Chapter 798 Speaking

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:33
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Sakai Aiko appeared to be very active above the banquet, showing all the demeanor that a hostess should have. In comparison, Sakai Masao, who was the head of the family, looked much dimmer.

Just as Sakai Aiko got up to go to the kitchen to take a look at the other dishes, when Sakai Masao saw his wife leaving, he followed her out.

He quickened his pace, took three steps towards the front, chased after her from behind, and stopped her from going inside the corridor.

Aiko Sakai calmly said, “What do want to do?”

Sakai Masao’s expression held a small amount of dissatisfaction amongst it as he said, “I’m the head of the Sakai family, right!”

Aiko Sakai raised her right hand and straightened the neckline of her kimono, arrogantly saying, “Now, you will be the head of the Sakai family.

When things happen within the family, where are you, the head of the family? Your elbows are turned inward, and you go outward.

If you don’t expose it, it’s good for you, good for me, and good for everyone. When it’s stirred up, not only do you have no face, but it’s bad for everyone.”

“You make it clear.” Sakai Masao was afraid in his heart that the matter that he and Junior were still coupled together would be known to her, so he did not settle down. He stiffened his neck and said.

“Does it still matter if we say it clearly or not? The marriage relationship between us has long existed in name only. I don’t divorce you, not because I’m afraid you won’t pay alimony, but it’s against my actual interests.

As you can see with your own eyes, my inn is doing very well. It’s all thanks to the fact that I’ve given birth to a good daughter.

Good daughters have their disadvantages, forcing us to stay married. If we did get divorced and pissed her off, my business here wouldn’t be so good.

As for whether you’ll be able to continue as a branch manager, it’s also an open question. Besides that, Mei-Ling, Shota’s future depends on Rie.

We’ve already hurt her once by selling the marriage contract for a share of the money. If we do it again, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get her to forgive us.

The honor and grace we have today before the locals will be gone. You know better than I do what it’s going to look like. You have a lot of experience with unemployment.” Aiko Sakai sneered.

Sakai Masao knew all too well about some of the things his wife had said. All the social status that the two of them, husband and wife, had in Kochi City, that was all based on the benefits that came from their eldest daughter’s side.

The Hard Gold Group hadn’t invested much in the Shikoku region, but it had penetrated into every aspect of the place. Bank outlets, logistics outlets, real estate, the creation of business districts and so on are all industries closely related to people’s livelihood.

These are all seen by the people of Shikoku and Shikoku County as the existence of a large sum of money, after all, a considerable portion of the tax revenue comes from the profits tax submitted by the companies under the Hard Gold Group.

Without enjoying and savoring the goodness of those in power, it is impossible to understand why those in power would rather die in office than step down and retire.

Masao Sakai, just because he has the title of branch chief, is always surrounded by people of all colors who are always pleasing, flattering, and kissing ass.

This is one of the characteristics of the superior-subordinate relationship in Japan. In Japan, a subordinate who can’t kiss his boss’s ass is not a good subordinate.

If you don’t kiss your boss’s ass, you are not a good subordinate. If you don’t kiss your boss’s ass, it’s too fake; if you don’t kiss your boss’s ass, it’s not enough. It was not like the past when he was just a bank clerk, only to be called around by his boss to do all sorts of things.

Nowadays, he can also call the mayor brother and brother. Over time, he could not help but be a little fluttery. Otherwise, he would not have made the mistake of keeping a mistress outside.

No money, no ability, nothing, there would be decent young women who would take the initiative to fall for an old man in his fifties?

“Don’t block the road.” Sakai Aiko raised her right hand to touch her coiled hair and said.

Sakai Masao had to consciously side step out of the way to let her pass. He showed a good deal of unhappiness and despondency. For this reason, what could he do?

It was not as if he didn’t know in his heart that those people in the big room, led by Takahashi Kazuya and Miyazaki Ryuui, were not doing it for their own sake, but for their son-in-law Kishimoto Masayoshi’s. In their opinion, this was their wife’s place, and it was a place where they could get to know her.

In their opinion, this was their wife’s place, so naturally they had to show the Chairman’s mother-in-law and hostess the respect they deserved.

Masao Sakai realized that it was not good for him to leave the table for too long. Instead of hanging his head and going back into the large private room, he had to come up with a forced smile, as if he had just gone to use the restroom.

When Aiko Sakai led the people to serve the food again, she looked towards the side where Ryui Miyazaki and Kazuya Takahashi were with a wide smile and said, “I wonder if the dishes I have here are to the liking of the two of you?”

“It’s delicious. It’s really thanks to this business trip that I was able to eat such a local specialty. What really surprises me is that the Chairman’s hometown still has so many delicacies.

It must be that the Chairman’s wife is using the cooking pro-gram she learned from you to be able to conquer the Chairman’s stomach first and then his heart with food.” Miyazaki Ryui smiled and said offhandedly.

Sakai Aiko smiled more and more joyfully and said, “President Miyazaki, you are really too good at talking.”

“He has always been the most talkative among our Hard Gold Group executives. Compared to Miyazaki, I, a Minister of Legal Affairs, am dwarfed.” Kazuya Takahashi chuckled.

“Don’t be too modest! Excessive modesty can become hypocrisy. As a lawyer by trade, you’re definitely better with your tongue than me.

I’m just a clumsy speaker. If I have to say that I’m good at anything, it’s being practical and being loyal to the chairman, as well as the Hard Gold Group.” Miyazaki Ryui said with a smile on his face as well.

Takahashi Kazuya’s right index finger was pointing at him and said, “That mouth of yours!”

Watanabe Saki was able to tell from this little episode that both Takahashi Kazuya and Miyazaki Ryui were coping well.

Even if it was obviously just a polite conversation, they were able to say it naturally, without any sense of intentionality at all. In her opinion, this is probably the “battlefield” veteran look.

He followed the leader, even if it is carrying bags, but also be able to learn a lot of things from the side, as well as to grow a lot of insight. And these things are in the books above simply can not learn.

“If you guys need anything else, just ask me. Don’t just treat my place as a folkloric inn, but treat it as if it were your respective homes.” Aiko Sakai said with an unchanging smile.

“Good. I am definitely not going to be polite with you.” Miyazaki Ryui immediately responded.

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