Chapter 770 The first family

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:09
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Takahashi Kazuya and the others joined the president of Tokyo Takkyubin and the others in a conference room. In front of each of them was a stack of documents.

What they were talking about was the performance of the Tokyo Big Sight, which had not lost any money, but had continued to grow profitably.

This also did not forget to put the other four under the hard gold electric company’s various indicators and the overall performance report is a comparison.

Takahashi and also put himself in front of the information file is a little flip through a bit, said: “I for logistics is a layman.

Since the chairman personally named me to come down to inspect, it already shows that his attitude is quite important. The merger of the five logistics companies under Hard Gold E-Commerce into a new logistics company is a matter of great urgency.

In addition to your Tokyo home rush, hard gold electric business under the other four logistics companies in the successive merger into after, and has the head office side of the financial support, resulting in their respective business is the development of fast.

At present, there has been a business overlap and competition between you. The purpose of the formation of the new logistics company is to prevent you from continuing internal conflict.”

“At that time, in order to carry out the Chairman’s intention of dominating the Japanese logistics industry as quickly as possible, I took the strategic intention of directly, simply, and brutally merging other logistics companies.

I didn’t give much thought to the details, which led to some of the problems that need to be solved today. I am responsible for some of the decision-making.” Miyazaki Ryui calmly said.

“President Miyazaki, there is no need for you to blame yourself. This is a problem that is inevitable for any company in the process of rapid development.

Allowing Hard Gold E-Commerce to have its own logistics company, that’s all for the expansion needs of online related business. This will inevitably lead to spreading outlets all over Japan.

Without a fast and convenient logistics, online shopping will not be able to let consumers experience its superiority and revolution.

If we chose to build from scratch, step by step, it would not only take a long time, but also would not be able to keep up with the rapid development of online shopping.

Online shopping will be a new trend in the future development of human life. What we have to do is to occupy the market as fast as possible.

This is also the Chairman’s own strategic intent in this area. President Miyazaki is understanding this strategic intent of the Chairman very well.” Takahashi Kazuya spoke eloquently.

As soon as these words came out, Miyazaki Ryui’s female secretary took the lead and began to “clap” at her own president. She had a smile on her face.

Watanabe Sawaki, who was a department head of Hard Gold’s Human Resources Department, naturally followed suit and applauded towards Miyazaki Ryui.

The president of Tokyo Takkyubin and other people also applauded. From this, they could see that Miyazaki Ryui’s position in the Chairman’s mind was unshakeable.

Otherwise, Kazuya Takahashi, who had come on behalf of both the chairman himself and the group’s head office, wouldn’t have said something so approving.

Miyazaki Ryui showed a modest expression and said, “I don’t deserve it, I don’t deserve it. It’s all because of the Chairman’s good leadership and clear strategic intent, and I’m just doing what he wants.”

“It is because President Miyazaki fully comprehended and understood the President’s strategic intent that he was able to lead us to climb one peak after another on the road ahead.

We have been able to turn a loss into a profit in a short period of time, and the impressive results we have achieved are there for all to see.” The president of Tokyo Takkyubin saw fit not to forget to brag and pat himself on the back for being a top boss.

Only in Miyazaki Ryui’s mind was he able to regard himself as superior to the presidents of the other four logistics companies, and then a good evaluation would appear in the relevant report submitted to the chairman. His own future and destiny were still in the hands of others, and it was not up to him to make his own decisions.

Naturally, Miyazaki Ryuui would not be fooled by a few good words. Before he and Kazuya Takahashi came here, they had a face-to-face meeting behind closed doors.

Miyazaki Ryui had always figured out what purpose the other party had come with. The most important point of this was what the Chairman’s true intentions were again? It would never do for a vassal to not be able to figure out his superior’s intentions.

Takahashi Kazuya didn’t hide anything from himself, and made it completely clear. What the chairman meant was that the core management team of the newly formed logistics company would have to have a direct lineage, that is, the direct lineage would be used to replace the hybrid army.

These five logistics companies merged into a logistics company, or Japan’s leading logistics company, can not be handed over to the chairman of the less assured and recognized people to manage, and even more unlikely to be handed over to the chairman of the management philosophy and ideas of the management of the people above the contradiction.

In other words, the presidents of these five logistics companies, as well as their respective confidants, are very likely to be completely purged, and driven out of the core management team, and even the middle and upper levels of important management departments.

The current Hard Gold Group was not the Hard Gold Group of a few years ago was without any direct lineage. After so many years of development and growth, it is natural to cultivate a full-fledged reserve army that completely agrees with the corporate culture and values of Hard Gold Group.

Even if we trace the source back to the top, unlike Watanabe Saeki and the others who started their careers in their fourth year of college and joined the company like a clean sheet of paper, there was no obstacle.

Even he himself, who had not been a member of the Hard Gold Group from the beginning, was able to accept and recognize everything the chairman had set out from the bottom of his heart, and followed in his footsteps closely along the way.

In addition to him, the same was true of Oda Hidetora and others. Therefore, one of the most important criteria for measuring a direct lineage is to also regard Chairman Masayoshi Kishimoto as the supreme spiritual leader.

The person who came up with this was the Minister of Propaganda, Ryosuke Natsume. Not only him, but also the chairman himself believed that it was important to unify people’s minds.

Only if he truly recognized his and the Hard Gold Group’s corporate culture and values, then his strategic intentions from the top would be able to be properly carried out by them, so that they wouldn’t be disobeyed, modified, twisted, or changed without authorization.

After all, the composition of the personnel within the Hard Gold Group is too complex. This is also in the process of its own rapid development and growth can not be avoided.

Most of them have different corporate cultures and values from those of the Hard Gold Group. This is where the president, Masayoshi Kishimoto, needs to make a complete turnaround.

Only he and Kazuya Takahashi knew about such a confidential matter. As for them, they were all in the dark, completely unaware.

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