Chapter 765: Workplace Ecology

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:00:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At nine o’clock in the evening, Watanabe Saki and Nanjou Nana were just getting off work. The two of them met up and went to their favorite branch of the new Japanese-style izakaya chain.

They sat down facing each other, and each picked up the menu on the table and started ordering food. Beer, motsunabe, yakitori, and fried chicken were a must for dinner and a late-night snack.

When the clerk brought them a glass of beer, they each picked up a glass of beer with their right hand and said loudly with a smile, “Cheers.”

Watanabe Saeki tilted his head and took a good sip of the avenue, “This is the time of day that makes me the happiest and most relaxed.”

“Isn’t it? Going to work can be tough.” Nanjo Nana said after taking a sip of her beer, placing the glass back on the table.

“Have you heard? A new department has been set up at the headquarters, called the Inspection Department. Not only that, in the future, it will be developed from top to bottom into the major subsidiaries and even the major grandchildren.” Watanabe Saeki held his beer glass in both hands and said with a sense of purpose.

“This is all well known now. As for the meaning and purpose of the above, it’s nothing more than to combat and deter corruption within the group companies.

Who made us a large multinational company with over fifty thousand employees worldwide? However, for a small person like me, it didn’t work.

Even if I wanted to engage in a little bit of corruption, I wouldn’t have any slightest chance of doing so. I don’t have any power in my hands.” Nanjou Nana said bluntly.

Watanabe Saki said slowly, “Right now, just because you don’t have it doesn’t mean you won’t have it in the future. You’re no longer a member of the Heikeisha, but a director. In a few years, you’re guaranteed to be a department head or a section head.

In addition to those dispensable departments in the company, as long as you have reached the position of section chief, you have more or less power in your hands.

In Japan, it is quite common for bosses to use their power to harass and bully their subordinates. Male bosses often deal with male subordinates by either slapping them on the head or kicking the legs of the chair they are sitting on.

There are even slapped, forcing the soil under the seat on both knees to apologize. This is followed by a storm of curses.

At this time, we as Japanese women are a little better than Japanese men, after all, will not be beaten.”

She said here paused for a moment, and a tilt of the head is a gulp down a number of cups of beer, and then said: “We women by the male supervisor to carry out a sexual harassment thing in the company there are many, especially in the drink together, the most easy to take advantage of the opportunity to mooch.

For this reason, Japanese women in the workplace basically choose to hold back. We all know that there is a heavy price to pay for resisting or reporting.

For one thing, it’s not good for their reputation, and there will always be all kinds of wild speculation and discussion by other people, and for another, the company won’t just fire anyone because of such a small thing that they regard as trivial.

Usually, it’s just an internal warning, or something like that. After all, for any company, especially large companies, this kind of thing is spread out is always dishonorable thing, more do not want to cause excessive attention and interpretation of outside public opinion.

As for those who resisted or reported, they were bound to suffer retaliation in the future. Even if the company makes a decision to directly fire who, will only fire that one relatively less valuable to the company.

Normally, the person would be transferred from Tokyo to a lower level company with local connections.

Otherwise, they are forced to resign. In this case, we women are the ones who suffer the most.

Even if we win, it will be difficult for us to stay in our original company, and we will inevitably be criticized by others in the future.”

Nanjou Nana suddenly laughed and said, “You’re talking about becoming an official member of a company.

If you were an unofficial member or a dispatched employee, the representative of the company wouldn’t even bother to listen to you, and would simply fire you or terminate your labor contract and be done with it.

You are really too modest. Everyone knows that once you reach the department head, you have management authority in your hands. Not to mention your personnel department.

It’s not like I don’t know that at the present moment, there are many people within our Hard Gold Electricity Company who are actively showing goodwill towards you and kissing your ass.

It has long since become an open secret that you are not only our president’s wife’s childhood classmate and neighbor, but also a bosom friend and hairdresser. Even our President Miyazaki Ryui has to be courteous to you.

Especially those unofficial members of our company or dispatched employees don’t dare to offend you, after all, their assessment is in your hands.

Whether they can renew their contracts in the future, or still have a chance to be regularized. Or, is the main source of reference for early termination of contract is still your assessment of them.

Department head even the most basic management, but also represents you and we have the essence of the difference. You are already one of the managers.

As for me as a director, I’m just representing that I’m no longer a new member of the company, but an old member, a senior.”

“Is this tone of yours expressing dissatisfaction?” Watanabe Saki joked.

“There’s absolutely no such thing. If it weren’t for the fact that I’m a full-fledged member of the Hard Gold Network who was sent down from the head office, I wouldn’t have been promoted to the rank of director so quickly.

So many of our company’s non-directive stragglers, a lot of them have been suffering for more than ten years, and they are still a member of the Ping Society.

They didn’t even make it in the original company, and it’s even more impossible for them to make it in the current company. If they were women, it wouldn’t be a big deal, after all, Japan is a male-dominated society.

The problem was the men. Not only did they lose face, but even the juniors, who had joined the company less than a year ago, looked down on them. If you live alone, it’s not a problem. But when you have a family, it’s not easy.

I guess such a man inside the home, I’m afraid that he’s also not treated well by his wife and children or parents, not without feeling that he’s really too useless.” Nanjou Nana was peeling the hairy beans while eating them, while saying whatever came to her mind, she said.

“It’s all but normal for people to have a comparative mind. Even if they don’t compare explicitly, they’ll still compare secretly.” Watanabe Saki said offhandedly.

“The truth is such a truth. However, not everyone can be lucky. Being a human is also about a certain amount of good luck.

Our chairman’s wife is one of the most representative women, completely born with good fortune, I’m afraid that even you never thought that she would be so favored by God.” Nanjou Nana said with feeling.

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