his hands to properly reorganize the internal affairs of the Hard Gold Group. If he didn’t make such a determination, it would be more difficult in the future. There were already many factions within the Hard Gold Group.

If there was only a division between the first and the second line, it would be fine. In his opinion, this is also a completely inevitable thing in the development process of the company, after all, it is necessary to annex other companies.

After all, it is necessary to annex other companies, which means that the people of other companies will be reintegrated into the big family of Hard Gold Group. However, their original corporate culture and personal outlook is already formed, naturally will be in the original company based on the above for a self-union.

The personnel of the direct line of the Hard Gold Group will more or less appear a victor’s mentality to enter the annexed companies to serve as managers.

Even a new management trainee in the Hard Gold Group will feel that his or her “regular army” is at least one step ahead of the “miscellaneous army”.

In addition, it is inevitable that the full-fledged employees are more likely to be promoted and reused than those who are not. A typical example is Watanabe Saki.

She originally entered the Hard Gold Group through the back door and became a management trainee. Subsequently, she was sent down to work for Hard Gold Denshi.

It took her less than a year to be promoted to the director level of a major Japanese company, where it is common for employees to work for 5 to 10 years.

Plus, she was Rie Sakai’s neighbor, classmate, and best friend since she was a child, so it took her about a year to be promoted to the position of a department head in the HR department of Hard Gold.

At the same time, the other management interns who entered the Hard Gold Group at the same time as her and were sent down to Hard Gold Denshi were also promoted to the position of director.

On top of that, there was the Tohda faction led by each of Hard Gold Capital President Kiyoshi Kobayashi and Hard Gold Bank Chief Executive Officer Kamiji Iida.

There was the Hayashida faction headed by Ryui Miyazaki, president of Hard Gold Electric, the Kyodai faction headed by Shingo Oda, president of Hard Gold Media, the non-academic faction headed by Katsuhei Yamaguchi, president of Hard Gold Construction, and the Keidai faction headed by Taro Kawashima, president of Hard Gold Network.

Not only are the six subsidiaries like this, but there are also a variety of groupings within the Head Office of the Hard Gold Group according to different universities and degrees.

The non-first family, and not graduated from various famous universities of the official staff, self-deprecating they are the hard gold group of fish. Even so, they also spontaneously embrace the group.

As for the purpose, on the one hand, as a formal member of the Hard Gold Group, they look down on the unofficial members, on the other hand, they know in their hearts that they are looked down on by some other people, and their personal future in the company is too slim, and there is almost no room for upward mobility.

They were neither like Yamaguchi Katsuhei, who was a junior high school graduate, nor like Ota Ashitaka, who was a high school graduate.

Even if they wanted to take the initiative to lean toward the non-education school, they would feel as if they were lowering their education and making a mess of things.

Moreover, the non-academic faction was made up of regular members who had never studied at a university. They always say, “So what if I have not studied in university? Ability is most important, not education.

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