Chapter 783 – National Technique

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:01:52
A+ A- Turn Off Light

That night, Masayoshi Kishimoto appeared inside Fujie Nao’s house. The house was still the same, only there were two more Filipino maids.

He couldn’t help but be reminded of the “Dream of the Red Chamber” in which Wang Xifeng scolded Aunt Zhao for not thinking about how much of a slave she was, and how she deserved to have two or three maids.

There is no comparison, there is no harm. Natsui Zhenqin was pregnant with a dragon and phoenix child in the first place, that is one person. Even after giving birth to both children, she was still alone, never hiring anyone.

One did not feel in one’s heart that she should not make two maids, after all, she was pregnant, it was inconvenient to move above, and having someone by her side, for the sake of peace of mind.

“Now, it’s becoming difficult for me to see you.” Fujie Nao, who sat opposite him and shared a meal together, complained.

“Too busy with a lot of things, I really don’t have the time to come over and accompany you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said perfunctorily.

Fujie Naoe, who was from a female publicist background, knew right away that this was his excuse and said, “Are you dissatisfied with me in some way? If there is, just say so explicitly.”

“I’m not dissatisfied with you in any way. I’m really busy, not only do I have to vigorously rectify the corruption of the Hard Gold Group, but I also have to merge some of my grand companies and lay off employees.

You women are always suspicious and have nothing to do. If I don’t have time to come over to your place, you suspect that I have something against you.

If I come here too often, you’ll wonder if I’ve done something wrong to you behind your back and want to make up for it. Besides, it’s not like you don’t know that I’m still a married man.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto, in his usual roguish moves, would not admit it as long as there was no hard evidence, even if he was beaten to death. As long as one did not falter and admit it, then the other party would tend to falter.

“Not only are you a married man, but you also have numerous lovers. I am one of your lovers.” Fujie Nao said bluntly.

“It’s meaningless for you to say this one thing. From the beginning to the end, in this matter, have I ever lied to you? Not at all!

You already know that you are not the only woman in my life. Our relationship is one of mutual consent. My attitude has always been clear, goodbye and good riddance.

If you have a new love, or you don’t feel the same way with me, just tell me. In the future, I won’t come to your place. Why talk about what’s there and what’s not there?”

The reason why Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t use the trick of coaxing a woman to deal with her, on the one hand, was that he didn’t want to, on the other hand, she wasn’t an ordinary woman, belonging to the category of those who had seen a lot of various men and their various tricks a long time ago.

Instead of using it again and falling into a downward spiral, it would be better to open up and say it, which in turn would make her feel that she is treating her with sincerity. Of course, if he were to say something like that to Natsui Makoto, it would hurt her too much.

Therefore, he would never say it to Natsui Manakin in such a way. If he were to say that to Sakai Rie, it would be that there was something completely wrong with his head.

“And you say you’re not dissatisfied with me. You’re just dissatisfied with me. You’re clearly just tired of me.” Fujie Naoe said in a retreating manner.

“You can think what you like, whatever you like. As long as you don’t change the locks on your door and change your phone number, then you’re not tired of me.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled intentionally.

“If I really did that like you said so. In the future, will I still be able to do my Firefly Club? At that time, both black and white will come around looking for me.”

Fujie Naoe had known for a long time that his background was complicated, and also knew that he was not a bad person, and equally not a good person in the traditional sense.

If he really was a good guy, he would not have been qualified to sit in his current position, with such great wealth and power.

Just like those who engage in politics, will there be a good person? Politics itself is darkness. Those who dealt with darkness day in and day out, how much light could there be? To be precise, this one man of his own was both good and evil.

“You’re clearly thinking too much and are already running wild on the road of persecution paranoia.” Even if Masayoshi Kishimoto had the kind of energy she was talking about, he wouldn’t do it to her. He had made it clear to her earlier, and he himself had been on the principle of getting along.

As for the Firefly Club, he had no intention of ever coming back, treating it as a destiny for the two of them. Not to mention that she still has her own child inside her stomach, which can also be said to be a gift left for her own child.

“You do not rely on your own young, do not restrain that one aspect of desire. Change the flavor, I can understand as a man you can’t escape the old and the new.

However, you should not indulge in it. What those women outside value most is your money, while what I value most is the relationship with you.”

Fujie Nao still suspected in her heart that he had another new love outside, which was why he came to his side of the road less often.

Kishimoto Masayoshi understood what she was unhappy about, which was that he had reduced the number of times he came here to accompany her. As for the fact that he had another woman on the outside, it was a secondary issue.

“Even if I made it clear to you that I don’t have a new love, I wouldn’t be able to convince you. I am really busy. From now on, I’ll try to find time to come over and accompany you, okay?” Justice Kishimoto cried and laughed.

“How about finding a time when we can go watch a sumo match together?” Although Fujie Naoe had not dispelled her doubts about him, she was able to tangibly feel from his words that he still cared about herself.

As long as the other party still cared about herself, then that was enough. Her smart place will not appear as ordinary women as a problem is the same man entangled or digging to the bottom, suddenly turned the tables and said.

“What’s so great about sumo wrestling?” Masayoshi Kishimoto simply has no interest for two big fat people weighing more than three hundred pounds to cover the most important body parts, almost completely naked on the stage athletic said.

“You’re surprisingly not interested in Kokugo?” Fujie Nao was surprised. Even if she didn’t like the sport of sumo, she still thought of going to watch it with her man, after all, it was a sport that was generally liked among Japanese men. This woman who had taken a liking to the sport of sumo was likewise not in the minority.

“Who says I have to be interested in sumo? There’s a famous Chinese saying that all limbs are developed, but the mind is simple. What I focus on the most still lies in one’s mind.

Having a smart head creates unlimited possibilities. A well-developed limb and a simple mind will always result in a life of being driven by others.

Such a person will either go to a construction site to move bricks or become a fighter. As for the latter, even more powerful, even more able to fight, can have the gun powerful? A single shot is capable of taking someone’s life.” Justice Kishimoto blurted out.

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