Chapter 793: The Seven Year Itch

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:19
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At around 9:15 the next morning, Masayoshi Kishimoto called Takayuki Nanno to his president’s office with a single phone call.

When Nanno Takayuki saw the chairman, who had yawned twice in a row and was not in the best of spirits, he suddenly smiled and said, “Last night, did you and Rie have a great time?

How many times did you come in one night? You have to take good care of your health, tens of thousands of people up and down our Hard Gold Group still have to rely on you as a helmsman to steer the ship!”

“Scram, don’t think nonsense. I was interrogated by her and didn’t sleep well all night.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“It’s better not to get married! Look at me now, how free and happy I am. I really don’t understand why you married her in the first place.” Nanno Takayuki spread his hands at him and said.

“For one thing, this one thing of getting married is something that has to be done sooner or later. It’s really not good if you’ve had enough fun like you, and only plan to get married when you’re in your forties or fifties.

At that time, when you go to the school to give your child a parent-teacher conference, don’t be mistaken as your child’s grandfather.” Masayoshi Kishimoto laughed as he spoke and said.

“Do I look as old as you say? I’ve always taken good care of myself, and I even put on a face mask at night.” Nanno Takayuki blurted out.

“In fact, the reason why I married Rie as my wife, that’s because I’ve been living with her for so many years, and I’ve long since gotten used to a way of life that has her in it.

Not to mention that she’s pretty, but she just has a poor personality. Her view of marriage as a one-life marriage can also be viewed as a woman from the beginning.

How many Japanese women nowadays still have the concept of chastity? She’s kind of a rarity. You and I understand that the better looking a woman is, the more she will use her natural advantages to play tricks on ordinary men.

As a matter of fact, they want rich men as boyfriends or even husbands from the bottom of their hearts. Once there is a chance for them to meet a rich man, they will take the initiative to pounce on us.

The younger and richer a man is, the more attractive he is to them. Ordinary men who try to please beautiful women also end up in failure.

What does this mean? Self-positioning is not allowed. Beauty is a scarce resource, this is money. Even they themselves are aware of an objective fact.

Really think that beautiful women have no brain, only love beauty and giggle? They can successfully take the rich man among them, and there is that one is not shrewd and have the means?

Ordinary men have to go to win the jackpot, that means it is to go to that a minuscule probability. As for us, if we want a pretty woman, it’s still a handful.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said slowly.

He intentionally paused for a moment, then pulled the topic back and said, “As we all know, there is still that one marriage contract between Rie and I that refers to our marriage.

This thing is quite important when I say it’s important, and unimportant when I say it’s not. It wouldn’t be important if I were an insignificant, small and nameless person. Who would care about such a person?

Now that I am in a high position, if I don’t keep my word, not only will it be difficult to convince the public, but other people in the financial and political worlds will also have other thoughts about me. If others think that I am not trustworthy and not trustworthy, it will be a big problem.

Talents don t want to come under my banner, and rich people don t want to make friends and do business with me …… So, personal credit is very important.

Compared to credit, I have other women outside, do you think they will care? Absolutely not. Because even they all more or less have either a lover or keep a concubine outside.”

“Tough on you.” Nanno Takayuki said with a faint smile.

“Currently, there are also problems between Rie and me. This is probably called the seven-year itch! After these two people have been together for a long time and have lost their freshness, it’s inevitable that there will be times of exhaustion and boredom.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with real feeling.

“I don’t have any personal experience of these feelings of yours. For you to say it to me is the same as saying it in vain. I’m not in a hurry to get married, I just like to fall in love with beautiful women.” Nanno Takayuki had a word for it.

“Love affairs that don’t aim at marriage are all hooliganism. You an old rascal.” Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh.

“You specifically called me over, you wouldn’t just be looking for me to accompany you for a chat, would you?” Nanno Takayuki said seriously.

Kishimoto Masayoshi opened a drawer and took out a list of names and placed it on top of his desk, “This is a list of corrupt names submitted by Nakayama Toshikazu.

Among them, there are both tigers and flies. As the head of the Hard Gold Group’s Personnel Department, it is only right that you have the responsibility to deal with it.”

Takayuki Nanno got up and picked up the list from the chairman’s desk, and after a brief glance over it, said, “Do you mean to hand over the evidence of these people’s corruption to the Tokyo District Prosecutor, or to the police department?”

“Neither. Making a big deal out of fighting corruption within our Hard Gold Group would cause unnecessary panic within on the one hand, and on the other hand, it’s cheapening the news coverage of the outside media.

I’m asking you to cooperate with Toshikazu Nakayama to deal with these people in a low-key manner. This is still in principle for them to voluntarily resign and automatically give up all financial compensation they were originally entitled to.

Of course, if anyone is unconvinced and claims injustice, then it’s a matter of public record. All things must speak of evidence, or let it be clear to go to jail.

The people on the list that Toshikazu Nakayama handed over were all personally verified by him.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said in a serious manner.

Nanno Takayuki understood, “I will follow your instructions and deal with this group of people in a low-key manner. However, I feel that some people should still be given a chance to reform.”

“Is that something you’re doing to intercede for someone?” Justice Kishimoto laughed a little and said.

“Nothing at all.” Takayuki Nanno saw that he had a list of his former headhunter’s old subordinates in his hands.

He has that one want to intercede heart, also not good, after all, Kishimoto Masayoshi in the group company internal anti-corruption problem is very resolute, would rather slow down the speed of development also want to do.

There is no lack of which he wants to snatch grass and hit the rabbit, purge all the opposition he thinks. In the Hard Gold Group, he was the supreme being.

“I don’t care who is who, I only care about whoever is corrupt, then I will take them down. There is no place for such corrupt people within the Hard Gold Group.

If you don’t want to be this one evil person, then leave it all to Nakayama Junhe. You can act as if you don’t know.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said clearly.

Nanno Takayuki did not fail to “thump” in his heart. He clearly sensed that it wasn’t just a simple matter of fighting corruption within the group, but it was also examining the loyalty of those of them to the chairman.

“For the sake of the Hard Gold Group’s future, my personal honor or disgrace is unimportant. I will definitely cooperate with Toshikazu Nakayama in dealing with the people on top of the list.” For the first time, Nanno Takayuki felt what it meant to accompany a king as if he were a tiger Dao.

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