Chapter 767: The Happiness of the Rich

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:01
A+ A- Turn Off Light

It was noon on another weekday, and Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared at Natsui Makoto’s place as usual. As soon as his butt sat down next to the dining table, she couldn’t help but start to get excited.

Even though several days had passed since the last party held at her home, it did not diminish the fact that she continued to revel in that one pleasure in the slightest.

“In the past, I haven’t really felt the joy of the rich too much. Ever since we hosted that one party at our home, I’ve really experienced the joy of the rich.” Natsui Makoto smiled and said.

“When are you going to be a done ah? Ever since we hosted that party at our home, you’ve been telling me about it every day at noon.

I don’t listen, and I still can’t. If you’re not tired, I’m tired too. My ears are calloused.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but feel that she was too verbose.

Natsui Makoto stared at him with her left hand resting on her cheeks and said, “You haven’t been poor, so naturally you won’t really know my heart in this one aspect. Before I fell in love with you, I had always lived a very poor life.

Since I was a child, I have never been treated as a heroine, not even a supporting actress, and even more so, I didn’t have that marvelous feeling of being star-studded at our family party that day.

In the past, I was always especially concerned about what others thought of me, and was careful about what I said. In the vast majority of the time, I was in a state of silence.

Even if I said something, others would not listen to me, unlike that day when everyone listened to me very attentively no matter what I said.

After I started working part-time, I have been doing jobs with meager incomes, long working hours, and undignified jobs. It had become commonplace to be treated disrespectfully by some people from time to time.

On that very day, not only did everyone completely show great respect for me, but they also looked up to me with a low profile.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi heard her tell the great truth from the depths of her heart, and although he could understand it, he still felt that she was rambling on top of a matter.

He cried and laughed, “You’ve suffered. I should have fallen in love with you earlier, then I could have made you suffer less.”

Natsui Makoto blinked for a moment, not without feeling that he had something to say, “Honestly, are you laughing at me in your heart?”

“There’s absolutely nothing like that. You don’t make any wild guesses. I just think that you suffered a lot when you were young. You are just like a spring being pressed down tightly by the reality of life.

Suddenly, one day, the invisible resistance that pressed you down was gone, and there was a great rebound immediately. From this we can see that the longer you are pressed, the greater the rebound force will be.

Of course, the vast majority of people are not as lucky as you are. They are gradually being pressed by the reality of life is numb, completely lost the rebound force.

Even if the resistance on their body disappears, there will not be a much rebound. This is somewhat similar to the animals in the cage in the relevant test in general.

If the animals locked inside the cage walked out of the unlocked cage door, they would be punished very severely.

Over time, the animals were punished so many times that even if the cage door was left open and they were given freedom, the animals in the cages did not dare to go out.

For one thing, they are really scared and know how to start obeying the rules that are customized for them, and for another, they just don’t want to change. There is nothing wrong with living in a cage except for the lack of freedom.

At the very least, there’s no need to laboriously search for food every day, someone will bring it to them, and once they’ve eaten and drank enough, they can lie down and sleep, and there’s no need to worry about being attacked by their natural predators while they’re asleep.” Justice Kishimoto explained.

Natsui Makoto looked at him with a dumbfounded look on her face, not really understanding what he was subtly saying to himself about a meaning.

She wasn’t one of those who didn’t pretend to understand, but rather one of those who asked when she didn’t understand, “Can you make it simple and straightforward? It’s not like you don’t know that I’m not a smart woman.”

Kishimoto Masayoshi just wanted to express to her a meaning and South Korea that “you are not one of the Sky University graduates, they will not treat you as a human being” is the same and thought-provoking.

I naturally thought of Korea as a plutocratic country, a state monopoly capitalist country. What are the qualities of such a country?

It is that in this country, there is naturally a powerful class called the plutocratic class. Only this class is the real people of this country.

In this country any powerful person is virtually unrestricted, and if he or she commits a crime, the court does not dare to sentence him or her. Even if the court pronounces a verdict on who is guilty, there is often a reprieve, which is almost equivalent to just an acquittal.

In the middle of 2016, a high-ranking official of the South Korean Ministry of Education named Roh Hyo-wook once met with a few journalists, and when he was drunk, he spoke from the heart.

99% of the people in South Korea are like dogs and pigs, the country does not need to spoil them, just give them something to eat.

Did he say that there is class solidarity in Korea? Yes, too much. He said that class solidification is a good thing, and that the status of Korean nationals should be fixed. 99% of them are just like dogs and pigs, can you compare them with human beings?

He also said very loudly that I am now working hard towards that 1% myself, and I have to work hard to become different from the 99% of pigs and dogs, the dogs of the powerful and the rich.

As for Japan, it is no better than Korea. Korea has borrowed and emulated in many ways the social class system established in Japan.

Kishimoto justice is not able to put some of these things is naked to Natsui Makoto hear, after all, she is a kind-hearted and simple woman.

It was best not to let her know the truth about Japanese society. The more this person knows, it may not be a good thing, often will only let a person into the more painful and helpless state, want to change but can not do anything about it.

Natsui Makoto was completely different from Sakai Rie. She was not an official member of the plutocracy or the powerful class.

“What’s wrong with women being stupid? How many women are really smart? The vast majority of these so-called smart women are just being smart.

Those so-called smart women who think they are very discerning are doing the same thing of choosing the wrong man over and over again. This is called being discerning? I’m afraid it’s blindness!” Masayoshi Kishimoto deliberately said in a digression.

“I just picked the right man.” Natsui Makoto proudly pursed her lips and said.

“That means you’re the one with true vision.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“Is that a compliment? Or are you praising yourself?” Natsui Makoto suddenly said with some confusion.

“Of course I’m praising you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto blurted out.

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