Chapter 802: International Long Distance

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the necessary time of flight, the airplane that Masayoshi Kishimoto and his group were traveling on landed smoothly on the runway of the airport at their destination.

As expected, when they got off the plane, they were met by Chinese personnel, and then sent directly to the hotel where they were staying.

Kishimoto justice stood in an independent villa outside, looking up at the blue sky, breathing fresh air, looking at the distant blue sea water, a very pleasant feeling.

Hainan is one of the most popular tourist and vacation spots in China today. If this was in the feudal era hundreds of years ago, it would be a place to exile prisoners.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out of one of his pants pockets and looked at the caller ID on the screen, which showed that Rie Sakai was calling from an international call.

Masayoshi Kishimoto hesitated for a moment, but still pressed the green answer button on it, and attached it to his right ear.

He knew that if he didn’t answer, she would keep calling. Instead of being subjected to her life-threatening series of calls, it would be better to listen to what she was trying to say.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t say anything, only waiting for Rie Sakai on the other end of the line to speak, “Have you arrived yet?”

“What do you think?” Masayoshi Kishimoto asked in return.

“I’m not following you around, so how would I know?” Rie Sakai said as she kicked the ball he had kicked over to her back to him.

“I just can’t believe you didn’t time your call to me right.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“Am I still wrong for caring about you?” Rie Sakai argued.

“Exactly.” Masayoshi Kishimoto made a most terse reply. How could he not be aware of the other party’s small mind?

It was currently 2003, and there were no cell phones capable of video calls yet. In the future, if she could make video calls, she would definitely ask her to make video calls with her.

Not only that, but she will also use all kinds of excuses to let herself take pictures of the surroundings for her to see. At that time, should one be happy, or unhappy?

A woman who loved herself would only become roly-poly and all kinds of checking in. Otherwise, she would definitely not have done and done such things.

“I was originally thinking of going with you. However, you told me that you were going on an official trip, not a travel vacation. You also said that you had seen in the TV news that the president of that one big company was specializing in bringing his wife along.

In fact, I saw that not only did a number of big company presidents bring their wives with them, but even a number of heads of state brought their respective wives with them.” Rie Sakai perked up.

“We agreed on something right here at home. Why are you changing your mind again?” Although Masayoshi Kishimoto was in order, he couldn’t help but “thump” in his heart.

He is not afraid of anything, just afraid of Sakai Rie suddenly appear, is to give their so-called surprise. In the beginning, he went to Korea Seoul that time, Tengjiang Nao took the initiative to chase over from Tokyo.

With his understanding of Sakai Rie’s character and temperament, she was also a woman capable of doing such things. However, just because it was unlikely in the moment didn’t mean it was impossible, after all, the young son of the two still needed someone to sit at home and watch over him.

“Are you worried about one or the other?” Sakai Rie heard something different in his tone of voice Dao.

“I’m worried that if you suddenly come to Boao, Hainan, China, what will happen to our son Naoki? Are you comfortable with leaving him alone at home in the care of the servants?

I don’t. At that time, I won’t be able to stay here with any peace of mind, so I might as well just return to Tokyo, Japan.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t joke about it.

Sakai Rie would never do something like leaving her son behind and flying out of the country to find him. She had once suddenly flown back to her hometown of Kochi City, Shikoku, and that was because she knew that Masayoshi Kishimoto would be returning soon.

Before she left on her own, she had not only communicated with him, but she had also instructed her underlings at home to keep a sloppy report on the situation.

“Could it be that I can’t bring my son along?” Sakai Rie sat inside a hanging basket in the middle of the garden, gently swinging on a swing while the corners of her mouth curled upwards.

Masayoshi Kishimoto understood the true meaning of her words, which was that she wouldn’t. The reason she would say that to herself was to make an assumption.

“Why bother with all that trouble? In the first place, you should have told me earlier! We could have come together.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said calmly.

“Are you afraid that if I come, I’ll ruin it for you?” Sakai Rie asked tentatively.

“I stand straight and walk the walk. There are quite a few things here that I need to get busy with. Again, I repeat to you, I’m traveling on business, not on vacation.

Besides it’s not like I’m the only one here, I’m accompanied by Yamada Mirai and some others.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said as he began to pace casually around the immediate area.

“Yamada Mirai and the others can’t be following you around 24/7 twenty-four hours a day! Especially at night ……” Rie Sakai blurted out.

Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t wait for her to finish her sentence and directly interrupted, “Even at night, I wouldn’t go out and fool around, nor would I dare to.

Do you really think those reporters are vegetarians? There are not only Japanese journalists here, but also Chinese journalists, Korean journalists, and even journalists from other countries.

They’re all as eager as chicken blood to get an exclusive story out. Would I be foolish enough to provide exclusive material to the reporters?”

Sakai Rie did not have to bring her infant son along with her precisely because she was relieved of this point. On top of this kind of international high-end forum, even a playboy would be much more restrained.

Even if they had the ability to control public opinion and the media, it was only within their own country. As the host, in order to be polite, can do not let their own country’s media report, but also can not stop so many other countries to carry a relevant report. This is a moment of great fame.

On such occasions, the participants still have to maintain a necessary public image of good manners, gentlemanly behavior and sense of morality. Still, it wasn’t without its loopholes.

“Didn’t your finance honcho go with you?” Rie Sakai asked with a sense of purpose.

Masayoshi Kishimoto heard her finally voice the purposefulness of the call. All the things that Rie Sakai had said to herself up front were just padding. This one right now was the centerpiece.

Masayoshi Kishimoto said seriously, “No. Each person has their own things to be responsible for, what is she following me for?”

“You didn’t lie to me?” Sakai Rie said in disbelief.

“Aren’t you tired of being suspicious all day? The most important thing between husband and wife is trust. If you don’t trust me, then we’ll have problems because of it. At that time, I won’t take any of the responsibility for that.” Justice Kishimoto was not joking.

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