Chapter 774: Alumni

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:21
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Masayoshi Kishimoto threw his body weight back, leaned his back against the back of the chair, and slightly raised his head to look at his wife who was standing within arm’s reach, “What’s wrong with you tonight?

You are always speaking in favor of Ishihara Shintaro. Is it possible that you took it upon yourself to fulfill a request from his son?”

“No such thing. I just think that others are so proactive towards showing you favor. Why don’t you just take it in your stride?

The fact that Ishihara Shintaro was able to be reelected as Tokyo Governor is enough to show that he is politically competent and has the strength to run for Prime Minister.

If he succeeds in being elected Prime Minister of Japan in the future, it will not be good for you. If you invest early, you can potentially gain greater profits and gains in the future.” Rie Sakai explained.

“Ishihara Shintaro’s greatest ability is that he can incite and utilize the national sentiments of the Japanese people. He will never be elected Prime Minister of Japan.

Even if he is elected Prime Minister of Japan, it is not scary for me. In Japan, there are only plutocrats in iron and prime ministers in running water.

In the history of Japanese politics, it is not unheard of for prime ministers to step down without completing a full term, there are many. As for the Japanese financial sector zaibatsu, you have seen a few completely collapsed family business.

Any one of the six major Zaibatsu in Japan today has been in business for more than a hundred years. Even if Japan was completely occupied by the United States at the beginning of the targeted division of the zaibatsu companies, not yet eliminated their existence.

The vast number of ordinary Japanese nationals know very well in their hearts, what democracy, what this and that, are all empty-headed things. This is fine for students.

For the toiling masses who are struggling to survive in society, whoever can provide them with jobs, pay their wages on time, so that they and their families can be well fed and clothed, then they and their families will vote for and support them.

The people who are directly capable of accomplishing and realizing this one small wish of theirs are not some politicians who only paint a picture and blow it out of proportion, but rather we, the plutocrats, who are able to provide them with a tangible material life.” Masayoshi Kishimoto spoke eloquently.

“You’re really not going to attend Shintaro Ishihara’s inauguration for a second term as governor of Tokyo?” Rie Sakai made a confirmation saying.

“When I say I’m not going, I’m not going. Even if I really want to invest in a certain politician, it definitely won’t be him, Shintaro Ishihara. By the way, you’re not allowed to go either.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“If you’re not going, then why should I go? The others are coming specifically just for you, not me. If it’s the opening ceremony of some art and music festival, I’ll go if you don’t.” Rie Sakai said knowingly.

“Anything else?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked offhandedly.

“I’m fine to stay here?” Rie Sakai asked rhetorically.

“Yes, it’s perfectly fine. I’ll finally be able to have a more important time in your heart than our son.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said, half joking, half serious.

“Is this you being jealous of our son?” Sakai Rie said with a knowing smile.

“I’m not jealous of anyone, not our son. I just don’t think it’s a good thing that you’re putting too much energy into our son.

The more energy you put into him, then the more it shows that your expectations for him in the future will be greater. If our son doesn’t live up to your expectations in the future, not only will you suffer, but he will also suffer.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

“Shouldn’t you and I have a few more children out? That would drastically increase the success rate in terms of probability above all else.

If you want to do it with me, just say so! Why beat around the bush and use our son as a cover? As your lawful wife, it is only natural for me to fulfill my duties as a wife to my husband.” Sakai Rie said without taking his words seriously.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was about to be speechless. He really needed to fulfill a physical sexual need, it wasn’t like he had to drive with his wife to do so.

“It’s because you wanted to do it with me, but you were too embarrassed to come to my room of your own accord, so you came up with such a phrase to lure me in.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but start fighting with her on a daily basis saying.

“It was clearly you who wanted to, how did you falsely accuse me? What about becoming what I wanted?” Sakai Rie spread her hands at him with an indifferent look and said.

“I was talking to you about our son earlier, so how did you suddenly get dragged into the matter of me and you having more children? You’re making too big of a leap in your thinking!

If we have a few more children, you tell me, who will take over from me in the future, so that I can inherit the Hard Gold Group and become the second president.” Masayoshi Kishimoto crossed his arms in front of his chest and drooped his head.

“Whoever is the most capable, whoever inherits.” Rie Sakai said in a clouded voice.

“If it were really as simple as you say, then there wouldn’t be so much family infighting in the world. Are there fewer examples of siblings turning against each other for the sake of inheriting the family business?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

“It’s not that I haven’t thought carefully about this one thing you said. If we have just one child, it is only logical that he should be the one to inherit everything in the future.

The biggest advantage is that there will be less internal strife. As for the biggest disadvantage, it’s also obvious that there isn’t another candidate.

If he doesn’t have any talent, forcing him to take on such a heavy burden of the family business would be really harmful to him on the one hand, and on the other hand, it would be tantamount to burying the Kishimoto family’s hard-earned family business sooner or later.

It would not be a good thing if we had more children. Each one of them is capable and competent, but we can’t divide up the family business like a cake.

That would inevitably be carrying out a self-imposed dismemberment of the Kishimoto family’s strength.” Rie Sakai openly had a word with him.

“Wife, I really didn’t see that your mind would be so delicate, thinking even longer than me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a slight smile.

“There are things that I absolutely have to think long term. It’s not guaranteed that one day a bastard child of yours will suddenly appear out of nowhere, what do you think I should do?” Rie Sakai said as she stared at him with a torch-like gaze.

Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said, “Something that won’t happen.”

“Won’t? It’s not like I’m not aware of your flowery mind. I’ll tell you clearly, you can do things to wrong me, but you can’t do things to wrong our child.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“You see! You clearly don’t trust me. Ever since I married you, I’ve always abided by my husband’s ways.” Masayoshi Kishimoto told a lie without his face turning red or his heart skipping a beat, and he dared to look her straight in the eye and said.

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