Chapter 797 Much Ado About It

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Takahashi Kazuya and the rest of the group left Osaka on an airplane and arrived in Shikoku Kochi City. The place they stayed at was not some five-star hotel, but had been turned into a folkloric inn.

The reason for this was to take care of Aiko Sakai’s business. Watanabe Saki was in an extraordinarily different mood this time when he came back to his hometown, and was quite proud of returning to his hometown in his clothes.

Sakai Aiko in order to this time the reception work is personally sit on the town command, not only busy outside, but also give them to prepare the best local specialties. She had known for a long time that there were two executives from the Hard Gold Group.

One was Takahashi Kazuya, whom she not only knew, but also did her family a big favor. The other was Miyazaki Ryui, who held the position of president of Hard Gold Denshi, and was known as her son-in-law’s first family minister.

Masao Sakai, who had received the news early, had also come in order to show a landlord’s favor. In addition to him, the president of Shikoku Logistics was even coming.

The mayor of Kochi City and other dignified local figures also sent people to deliver a message to Aiko Sakai and Masao Sakai, hoping that the couple would be able to pull some strings.

Shikoku was originally a place in Japan that was primarily agricultural. Although Kochi City in Kochi Prefecture was the center city of Shikoku, the economy had never been able to go up.

They naturally wanted to rely on the Hard Gold Group as a big tree in order to make a difference. With a large investment from the Hard Gold Group, they would be able to boost the local economy and increase employment.

Who let Rie Sakai and Masayoshi Kishimoto are both from Kochi City? As for the Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group, others had already moved their families to Tokyo in the generation of founder Yataro Iwasaki.

This was all after the Meiji Restoration. The descendants of the Iwasaki family have long since ceased to consider themselves to be people from Kochi Prefecture, but rather native Tokyoites.

After Takahashi Kazuya and the others were seated, the banquet officially began. Masao Sakai picked up the sake cup with his right hand and raised it, “You all have had a hard journey.”

Aiko Sakai, who had also taken her seat at the banquet, interjected, “Everyone here is not an outsider. Even if Inuyasha and I aren’t from the Hard Gold Group, we are still the ones who have the closest relationship with your Hard Gold Group.”

“Here, this is not the first time I’ve been here. Everyone listen to Auntie, don’t be formal and drink openly.” Takahashi Kazuya responded.

Miyazaki Ryui was here for the first time and said rather politely, “The air here is so nice and the environment is good. It is truly excellent that Auntie’s folklore store is located here.”

“President Miyazaki, you flatter me. My folkloric inn is a century-old store that has been passed down from my ancestors. Although it is not as modern as the five-star hotels in the center of the city with convenient transportation, it has its own Japanese characteristics.” Aiko Sakai took the initiative to introduce it.

“I like folklore inns that best reflect Japanese flavor. Any of the five-star hotels are just a change of scenery, all modern.

Here, can let me experience what is called Japanese style and the original flavor of the wind. In the future, my Hard Gold Denshi’s employee vacation spot will be chosen here in your place.” Miyazaki Ryui said seriously.

“I’m really thankful for your favor. As far as I know, Hard Gold Denshi is also a big company. I can’t really receive that many people here.

Inside the weekdays, it’s still the president of Shikoku Logistics who takes care of business from time to time.” Sakai Aiko was asked by the president of the Shikoku Logistics Company to put in a good word for the other party.

Her heart was like a mirror, the fact that other people took care of their business was not because they were so good here, and not because they were worth that price, but to put it bluntly, it was all because they were subordinates of her son-in-law.

This with the money, all in their son-in-law’s money toward her a mother-in-law body make. Not only did a favor, but also to please the person to please, the best of both worlds.

The president of the Shikoku Logistics Company humbly said, “As the boss’s wife said before, we are all our own people. This own people taking care of their own people is something that should have been done.”

“Well said.” Miyazaki Ryui said as he raised his glass towards him.

The president of the Shikoku Logistics Company hurriedly picked up the sake cup on the small square table in front of him and respectfully drank with the other party.

There was a reason why he was particularly humble, one being that he was originally a subordinate of Miyazaki Ryui, and the other being that he knew exactly why the other party and Takahashi Kazuya and the others had come.

Sakai Masao was immediately put in an awkward situation. His own wife was stealing the limelight from him in front of everyone.

Of course he understood that his wife was doing it purely on purpose. The place where she was dissatisfied with herself was still in that matter of keeping a concubine outside.

On the surface, his relationship with the mistress is broken. In fact, behind the scenes, he is still secretly giving money, and still meets from time to time.

After all, as a responsible man, not looking at Xiao San’s face, he also couldn’t bear to let the child inside her belly suffer too much.

Sakai Aiko smilingly looked at her son Sakai Shota and said: ”After you graduate from university in the future, you will also join the Hard Gold Group since. When that time comes, learn more from you and Brother Yuya, as well as President Miyazaki.”

Sakai Shota was very proud, “Naturally. Who made the president of the Hard Gold Group my own brother-in-law? Something that not only the students of our school know, but also the teachers.

In the future, even if I don’t go to Tokyo, I can go to Osaka, Nagoya, or even abroad. Or even if I don’t stay in my hometown like my father, I’ll be able to at least get an equivalent position as a branch chief.”

The moment he said this, he immediately elicited laughter from Takahashi Kazuya and Miyazaki Ryui. In the eyes of the two of them, Sakai Shota was simply too cute.

In terms of understanding Masayoshi Kishimoto, there would be no one amongst the crowd here who would understand them better. Watanabe Saki and the rest of the crowd were just laughing along.

Especially Watanabe Saki was a living example. If he didn’t have that close relationship with Rie Sakai, he wouldn’t have entered the Hard Gold Group, and he wouldn’t have been promoted quickly.

If she hadn’t had that close relationship with Rie Sakai, she wouldn’t have joined the Hard Gold Group, and she wouldn’t have been promoted so quickly, and she wouldn’t have been able to accompany the leaders on business trips. She could only be a kind of the most miserable bottom of the social animal, every day there are endless shifts, late at night to fight in the office, all unlike this kind of eating and drinking, the same kind is considered to be at work and work.

Sakai Shota is Sakai Rie’s only brother, so there is no reason not to take care of him more? After all, it was even his own best friend who was being taken care of so well.

The president of Shikoku Logistics Company was not at all relaxed inside. His own future was still an uncertainty.

He wasn’t Sakai Shota, a kind of rash young man plus a royal relative, who said whatever he thought and boasted about whatever he wanted, it didn’t matter.

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