Chapter 776: Cheating

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:26
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At a quarter past eight in the evening, Sakai Rie had arrived in Shikoku Kochi City from Tokyo Metropolis on her own private jet and appeared inside her father’s residence.

Besides her, her own mother, Sakai Aiko, her little brother, Sakai Shota, or her father, Sakai Masao, the only one who was not there was her second sister, Sakai Meiling.

Sakai Masao was sitting on top of the sofa in the living room with a complete look of having done something wrong. He wanted to say something, but he stopped talking several times.

The reason why Rie Sakai appeared here was because she received a call from her mother, asking her to come home immediately, her father had cheated on her.

“Mom, why do you have to call my sister back from Tokyo just because of a small matter within the family? That one mistake that dad made was nothing, it was nothing more than just playing along.”

Sakai Shouta, being a half-grown boy, assumed the posture of an adult and said with a completely sophisticated social tone.

“What end of the spectrum are you on, anyway?” Aiko Sakai said as she gave him an angry glare.

“I’m definitely on your end ah!” Sakai Shouta replied firmly.

Sakai Aiko looked righteously at her husband and said, “Tell me yourself, what about it?”

“That very day, I really drank too much. So, there was no control over myself …… “Sakai Masao didn’t dare to look directly into his wife’s eyes.

Even if their husband and wife’s relationship has long been broken and gone, it doesn’t mean that is he rightfully can cheat on his wife within the marriage, after all, the two of them haven’t gone through a formal divorce procedure.

In the case of reason, are their own fault in the first. He looked at his wife to the eldest daughter are called back, but also more and more understand that he made the seriousness of this mistake.

“Just once didn’t control yourself? Not really! As far as I know, in the weekdays since then, you haven’t run towards that bitch’s place less often.

Now that her belly is so big, don’t say that the child inside her belly isn’t your child.” Sakai Aiko was furious. As a woman, the thing she hated the most was not that her husband went to another woman behind her back.

If it was really like what her son said, that it was just a game, she wouldn’t even take the initiative to ask him about it. Her husband cheated on her during their marriage, and not only did he have a child, but he also had real feelings for her.

“Dad, you’re amazing. You just fall into the category of the old house is on fire and out of control, don’t you think!” Sakai Shota couldn’t help but laugh and said.

“Shut up, don’t add fuel to the fire here. Do you still think our house isn’t messed up enough?” Sakai Rie rushed at him with a stern voice and said.

Sakai Shota instantly stopped talking. Although he was a little bully inside the school, he was a wimp in front of his oldest sister, after all, the source of his power to bully others came from her, not my dad or my mom.

“Rie, it’s still up to you to solve this one for us.” Aiko Sakai trusted her eldest daughter to handle the road properly.

“Yes, it’s up to Rie to solve it for us.” Sakai Masao didn’t have a single objection either saying.

“Dad, it’s better for you and that one woman to break it off completely!” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“That won’t do. She’s pregnant with a child now and doesn’t have a stable job or source of income, how will she live and raise a child in the future?” Sakai Masao objected.

“You’re still thinking long term for them! In the beginning, when you did such a shameless thing, why didn’t you think about the face for your eldest daughter, for us?” Sakai Aiko said indignantly.

“Mom, calm down. Since you all are willing to let me solve this one problem for you, then listen to my solution.

If you all don’t agree, you can continue to break it up and I’ll go straight back to Tokyo first thing in the morning.” Rie Sakai said seriously.

“If I say I’ll listen to you, I’ll listen to you all.” Sakai Aiko trusted that her daughter would not favor her father. It didn’t matter even if their father-daughter bond was better than the mother-daughter bond between herself and her.

She knew deep down that the thing she hated most about this eldest daughter of hers was when a man did something like cheating on his wife behind her back within marriage. Not to mention having a wild seed.

Sakai Rie looked at her father with a serious face and said: ”First of all, I’ll show an attitude that even if you and my mom have already broken up, you can’t get a divorce.

As for why, you are all clear on the matter. I have two choices for you here. One choice, you and your outside that a woman completely cut off relations and contacts.

From now on, he and his stomach inside the child’s life and death have nothing to do with you. I will never admit that I have such a half-brother or sister.

The other option is to let that woman outside of you go to the hospital to have the child in her belly aborted. After that, you can give her a sum of money for compensation. Whether it’s the surgery fee, or the compensation, some of this money will come from me.”

“Old sister, I didn’t see it, you are really hateful. The belly of that one woman outside of Dad is already big, five or six months old.

This human form is all forming inside her belly. What you’re doing is tantamount to killing someone.” Sakai Shota did not control his mouth for a moment and blurted out.

After he finished speaking, he hurriedly used both hands to firmly seal his mouth, after all, even he knew that some of these words were going to completely anger his big sister.

Sakai Aiko couldn’t help but feel that although her daughter did this for herself, she couldn’t help it. Even if she and her husband’s relationship was broken without a trace of affection, she couldn’t involve an innocent life.

“This is not a one or two month old fetus, and having that one woman perform an induced abortion is not only particularly dangerous, but also illegal.” Aiko Sakai said with compassion.

The look on Sakai Rie’s face was suddenly cloudy, and she coldly laughed, “Old mom, you’re really the one who’s a womanizer. When you called me, you were so angry that you couldn’t wait to kill Dad’s woman outside.

Now, what’s wrong with you? I suggested a way to get rid of the problem once and for all, but you’ve gone soft again. Illegal? That’s what I’m going to do.

At that time, who can do anything about it? If that woman doesn’t go of her own accord, I have many other ways to keep the child inside her from being born, and even erase that woman as well.”

Sakai Masao knew that she wasn’t just talking for fun, nor was she simply bluffing, but she did have such great power. He couldn’t help but think of the rape scandal that his son had committed in the beginning, and was able to get away with it.

Sakai Masao, in order to protect the woman outside himself and the child inside her belly, made a decisive decision and said, “I’ll choose the first one, I promise to never deal with them again.”

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