Chapter 792 Born Rich

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:17
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Masayoshi Kishimoto got on the bed and just wanted to lie down to sleep, but was directly stopped by Rie Sakai, who just wouldn’t let him sleep comfortably, “Messy, messy, I’m being sidetracked by you again.

I was talking to you about Iwasaki Maki, why did you get involved in all that nonsense again? You don’t want to go to sleep tonight if you don’t give me a clear explanation.”

Masayoshi Kishimoto could only sit cross-legged on top of his big bed, his arms crossed in front of his chest, his head drooping as he said, “I said all that to you earlier, not to sidetrack you, but to make you understand that an objective fact lies in class.

The fact that American capitalists look down on and despise the working class in the United States does not depend on whether they are white or black.

Maki Iwasaki and I belong to the same class, but there is a difference. I’m a later-generation genius who grew up into the ruling class and made a great leap up the ladder, whereas she was born into the ruling class.

Other people just need to grow up to eighteen years old, and the law recognizes her as an adult, and then they will sign a whole bunch of documents. Since then, even if she did nothing, she was able to ensure that she earned hundreds of millions of yen a year.

Katsudaira Yamaguchi, the president of Hard Gold Construction, the second largest subsidiary of Hard Gold Group, had also exceeded 100 million yen in annual income. However, on weekdays, he still drank the cheapest alcohol.

If the price of alcohol goes up that much, the poor people don’t even break the bank yet, and he’s on it first. Do you know why that is?”

Rie Sakai shook her head, “How would I know? It’s not like I know Katsuhei Yamaguchi well.”

“It’s because Yamaguchi Katsuhei grew up poor and started working on top of construction sites right after graduating from junior high school. Every yen he earned, that’s real hard-earned money.

He’s lived for so many decades that he’s long since become deeply accustomed to the frugal days he developed in his early years. What’s more, he had fallen again in the middle of his life, which made it more and more engraved in his bones.

Even though his annual income is now so high, it doesn’t change his frugal habits. Just like you, you haven’t really gotten used to the life of the upper class rich people.

The reason why can prompt you to constantly be able to adapt and change, is not how much you like this kind of lifestyle inside, but in your young, more willing to try new things.

Moreover, with all the media advertisements and propaganda, especially in the university life in Tokyo, you are consciously or unconsciously fed with the message that drinking red wine and whiskey is all about high class and elegance.

As a good woman living in outstanding Tokyo, being able to be taken out for a dinner at a three-star Michelin restaurant by a man before you’re thirty is the best kind of recognition, and so on.” Justice Kishimoto explained.

“You make some sense. Nope, getting sidetracked by you again. We’re talking about Maki Iwasaki.” Rie Sakai said as she tried to keep from talking east to him.

“Why do you keep thinking that I have a what with Iwasaki Maki? She and I grew up completely differently, which means it’s hard for us to be able to get along.

The Iwasaki family’s money is basically clean when it comes to sources above her generation. As for my Kishimoto family’s money, it’s not as clean. However, I’m much cleaner than the Iwasaki family’s ancestral money.

You know Battleship Island! A total of 722 Chinese laborers and 1,422 Korean laborers were abused and killed on Battleship Island. This is only a small microcosm of the many historical crimes committed by the Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“If two people genuinely love each other, all of what you say is completely secondary to their existence. Not even a mountain of swords or a sea of fire can stop two people from being together.” Sakai Rie said unmoved.

“Why can’t I understand with you? Someone who comes from a background like Maki Iwasaki’s is fine in Japan, after all, the defeat in World War II left Japan with a certain amount of disruption. That’s total continuity if you go to the US.

The kid of one of America’s top billionaires went to his dad and asked him, what’s my job going to be in the future? His dad replied, you can have any job you want, as long as you don’t lie down.

By the way, I have never worked outside in my generation either. When I was your age, I also asked my dad, your grandfather.

What he told me was the same. You can work all you want, as long as you don’t lie down. Your grandfather likewise never worked outside in his life.” Masayoshi Kishimoto tried to tell a little story to enlighten her as much as he should.

Rie Sakai blinked at him twice and said with feeling, “Those who are rich are too rich, and even if they don’t do anything for the rest of their lives, the family’s wealth still increases rapidly every year, and they can’t spend it all.

Those who are not rich are too poor, even if they work hard for more than ten hours a day, they still can’t get out of poverty and become rich, and they can’t even pay off their past debts.”

“It’s not that God arranged it that way, but the extremely small percentage of people who are extremely intelligent were designed to do it long ago. Is it not God’s will that you should pay back the interest when you borrow money from someone else?

Whether you borrowed money to buy a house or a car, to go to college, to travel abroad, etc. Even if the annual interest rate is low, it is often higher than the annual growth rate of your salary.

Quite often, it’s not up to you to increase the interest rate, or lower it, but it’s up to the bank and others. Once the interest rate is raised, the burden on the debtor will increase accordingly.

In order to be able to justify themselves, they then introduce a game rule called credit scoring. The reason why your interest rate should be higher is because your creditworthiness is low.

There are so many people who work hard trying to improve their credit score for no other reason than to be able to borrow more money in the future. With that comes the fact that they will be paying more interest payments in the future for it.

The more they have a windfall in the economic climate, especially if it is a bad one, the harder it is for them to get by. This is because it is accompanied by unemployment, pay cuts, demotions, and a host of other things.

Debt is due to be repaid, but can not afford to repay, and have to borrow new debt to repay the old debt, or still by the original debt to charge a higher interest rate after the default.

This creates a vicious cycle where life gets worse day by day and eventually leads to personal bankruptcy and being completely drained.

Instead of leaving much of an inheritance, the previous generation is left with a mountain of debt and the loss of money that could have been used to invest in the next generation.

The fact that the next generation has nothing to invest means that they will not be as educated and will have difficulty finding decent and well-paying jobs in the future.

They will often just follow the same path of life as the previous generation, replicating the same lifestyle of the previous generation. This is how the intergenerational transmission of poverty is created.

On the other hand, this explains why some rich people can have children and grandchildren who don’t have to do anything, but still have endless money and can live a good life.

The source of income for those of them comes from all kinds of disguised and hidden exploitation of the poor.” Justice Kishimoto hit the nail on the head.

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