Chapter 787: Minister of Finance Headquarters

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto, who could leave work at the end of the afternoon, didn’t leave and continued to sit on top of the throne in his president’s office. It wasn’t that he didn’t have anywhere to go, but he had once again received an invitation to Iwasaki Maki’s house party.

It wasn’t that he was worried about going to meet her father, but the two of them still came to a face-to-face side dinner and chat. The life of a rich man is so plain and boring.

If the president didn’t go, it was even more important that no one else did. Masayoshi Kishimoto played the game for a while and counted the time, it was only then that he got up and left, running towards Maki Iwasaki’s residence to drive alone.

In the middle of the way, he stopped the car and inside the flower store bought a large bouquet of white roses to take with him. There are times when even he himself feels funny, both to show that the male-female relationship between the two is pure, but also can not help but be engaged in some ambiguity between men and women.

Masayoshi Kishimoto parked his car and walked through the door of her house holding that large bouquet of flowers across his hands. He met Iwasaki Maki’s face and delivered the flowers to the other’s hands.

“Why aren’t they red roses, but white ones?” Iwasaki Maki asked offhandedly.

“The red roses are the ones that are sold out, and only the white ones are left. Next time, I’ll go earlier and make sure to get you the red roses.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a faint smile.

“Last time, you said the same thing.” Iwasaki Maki simply didn’t believe that the flower store would sell out of red roses inside. Even on Valentine’s Day, there were no cases of red roses being sold out. He was clearly doing it on purpose.

“Really? Why don’t I remember that.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“You’re a nobleman who forgets things.” Iwasaki Maki said unhurriedly while handing the flowers in her hand was to her personal maid.

“Nobleman? Why don’t I feel that. I’m just an ordinary person living an ordinary life.” Justice Kishimoto said naturally.

“Is there an ordinary person like you? Hard gold plutocrat.” Maki Iwasaki said bluntly.

“If you have to say that, then I have nothing to say.” Masashi Kishimoto laughed once more and said.

“Right now, I’m having a hard time. Many people within the family are making all sorts of verbal accusations against me for my mistake of making a major investment in Argentina.” Maki Iwasaki opened her heart to him and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that this was the family infighting that belonged to the Iwasaki family. As an outsider himself, there was no reason to get involved.

“The money you invested in Argentina above has not decreased, it’s just a different way to accompany you.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a rather grandiose manner.

“You are really too good at comforting people. However, this one comfort of yours really doesn’t have any half a star’s worth of effect on me. I really can’t carry on any longer and will be resigning of my own accord.” Iwasaki Maki said in a serious manner.

“If you really don’t want to work for the clan anymore, then come to me!” Masashi Kishimoto said without joking at all.

“Come to your Hard Gold Group? Are you going to pity me by making me an insignificant deputy position? Or are you going to let me hang on to an empty title and take a paycheck from you for nothing?

When I think about it, you went to great lengths to completely remove our Iwasaki family’s power from the Hard Gold Group. Now, you’re actively asking me to join in, aren’t you just reintroducing the wolf into the house?” Iwasaki Maki was not polite.

“This is one time, and this is another time. In the past, I was guarding against being swallowed by your Iwasaki family or being reduced to a vassal. Nowadays, it’s very different.

For one thing, you and I are friends who can make friends. Since my friend is in trouble, it is only natural that I should extend my hand.

Secondly, I think it would be most appropriate for you to take up that position. It would be a real pity if you, a great lady, were unwilling.” Masayoshi Kishimoto stated his reasoning saying.

“What exactly is the position? How do you know I’m not willing.” Iwasaki Maki looked at him in such a way that he didn’t look like he would make fun of himself and said.

“Head of Finance Headquarters for the Hard Gold Group.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

Iwasaki Maki froze. She originally did not have too many expectations. Even if he was going to give himself a position, it would be non-core. She never expected that it would be the position of the Hard Gold Group’s Finance Headquarters.

Iwasaki Maki came back to her senses and said, “You must be joking with me!”

“Those of us above this one position, that are all talkers, how could we possibly not keep our word?” Justice Kishimoto was able to understand her skepticism saying.

“Did you give this head a bump when you came to my place? Don’t forget, my name is Iwasaki Maki, the daughter of the Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group.

You put me in charge of the entire finances of the Hard Gold Group, that’s nothing less than getting to the bottom of you.” Maki Iwasaki said with a straight face.

Part of what Masayoshi Kishimoto had handed over to her was only the finances that floated above the surface of the water, while the other part of the finances hidden below the surface of the water was not something she was able to take over and handle.

The latter involved too many unknown secrets. This included the flow of funds from the entire Japanese pachinko industry to the Hard Gold Group behind herself, as well as the various business dealings between each other.

“I do serious business, not afraid. Also good to let you, a daughter of the Iwasaki family, know that my Hard Gold Group is not a small fish or shrimp character.” Masayoshi Kishimoto rushed at her is intentional smile.

“The Hard Gold Group that can lend tens of billions of dollars to South Korea, how can it be a role of a small fry? And what kind of woman do you see me, Iwasaki Masashi, as?

Is it hard to believe that I would be a commercial spy sent by our Iwasaki family to penetrate your Hard Gold Group?” Iwasaki Maki said nonchalantly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto took the initiative to extend his right palm towards her and said, “I am sincerely inviting you to join our Hard Gold Group.

If you are unwilling, then consider this conversation between me and you to be non-existent. If you are willing, I am very happy and elated.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I will abscond with the money in the future? I can tell you the truth, don’t look like I’m still holding up the stage of scenery now. In reality, I’m poor and still have a buttload of debts outside.” Iwasaki Maki said with no smile on her face.

“If you can run away from the monk, you can’t run away from the temple. At that time, all I need to do is to pass on the news of you absconding with the money to your father to know about it.

He will take the initiative and actively make up for the money you took from me not only one yen at a time, but also more, so that I can earn a hush money from it.

How could the Iwasaki family be disgraced by this scandal? Furthermore, the name of Iwasaki Maki-sama is worth much more than the money you rolled up, right?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said knowing that she was just joking.

“Don’t you regret such a decision in the moment later.” Maki Iwasaki reminded.

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