Chapter 752: The Leader

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:00:18
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Not long after Takayuki Nanno left the chairman’s office, Kazuya Takahashi walked in cheerfully. Before this one even made it to the edge of his chair, he stretched out the five fingers of his right palm and said, “We’re over fifty thousand people in the Hard Gold Group.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto could completely understand his delight. Among traditional business concepts, a large multinational company not only had to be large in terms of assets, but also in terms of people.

Takahashi Kazuya walked over to a chair and just sat down, five fingers of his left palm also stretched out and said, “In a few more years, I hope that we, the Hard Gold Group, will be able to exceed one hundred thousand people.”

“I’ll tell you the big truth. In the past, there was an energy in my heart that was a drive to strive for the top. Every day, I looked forward to the beginning.

Nowadays, that energy in my heart has given out. Every day, I always look forward to the end.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without a smile on his face.

Takahashi Kazuya was instantly a little dumbfounded, “This joke of yours really isn’t funny at all. As the saying goes, a snake will not leave without a head.

If we, the Hard Gold Group, were to be without a leader like you, then we would completely lose our direction. If you, as our leader, are really like what you say, our company will really be in a critical situation in the near future.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto threw his body’s center of gravity backward, leaning his back against the back of the chair, “In the past, I was like a mountain climber.

Much earlier, I would pass by the foot of the mountain every day without haste, occasionally looking up to see the mountains I was passing through.

One day, while standing at the bottom of the mountain, I had a sudden idea to climb up and see what was on top of the mountain. So, without thinking much, I went for it.

What I saw when I climbed to the top of the mountain was not necessarily what I really wanted. To be precise, the top of the mountain is bare.

Or rather, what one originally thought was the top of the mountain was not the top of the mountain at all. There’s still a mountain peak there that towers over the clouds, and one can’t even see the end of it.”

“I see. This would be you belonging to the loneliness of not having a single true opponent! Looking not only at the whole of Japan, but also at the whole world, you really can’t find anyone of your age who can be compared to you.

You’ve been hailed as a once-in-a-millennium investment wizard by the Japanese financial community, and you really deserve it. I only know that loneliness breeds excellence.

As for the loneliness of an expert, I don’t understand. I don’t want to understand it either, so you’d better savor it alone!” Kazuya Takahashi blurted out.

“If I really were to leave my home one day to practice Buddhism. The Hard Gold Group will be handed over to you to manage properly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Speaking as if you really want to leave your home to practice Buddhism. Even if you are able to let go of the Hard Gold Group that you founded, it would be difficult for you to let go of your young son at home, right?” Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

“You understand me quite well!” Masayoshi Kishimoto smiled slightly at him and said.

“Don’t understand. If I really understand you, then I’m in danger. The upper will is unpredictable, not something I can speculate on at will.” Takahashi Kazuya similarly laughed a little and said.

“Since you’re here, then there’s something I need to talk to you about. Doesn’t Hard Gold Ecommerce have five logistics companies under its umbrella?

The idea at the very beginning was to have each of them take care of their own respective areas within the region. Now it seems that it’s a bit out of place, and there’s some overlapping competition between them.

I intend to merge and reorganize them into one logistics company. I have the name of the new company all figured out, it will be called Nihon Takkyubi.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

“If you say so.” Takahashi Kazuya said without any objections.

“I’ll leave this one to you to assist Miyazaki Ryui in accomplishing! In the process of merging and reorganizing, there are bound to be relevant laws involved.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Are you unable to see me being idle? Not long ago, I worked overtime and stayed up almost every day to finish the relevant legal texts between us and the Korean government.

Now, you’re asking me to get the one you mentioned. I don’t ask you to give me half a month’s vacation, but at least let me adjust a little for a week!” Takahashi Kazuya laughed bitterly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto spread his hands and said, “Did I say that I won’t let you and your legal department staff adjust a little? Well, no! I’m just giving you a blow-by-blow in advance.

The specifics of how to integrate and reorganize the five logistics companies into a single logistics company will need to be discussed and studied by you and Miyazaki Ryui.

My goal remains the number one principle. Either we don’t do it, and once we do, then we need to be at least the top two in this field within Japan.”

“According to your concept, for the time being, it is necessary to increase the investment in logistics.” Kazuya Takahashi said.

“What you said is not the key problem. The new company’s president position, in the end, who will be appointed, that is a problem.

Should it be selected from among the presidents and executives of the original five logistics companies, or should it be brought in from the outside.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said thoughtfully.

“Synthesizing the original five logistics companies into a single logistics company, followed by increased investment, not only has the scale become larger, but the president has more power in his hands as well.

This one position is quite important, after all, the foundation that online shopping relies on is logistics. In fact, I think we can make it a brand-new subsidiary of our Hard Gold Group, the seventh largest subsidiary, after all, it will grow to become the largest logistics company in Japan.

My suggestion would be to select a completely trustworthy person from within the group’s headquarters to take on the position of president of the new company.” Kazuya Takahashi said in a serious manner.

“Do you have a good candidate?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked casually.

“Oda Feitsugu.” Kazuya Takahashi said without hesitation.

“In terms of seniority, she’s definitely enough, no one can say a single thing about her. In terms of loyalty, I definitely won’t doubt Ota Fidori.

In terms of work ability and sense of responsibility, she’s definitely first-rate. As for whether she knows anything about logistics, let’s put that aside.

The point is that as long as you can convince her, then I will directly appoint her to the position of President of Nihon Takkyubin.

And also agree to that one solution you mentioned to make it independent as the seventh largest subsidiary under the Hard Gold Group.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t make a joke and said.

“I give up. I can’t convince her at all.” Takahashi Kazuya of course knew that Oda Asuka was all about administrative work.

She wasn’t interested in any work beyond that. Trying to convince her to switch positions herself would be even more difficult than reaching the sky.

“Then you still recommended her?” Justice Kishimoto asked rhetorically.

“You had to ask me to recommend someone, so I had to push for her.” Kazuya Takahashi explained.

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