Chapter 803 The Difference

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:46
A+ A- Turn Off Light

On the first day of the official opening of the Boao Forum for Asia, Masayoshi Kishimoto met Maki Iwasaki, who had accompanied his father here to attend. After the two of them met, they first smiled at each other, and then walked towards each other face to face.

“You’re here too.” Masashi Kishimoto blurted out.

“Couldn’t it be that I’m not able to come?” Maki Iwasaki asked playfully in return.

“Today, it’s not the weekend, but during working hours. You’re the finance principal of my Hard Gold Group, so it’s only right that you should be working at the Roppongi headquarters in Tokyo’s port district.” Masayoshi Kishimoto chuckled.

“I skipped work straight away.” Iwasaki Maki pursed her lips and said.

“Not only will this be a deduction of your salary for this month, but your year-end performance will also be negatively affected.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t need to ask explicitly to know that she must have excused herself to take a vacation to come here.

On top of the necessary procedures, it was still necessary to go through the motions. Even if it was just a phone call, it would be fine. Otherwise, it would be too unorganized and undisciplined.

However, talents were more or less disorganized and undisciplined, and did not like to be bound by rules and regulations. Not to mention the fact that it was a young lady like her who had both real talent and came from one of Japan’s top luxury families.

“It should be. By the way, are you free tonight? Let’s have dinner together!” Iwasaki Maki said bluntly.

“If you, a good person, invited me, I’ll be free even if I’m not.” Masashi Kishimoto calmly said.

“It wasn’t me who invited you to dinner, but my father. I’m also just acting as a supporting character to keep you company and dine with you. You two are the ones who will be the star of the evening.” Maki Iwasaki laughed again and said.

“Since it’s your father’s intention, there’s even less room for me to refuse. I will definitely be arriving early.” Masashi Kishimoto was not able to politely refuse the Iwasaki family head’s invitation to a banquet in terms of sentiment and reason. Even if he wasn’t available tonight, he had to find a way to make time.

“Don’t be nervous. The three of us are just having a casual dinner.” Iwasaki Maki said in a cloudy manner.

“I’m not nervous, just scared. I took Mr. Iwasaki Eisuke’s precious daughter is cajoling her to my Hard Gold Group. This is tantamount to poaching the other party’s heartfelt love.

Even if he asks me for punishment, it is still something that should be done. Who made me fail to carry out one of the necessary briefings given to him beforehand?” Masayoshi Kishimoto half-joked, half-seriously said.

“If you had known, why would you have done it in the first place? You regretted it? It’s useless to regret.” Iwasaki Maki smirked.

Masayoshi Kishimoto certainly understood that this meal would not be a Hongmen Banquet, yet it would not be as simple as just eating. As for what matters would be discussed above the dinner table, he himself did not want to speculate at the moment.

“The Mitsubishi Group has sent an official delegation over. Your visit should be on behalf of the Iwasaki family!” Masayoshi Kishimoto intentionally changed the topic and said.

“Just invited by a friend. Don’t look at our Iwasaki Family as too mysterious, we are just an ordinary family. If I had to say one difference, it would be that our family has a few more members.” Iwasaki Maki looked particularly modest and said.

“Not only are there a bit more, but they are also spread across the globe. They are like seeds that have drifted out from the top of a large tree.

Each of them took root in their own country and grew into another tree. And then, centered on the first tree, they become a large forest.

Your Iwasaki family is completely different from my Kishimoto family, which has no roots, and has long since formed a tight network of information exchange.” Masayoshi Kishimoto picked up the conversation.

“Your imagination is just too rich. I would suggest that you could instead write a novel in your spare time. It’s guaranteed to be able to make you a one-hit wonder in the literary world.” Iwasaki Maki enjoyed chatting with him and said.

“This one suggestion of yours is really good. I’ll definitely give it some thought. We’ve been standing here talking for this long time without buying you a cup of coffee, do you think I’m being particularly stingy?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without haste.

“It’s better if I treat you!” Iwasaki Maki said cheerfully.

The two of them resumed their footsteps and headed towards a cafe right away. Although it was a seaside hotel, it was fully equipped.

It had been chartered by the Chinese side a long time ago. The security measures were also first class. There were Chinese security personnel dressed in all kinds of clothes inside and outside.

In addition, some heads of state and billionaires had brought their personal bodyguards with them, making the security coefficient of this place as if it were a military restricted area.

On the way, Kishimoto’s cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that the caller ID on the screen was Fujie Nao, which was a great relief.

At the sound of the cell phone ringing, his first thought was that it might be Rie Sakai calling internationally again.

Without hesitation, Masayoshi Kishimoto pressed the green answer button on the cell phone’s keypad and placed it next to his right ear, saying, “Just say what you have to say!”

“Our child was born. Guess, is it a daughter or a son?” Even though Fujie Naoe had just finished giving birth and was still lying down, she still couldn’t wait to make such a call to Kishimoto Masayoshi and said.

“I’m not in Tokyo at the moment. The person is already in Hainan, China to attend the Boao Forum for Asia.” Masayoshi Kishimoto frankly said as he walked towards the front.

Fujie Naoe instantly froze. Before this, she had completely and utterly never gotten news of such a thing from him.

As a woman herself, she was suddenly not insensitive. She didn’t mind how many women Masayoshi Kishimoto had, what she did mind was that he hadn’t mentioned this matter to herself beforehand.

Of course, in her heart, she did not have the luxury of being able to accompany him on such a high-end international occasion, after all, such an honor would only belong to the woman who had a legally official husband and wife relationship with him.

“That’s it! I still have some things to do right now. I’ll call you back later.” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t want to get into a long-winded conversation with her about this one thing.

As soon as his words left his mouth, he directly hung up the phone. As for whether the child she gave birth to was a son or a daughter, it didn’t matter to him. It wasn’t that he didn’t have children. He had both a son and a daughter a long time ago.

All along, he hadn’t been too concerned about the accident inside Fujie Nao’s stomach. Since then, he finally understood why men with many women had vastly different attitudes towards different children.

This mother is not good, lost men like and favor, will inevitably let the child also suffer and not treat. On the other hand, it will make the man love the house.

More children, there is always something to choose. A man that has endless energy to evenly distribute to each child’s body. Feudal society emphasizes the difference between the first and the concubine, it is not really a nonsense, there is indeed a reason in it.

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