Chapter 801 The International Stage

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:41
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The Japanese Hard Gold Group delegation headed by Masayoshi Kishimoto departed from Tokyo’s Haneda International Airport on his private jet, heading straight to Boao, Hainan, China.

This time, the Hard Gold Group was participating in this kind of international summit forum in a public and official capacity. In addition to the Hard Gold Group, the Japanese officials and the six major zaibatsu likewise each sent a delegation.

“What other ideas do you all have for our trip to China?” Masayoshi Kishimoto did not have the customary book in his hand to flip through, instead, he directly said in a meeting on top of the airplane.

Yamada future heart has a number of very, although the hard gold group is a multinational company with more than 50,000 employees in the world, but compared to Japan’s Mitsubishi group, Mitsui group, Sumitomo group, Fuji group, three and the group, persuade the silver group or there is not a small gap in the strength of the group.

Japan’s six major consortia, any one of the global staff are more than six figures. As for the scale of assets, it is also very large. On top of that, there were a number of other Japanese group companies.

Moreover, the official delegation of the Japanese government is naturally to show its face in the Boao Forum for Asia, after all, Japan is the world’s second largest economy, the Asian countries among the superior and model.

Kishimoto justice to see the crowd did not speak, also seems to understand where everyone’s caution. In order to ease the atmosphere, he laughed and said, “This is not in the company, even if it is an informal chat between us.

First of all, I know that we, Hard Gold Group, will certainly not be able to sing the lead role as the Japanese side above the Boao Forum for Asia. In front of us, there are not only the six major Japanese groups, but also Japanese officials.

Secondly, we can’t be a safflower this time, and we are definitely not going on a sightseeing tour. Making friends, expanding business and relationships, raising awareness, and letting more people know that there is our Hard Gold Group.

Finally, the group of companies that can participate in the Boao Forum for Asia will not be a small company with weak strength, but will certainly be strong.

In this market environment where the strong are like forests, our Hard Gold Group will become less dazzling. However, this is all temporary.

I have no doubt that our Hard Gold Group will become the red flower on the Boao Forum for Asia one day. On this road of struggle, I am hand in hand with you.

Even if it is not a totem to be looked up to and worshipped, it should strive to become a beast to be feared. If not, no one will treat you as a one-off and simply ignore you.”

Yamada Mirai and the others immediately applauded in silent agreement. The president’s words were no matter how good, no matter how moving, no matter how exciting, it was still the president’s business.

As for them as its subordinates, no matter what the occasion and place, as long as the president is present, then can not casually say.

“Perhaps, this one analogy of mine is not quite appropriate. Our Hard Gold Group’s first participation in Boao Forum for Asia gives me the feeling that it’s like with a kind of love game between two men and two women.

The man represents those powerful big companies in various countries, while the woman here represents interests. We all just want to use such an international summit forum to get more benefits, better business and investment.

Men have a huge interest in women, especially in beautiful women. Men’s nature is such that they eat what is in the bowl, look at what is in the pot, think about what is in the pot, and also think about what is in the ground.

Otherwise, everyone all the way to Boao, Hainan, China, a small place in the run to do what? This is not only no travel subsidies, but also out of pocket.

Who would be so bored if it was just a false buzz? At the official level, the Chinese government in particular seeks to expand its influence as a great power in the international arena.

As for those countries in Asia that have a small share of the economy, it’s just that they want to have exposure on the international stage on the one hand, and on the other hand, they want to have a certain amount of profit.” Yamada Mirai slowed down her speech and said.

“Some of the small economic countries in Asia are not only wanting to have a profit motive, but they are more like a scum. One of them is greedy for a beautiful woman’s body, and they can’t afford to spend money, nor do they want to take responsibility.

Does that mean they can’t get it? No. The sky is the limit. We still have to take care of their emotions of not having money.

Otherwise, it becomes less convenient for our investments and business to be conducted among these small economic countries.” Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the conversation and said.

“These small economic countries are wanting favors on both ends. Not only on top of this international summit led by China, but they also want to pull wool over the eyes of economic powers like Japan.

I remember that when the financial crisis first broke out in Thailand in 1997, the Thai government sent an official delegation to Tokyo, Japan, to urgently ask the Bank of Japan for help.

Both the Bank of Japan and the Japanese Government agreed to provide loans to the Thai Government, but they were cut off by the United States which came out in the middle of the trip. The U.S. reason was that the loan needed to be provided through the IMF, which it dominated.

Subsequently, when the financial crisis broke out in South Korea, it also thought of borrowing money from the big banks in Japan, but once again, the IMF led by the United States was interfered with and spoiled things.

I firmly believe that neither Thailand nor South Korea will turn their economic policies in favor of the United States. Why do they prefer Japan to the US?

In my opinion, it is because they all know that economic aid will inevitably come with a series of US-style political interference in their internal affairs and all kinds of unequal terms and conditions.

As a small country, the best way to survive is to reap the benefits of the two big countries. Japan is an economic power in the world and naturally has a say in the international arena.

From the economic level, and China’s economic and trade exchanges expand, is a win-win situation. This is the Asian countries, and even the world countries are the most needed things.

Not to mention the geopolitical factors in it. With the rise of China’s economy and strength, naturally, is a good choice for small economic countries out of the extra.

If a small country’s domestic economic crisis occurs or suffers, it will be able to turn to China for help instead of relying solely on the United States for charity.” Mirai Yamada spoke eloquently.

“Political games at the national level are the business of politicians. Those of us who are responsible for investing on the economic side have to consider both the friendly relations between countries and whether the domestic politics of the investing country is stable.

The reason why China has always been favored by me lies in the urgency of China’s desperate need for development. This is the seedling of a country on the way up.

The Chinese government has taken a proactive stance in order to attract foreign investment and has offered a series of incentives such as tax collection. Not only that, but also increased efforts in supporting infrastructure investment.

India, Vietnam, and even some countries in Southeast Asia, investment in infrastructure is far less than China. The Chinese have a saying that I like very much.

Want to be rich, fewer children, more road construction. All unlike India, Southeast Asia, some countries want to be rich, first repair the temple. To invest the already small resources to the place that should not be invested, that is not for the faith in the heart to spend money, but the lack of heart performance.

Chinese people do not talk about the afterlife, but the present world, resulting in their work will become motivated, as much as possible to create more valuable things.

This is unlike countries such as India, where people don’t talk about the hereafter, but about the hereafter. If the people of a country are contented with the status quo of poverty, then they will become complacent and lose their motivation.

Therefore, the best buildings you can see in these countries are temples. The temples are not only built in a grand manner, but they also use a lot of gold and other precious metals to make them brilliant.

Inside the temple, many details are carved and painted, and a lot of human, material and financial resources have been invested. On the other hand, a large number of the people were in a state of poverty and could not extricate themselves from it. This creates a most striking contrast with China.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously.

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