Chapter 782: Mother’s Family

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:49
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Two days later, instead of taking an efficient airplane, Yuuko Yonekura chose the most cost-effective train. She was dressed in ordinary clothes from head to toe, without any of the extra care she had taken when attending Tokyo’s high society.

Yuko Yonekura also didn’t have a big bag, other than bringing some clothes to change with her, it was her bank card. She is not unaware of the fact that even if she brings something good to the old man, she will not be able to use it.

Or, it was taken out by the old man to sell and realize. Or, it is whoever in the family got a benefit.

After Yuko Yonekura arrived home, the happiest person was the sister-in-law. As soon as she saw Yuko Yonko Yonko coming home, she was overjoyed.

At this point in time, the two men of the Yonekura family were both working at the factory. Only her mother and sister-in-law were left inside the house.

“If you’re coming back home, why didn’t you call home to say so in advance? Are you alone? Where’s Long Jing?” Yonekura’s mother scolded.

“He went on a business trip.” Yuko Yonekura said bluntly.

“Your son is just an ordinary laborer inside a small factory, he doesn’t know what he’s doing all day long, and he’s not at home all day long.

My brother-in-law, but a president of a dang big company, one of the executives of the Hard Gold Group of Companies, is naturally busy. What’s so strange about that.

By the way, not long ago, I read a business magazine, which introduced some of the famous Japanese multinational companies in Tokyo.

Among them was the Hard Gold Group, where my brother-in-law worked. Among the executives of the Hard Gold Group, there is no one who earns less than fifty million yen a year.”

The sister-in-law joyfully took the initiative to join in, the five fingers of her right palm were stretched out and said, “Sis, your family has so much money, how do you spend it?”

“Not as much as you think.” Yuzuru Yoneko Yonekura understood that by telling her the big truth, the other party wouldn’t believe it either. Instead of wasting words, it was better to be perfunctory about it.

“Sis, it’s not like you were asked for money, why are you nervous?” The sister-in-law suddenly got upset and said.

“Since you’ve come home, then I’ll be the one to cook a few of your favorite dishes for lunch.” Mi Cang’s mom was happy to see her daughter come home and said.

“Mom, just rest! What kind of high class restaurant has Sis not been in and out of in Tokyo, what kind of high class food has she not eaten. Since she’s back, then let’s go out to eat!

As I recall, we just opened a nice restaurant here, not as good as the fancy restaurants in Tokyo, but it has its own specialties.” My sister-in-law’s expression took on a happy look again as she said.

“I know the restaurant you’re talking about. I’ve heard people talk about it, it’s French food that doesn’t come cheap.” Yonekura’s mom blurted out.

“Sis, we’ll go to that one restaurant for lunch, what do you think?” Sister-in-law said with a kissable smile.

Yuko Yonekura not only saw that her sister-in-law was very positive, but her mom was also quite moved. Bringing her own mom to eat there once would ensure that she would be able to show off in front of her old sisters for quite a long time.

She believes that the French food here must be just in name only. The real authentic upscale French food, how could be opened in this kind of small place?

People in small places just wanted to have a fresh look. At the same time, one wouldn’t feel like spending a lot. Moreover, it is not like he has never eaten a Michelin three-star French food.

High-end restaurant is expensive, mainly not expensive in the food above, but drink above. Some of the red wines cost more than a meal for several people.

Yuko Yonekura looked at her mother and said, “Mom, what do you think?”

“Your dad and your little brother won’t be back at noon …… Or, forget it. In the evening, we’ll go out for a barbecue as a family.” In her heart, Mizura’s mom wanted to go, but she was heartbroken to spend the money.

Even though her daughter was the one who paid for the treat, she couldn’t afford to part with it. Especially since she had long noticed the economic decline above the area, with store after store closing down and going out of business, rather sadly.

This also included her favorite stores and the ones she used to frequent. Nowadays, not only are many young people leaving their homes to work, but many middle-aged and elderly people are also embarking on this path of leaving their homes to work.

The closest option is to work in Aomori City. The most recent choice is to work in Aomori City, but there are also many people who go to Southeast Asia, South America, and other countries not only in Japan but also far away.

When Japan’s economy was booming, even a small place like theirs was very prosperous. She remembered when she was still young, but it was nothing like living on a shoestring like today.

“Shouldn’t we women have a good meal when their men don’t come home to visit? It’s better for us women to talk about us women without their men around.

In the evening, the men come back. We’ll just go out and have another good meal. For Sis, what is this little bit of money?” The sister-in-law showed extreme longing and said.

“Then let’s go out to eat!” Yuko Yonako Yonekura said with a firm resolve.

The sister-in-law immediately “snapped” and slapped her hands together. She cheerfully said, “Then I’ll go back to my room first to change my clothes.”

After she finished speaking, she hurriedly got up and like a happy little magpie was trotting out, going up the stairs back to the house with a sound.

“Still not grown up, still like a little child. Not only did I marry your father at her age, but I can do anything.” Mama Yonekura shook her head.

“Women nowadays are nothing like the women of your past. Back in your day it was all about the family, the man and the children, whereas quite a few women nowadays don’t think like you do.

In my opinion, she’s the same as before, nothing has changed. She’s a bit lazy, but not bad in nature. When there are children in the future, there will be times when she will be busy.” Yuuko Yonekura calmly said.

“Children? Just her and your little brother? They’re the ones who can’t even feed themselves, and having a child down the line, that’ll only tire out your father and I, and then drag you into it. However, speaking of children, you and Ryui should get a grip.” Yonekura’s mom said in a serious manner.

“I know. The problem is that he’s so busy that by the time he gets home, it’s usually pretty late. I can understand him not having that one interest after a tiring day on top of work.” Yuko Yonekura said with her own difficulties.

Yonekura’s mother got sensitive and said, “Something bad didn’t happen between you and Ryui, did it?”

“That’s not true. It’s just that he’s too busy. The president of a big company has all sorts of social engagements quite often in addition to working during office hours.

There are times when he drinks to the point of unconsciousness. It’s hard for me to see him like this. Even if his annual income is high, it’s not easy to earn.” Yuko Yonekura said with emotion.

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