Chapter 758 The Eighth Partner

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:00:36
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On Monday morning, Nakayama Toshikazu, fully dressed in a suit, took the crowded subway from the North District to Roppongi in the Minato District. Naturally, he came to the headquarters of the Hard Gold Group for a check-in.

Nakayama Toshikazu met Kishimoto Masayoshi again in the president’s office. His heart, which was still wondering if he was being deliberately teased, finally fell to the ground.

“I knew you would come. Welcome to the Hard Gold Group.” Masayoshi Kishimoto got up and stood from his presidential throne, and then walked towards the other party. He stopped and took the initiative to extend his right hand with a slight smile and said.

Nakayama Toshikazu extended his hands to grasp his right hand and bowed his head, “Thank you for being willing to give me such an opportunity.”

“The opportunity is given to you. Whether or not you can grasp it depends on your true ability. I am expecting no less from you.”

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto decided to set up such an inspection department within the Hard Gold Group was to combat corruption among the company’s personnel.

This was mainly aimed at the middle management cadres, and even the executives. On the surface, it seemed as if one would increase expenses by adding a new department, but in reality, it was in turn saving the entire company’s expenses.

As long as people have a little bit of power in their hands, they can carry out a power rent-seeking to seek benefits. Even if you don’t use it yourself, it will be like a flower unconsciously giving off the fragrance of flowers. This is like the temptation thrown toward those who come to carry out the corresponding offense.

Buy A is a buy, buy B is also a buy, buy C is still a buy …… Why must buy A? It’s hard to believe that it’s just because A’s stuff is cheap?

Nowadays, the hard gold group is a multinational company with more than 50,000 employees, the annual consumption of office supplies is a small number.

The daily consumption of A4 photocopy paper alone is definitely not small, which also involves the relevant purchasing staff can seek a convenience.

“I will certainly not dishonor my mission.” Nakayama Toshikazu said in a serious manner.

“If you need any more manpower, then go to Personnel Minister Takayuki Nanno. He will make a relevant arrangement for you. Although everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you have the will to do it, you will definitely do it right.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto of course knew that he couldn’t be allowed to just be a bare-bones commander. Since he himself had found him to be the Inspector General, he had to have someone working under him.

Toshikazu Nakayama had come to work here on his own initiative, not exactly because he was aiming for an annual income of 50 million yen. Could he not realize that money in the private sector was not that easy to come by?

Moreover, money and social status are not equal. In Japan, the filming of that kind of movie actresses, the income is not small, but still not by the Japanese society as a whole, or think they are disgusting.

Moreover, the COS goddesses, who are the favorite of thousands of otaku, have good incomes, but they are still not treated well by the mainstream Japanese society, which also finds them disgusting.

The executives of the big hand enterprise, not only has the face, but also has the inside. Japanese society as a whole, and indeed any country in the world, recognizes such professional elites.

As for the income, it is not low. In addition, they often have the necessary social resources, relationships, and connections in their hands.

If you make friends with such people, you will not lose out, but you will also find it very useful. Therefore, this kind of person is generally popular with the public.

Justice Kishimoto loosened his hand and said, ”Your job description is to combat the corruption within the Hard Gold Group. Other than that, I don’t need to hand you one more thing. You can go to the Personnel Department to see Takayuki Nanno for the entry procedures now.”

Nakayama Toshikazu turned towards him is a forty-five degree bow and said, “Understood.”

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out. He happened to meet up with Mirai Yamada, the head of the secretary’s office, who walked into the chairman’s office.

Yamada Mirai did not show too much curiosity towards Nakayama Toshikazu. She just needed to effectively do her job.

Yamada Mirai walked to Kishimoto Justice’s front was to carry out the relevant work report, “This year’s Boao Forum for Asia sent a formal invitation letter to the president.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto knows that Boao Forum for Asia is an unofficial, non-profit, regular, fixed-site international organization headquartered in China, co-sponsored by 29 member states, and formally announced its establishment in February 2001 in Boao Town, Qionghai City, Hainan Province.

Boao Town is the permanent seat of the Forum’s headquarters and holds regular annual meetings. The Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) provides a high-level dialog platform for governments, enterprises, experts and scholars to discuss economic, social, environmental and other related issues.

The original purpose of the Forum was to promote economic integration in Asia. The mission of the Forum today is to gather positive energy for the development of Asia and the world.

Boao Forum for Asia has been expanding in scale and influence, and has played a unique role in forging consensus among all parties, deepening regional cooperation, promoting common development, and resolving Asian and global issues, becoming an important bridge connecting China and the world, and an international exchange platform with both Asian characteristics and global influence.

This can be invited to participate in the Boao Forum for Asia investors, entrepreneurs …… that will not be a world above the nameless.

The founders, CEOs and presidents of some of the world’s most famous companies will be present. Every year, the Boao Forum for Asia’s annual meeting will be a platform for the rich and powerful to display their private airplanes.

I can be invited to participate in this year’s Boao Forum for Asia in 2003, on the one hand, the strength of the hard gold group he founded is widely recognized, on the other hand, he was last year’s short Korea’s battle is to attract more attention.

Yamada Mirai saw the chairman’s thoughtful look, but could not guess what he was thinking of. Such a formal invitation can be extraordinary, absolutely not everyone has nothing to do, just moving lips.

Big names that could influence the world or change the world were gathered together, and would inevitably talk about interests and cooperation. Otherwise, why would other people fly all the way here? Do you really think that others are too idle?

“We, Hard Gold Group, accept such an official invitation from the Chinese side. At that time, I will lead a team to personally attend.” Masayoshi Kishimoto gave a positive reply.

“Understood.” Yamada Mirai snapped.

“Your secretary’s office should be more attentive and make adequate preparations. This is our Hard Gold Group’s debut at the Boao Forum for Asia.

I believe that from now on, our Hard Gold Group will receive invitations from the Boao Forum for Asia every year.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“Your speech above the Boao Forum for Asia will still be written by me personally.” Yamada Mirai said bluntly.

“In terms of quoting scriptures, you can use more ancient allusions about China, and advocate for Sino-Japanese friendship.” Masayoshi Kishimoto purposely explained.

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