Chapter 757: Fear of the Interior

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:00:33
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Kishimoto Masayoshi looked at Nakayama Toshikazu’s behavior and did not think that the other party was a wimp at all. If the other party was really a wimp, how would he dare to send three corrupt executives to prison before and after?

This kind of courage is not ordinary people can have, and the pressure is not ordinary people can withstand. It looks like Nakayama Junhe is just afraid of the inside.

Fear of the interior is commonly called fear of the wife. In fact, it is also a manifestation of love for the wife. Men and women really want to fight, ask how many women in the world can beat the men?

For this reason, he naturally recalled the Chinese history of the same quite a fear of the Tang Dynasty minister, Wei Zheng. This is a man who is not afraid of the emperor, but afraid of his wife.

“Nowadays, it’s quite difficult for young Japanese people to find a job. It’s even more difficult for a middle-aged man like you, who is over forty, to find a job. Now that someone else has taken the initiative to find you a job, what is there for you to be dissatisfied with?

Even though 5 million yen per year is a lot less than what you used to earn, it’s not bad, after all, it’s above the average annual income in Tokyo.” Mrs. Nakayama deadpanned that her husband was having a go.

“Let me correct myself, I’m not earning 5 million yen a year, but 50 million yen a year.” Masayoshi Kishimoto corrected as he pushed his left palm out a distance in her direction.

“How much was it?” Mrs. Nakayama said mistakenly thinking that she had misheard.

“50 million yen a year.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

Mrs. Nakayama looked at this young man whom she had met for the first time with an incredulous expression. Inside her head, she couldn’t help but think, could the other person be a liar?

Kishimoto Masayoshi read everything from the expression on her face, so he once again took out his business card box and pulled out another business card from it and handed it out.

Mrs. Nakayama took it over to have a look, couldn’t help but raise her voice decibel is yelling up at the same time, also some incoherent said: “Hard gold group, six honk wood.

Isn’t that the one headquartered in Hong Kong District Roppongi multinational big hand enterprise? Not long ago the news also reported a number of cooperation between the Hard Gold Group and the South Korean government.”

“That’s right. If your husband is able to join the Hard Gold Group, then it won’t take long for you to buy an apartment in Roppongi, Minato Ward, and then you’ll be able to move to Roppongi, Minato Ward, from here to carry out a residence.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Are you really the chairman of the Hard Gold Group?” Mrs. Nakayama still couldn’t believe that this could be true said.

“As true as it gets. Tomorrow, your husband will be able to report directly to one of the Hard Gold Group’s headquarters in Roppongi, Minato-ku.

I’m offering him a position as a supervisor, one of the top executives of our group. An annual income of 50 million yen is only a conservative estimate.

If he does a good job, it will definitely be much more than the figure I’ve mentioned so far. It’s not as if there aren’t other executives within our Hard Gold Group who are able to earn more than 100 million yen a year.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“Go, definitely go. Tomorrow, my husband will definitely come to the Hard Gold Group headquarters to make a report. Even if I have to ask him to do it to the point of breaking his bones, I’ll do it.”

Mrs. Nakayama immediately felt a strong sense that her head was in the midst of an incomparably blissful dizziness, and without any hesitation, she hammered out her words.

Nakayama Toshikazu, however, was much more calm than his own wife said, “Don’t be in a hurry to say yes for me.”

“Tomorrow morning, you’ll have to report to work on time for me.” Mrs. Nakayama’s facial expression instantly turned into an angry look at her man and said.

“I have to be allowed to think about it too!” Nakayama Toshikazu said with a strained neck.

“Consider my ass. Such a great good thing from heaven, you still don’t hurry up and pocket it, missing such a good opportunity for nothing, that won’t come again.” Mrs. Nakayama said firmly.

“As you said, this is a great good thing, why did it just hit me?” Nakayama Toshikazu wasn’t swept off his feet like his own wife. He said cautiously.

“I’ll answer that one question. One of your resumes was placed on top of my desk by Takayuki Nanno, the personnel director of our Hard Gold Group.

He was originally the president of a headhunting company in Tokyo. Later, his company was merged into the Hard Gold Group by me. So it’s not surprising that there are your personal details.

Besides you, there are four other candidates. There will only be one of the five of you to become the Inspector General of the Hard Gold Group, which means that the chances of each of you being able to stand out is 20%.

I chose you because you had the guts and courage to send three corrupt officials to jail during your tenure as a prosecutor in the Tokyo District Attorney’s Office.

The Hard Gold Group needs a sharp blade like you to properly excise some of our internal corruption tumors.” Justice Kishimoto said seriously.

After Mrs. Nakayama listened carefully, word by word, her heart suddenly became nervous. If her own husband was still hesitant, then there was a possibility that he would miss out on this great opportunity.

After all, Chairman Kishimoto had made it clear enough. In addition to her husband, there were four other candidates. If your husband didn’t want to do it, then someone else would do it.

Not to mention the fact that being an executive of a well-known big hand company, earning 50 million yen a year, that was a dream job that many people could only dream of.

“Chairman Kishimoto, you can rest assured. Tomorrow, if my husband doesn’t come to report to the Hard Gold Group’s headquarters, I will definitely tie him up myself.” Mrs. Nakayama showed her full sincerity on the spot and said.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Nakayama Toshikazu instantly felt that he was losing face and said.

“What did I say? The chairman of a multinational large hand enterprise has condescended to personally come to your door to invite you.

But you’re still putting up a front? Since you lost your job, the burden of earning money to support the family has fallen on my shoulders as a woman.

Don’t forget, our children’s tuition fees are still unpaid. What should we do? If the children don’t attend tuition classes, it means they won’t get into a good university.

If they don’t get into a good university, they won’t get a good job. Without a good job, they won’t have a good income. Without a good income, they won’t be able to find a good person to marry.

Without a good job, you will not have a good income. Without a good income, you will not have a good income. Without a good income, you will not have a good income. Without a good income, you will not have a good income. The children are so miserable.

The culprit for all this tragedy is you, a man who has not been a good father.” Mrs. Nakayama looked at her husband with indignation, chattering and counting.

Kishimoto Masayoshi was not surprised to see this scene as an outsider, after all, every family has a difficult lesson to learn.

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