Chapter 795: Two Women

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:25
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The head of the secretary’s office, Mirai Yamada, ran straight to a fancy French Western restaurant in Roppongi after work. She wasn’t on a date with her boyfriend, but was invited by Rie Sakai.

Before that, Yamada Mirai also gave a debriefing to Chairman Masayoshi Kishimoto. On the surface, accepting a separate banquet from the chairman’s wife by herself was no big deal, a small matter, while in reality, it was not as simple as it seemed.

How could the president’s wife invite herself to dinner for no reason? The two of them were neither classmates nor bosom friends. There was bound to be something fishy about this.

Yamada Mirai gave the name of the chairman’s wife, Kishimoto Rie, at the front desk, and was then led by a waitress to a window seat. She looked out the glass window and was able to catch a glimpse of Roppongi’s beautiful night view.

It wasn’t hard to realize that such a good dining spot had long been reserved in advance by Sakai Rie. If you were an ordinary person, you wouldn’t be able to get such a good seat even if you made a reservation in advance. To be able to sit at the edge, one would have to book a week or even a month in advance.

There were unspoken rules for everything. Even when it came to dining, there were. The best seats in fine restaurants are always reserved in advance for those who are not rich and powerful in the city of Tokyo. All they needed was a phone call and they were all set.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Sakai Rie appeared and walked towards Yamada Mirai’s table. Behind her on one side was the store’s manager. He pulled out a chair for her personally and was able to sit face to face with Yamada Mirai.

Yamada Mirai was also considered a woman who had seen a lot of things. Just now, such a small detail completely illustrated what social class was.

To be able to personally pull out a chair for a female customer through the hands of the store manager, that was definitely not an ordinary woman. They were the true owners of this cosmopolitan city of Tokyo.

“Feel free to order whatever you like. This one’s French cuisine is quite to my liking. I don’t know if it’s to your taste?” Rie Sakai calmly said.

“If madam says it’s good, then it must be good. I believe that one hundred percent suits my taste.” Yamada Mirai had known it all along in her heart for a long time.

One did not come here specifically to enjoy the food, but to be entertained. No matter the time of day, one had to be consistent with people of high rank in order to be welcomed as one should be and not be ostracized.

“Don’t call me ma’am, ma’am out of place. Just call me Rie.” Sakai Rie smiled.

Seeing the other party take such initiative to show her approachability, Yamada Mirai became more and more convinced that there was something fishy going on. When a rich man’s wife suspected that if her husband was getting together with another woman, it was common that she would suspect the female secretary beside her husband.

On their own this general appearance, not to mention the president can not see, even if the president’s wife, will not suspect to their own head.

If the other party could not suspect herself, then she would need to get some relevant information from her own mouth, after all, she was the chairman’s close minister.

Sakai Rie did not show any urgency at all, a whole night is plenty of time. She began by having a pre-dinner drink with Yamada Mirai.

Sakai Rie said seemingly offhandedly, “Among the President’s entourage going to the Boao Forum for Asia this time, besides you, there are those people.”

Yamada Mirai instantly realized that this was the focus of the evening. She told the names of the people who accompanied the chairman to Hainan Island, China to attend the Boao Forum for Asia one by one.

Sakai Rie did not hear Iwasaki Maki’s name, immediately in the heart of the more solid. However, she was not careless about it and said, “Is it really just these people?”

“Yes. These people are all handpicked by the Chairman.” Yamada Mirai said in a serious manner.

“Don’t you dare lie to me.” Sakai Rie rushed at her is a slight bit and said.

“How dare I lie to you? At that time, there will naturally be more or less mention and discussion within the relevant Japanese media news reports.

In addition to some world-class renowned presidents, many heads of state will also be present. The high standard of Boao Forum for Asia can be seen from this.” Yamada Mirai said seriously.

“You’ve worked hard on this trip abroad.” Sakai Rie calmly said.

“It should be, it was within my scope of work.” Yamada Mirai replied.

Rie Sakai was then worried that Masayoshi Kishimoto and Maki Iwasaki would appear together at the Boao Forum for Asia. In her opinion, there was just a chance that the two would use their official business to go on a private rendezvous.

“Ma’am, there’s one thing I’m not sure if I should or shouldn’t tell?” Yamada Mirai didn’t immediately change her name to Rieido just because the other party was polite.

“If you have something to say, there’s no harm in saying it.” Sakai Rie said bluntly.

“That one person, even if she doesn’t have to accompany the Chairman to the Boao Forum for Asia, there are other ways. She is originally a member of one of Japan’s famous families, the Honkai. Even if she gets a relevant invitation or something, it’s not surprising.

If you see her on the TV news, don’t misunderstand the chairman. This is not something that the chairman can control.” Yamada Mirai reminded as she intentionally left Iwasaki Maki’s name hidden.

“That one statement of yours is a bit strange. Could it be that she just doesn’t work?” Sakai Rie knew that Iwasaki Maki held the position of Finance Headquarters of the Hard Gold Group.

The Boao Forum for Asia wasn’t just going to be open for one or two days, but would be longer. There was no way Iwasaki Maki would just use the weekend to go to Dao.

“If she takes a vacation for something, no one can stop her.” Yamada Mirai said bluntly.

Sakai Rie suddenly became a bit upset and said, “Don’t you have strict work rules and regulations within the Hard Gold Group? This is a shift that you can work if you want to, and you don’t have to work if you don’t want to. Undisciplined personnel like this should be dismissed early.”

“She could have excused herself to take a leave of absence on the pretext of being sick or something. It’s nothing more than deducting some money, for her, she doesn’t care at all. As far as I know, she’s not a vase.

Her performance and ability on top of her financial work is what won the hearts and minds of the people in the finance headquarters. As long as she organizes her work and does her job well, no one can say anything about her.

The chairman has a saying that talent is good but not obedient, and an obedient slave is not good.” Yamada Mirai said without haste.

Sakai Rie and can not be clear that there are often only two kinds of people who can follow their husband’s work, one is particularly capable people, the other is particularly background people.

Iwasaki Maki was both. If it were not for this, she would not be so apprehensive in her heart, always worrying that Iwasaki Maki and Kishimoto Masayoshi will happen a what.

She couldn’t just turn a blind eye and pretend she didn’t know anything. And so, her own worries ensued.

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