Chapter 808: There is a kind of love called letting go

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:02:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sakai Rie returned to the Kishimoto family’s mansion in Shinagawa district, and directly locked herself in her bedroom room and didn’t come out. It wasn’t until Masayoshi Kishimoto returned home at night and knocked on the door himself that she opened the bedroom door.

Kishimoto Masayoshi saw her bedroom inside a room of mess, then know that she was angry again a large number of temper. Who had gotten under her skin this time?

“Aren’t you hungry?” As soon as Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived home, he was informed by the housekeeper that not only had the lady locked herself in her bedroom and not come out, but she had not eaten for most of the day. He blurted out when he saw her in this visibly depressed state.

“You big liar.” Rie Sakai didn’t answer his question and spoke to herself.

“How am I a big liar?” Masayoshi Kishimoto said with a face full of innocence.

“Didn’t you say that Iwasaki Maki wasn’t going to the Boao Forum for Asia? Lately, why is it that the sky is filled with news related to you and her being on top of the Boao Forum for Asia?” Rie Sakai said bluntly.

Masayoshi Kishimoto had already passed through the president’s secretary’s office, in the name of the president was to the hard gold group’s hard gold media Tokyo TV, literary spring and autumn publishing house is issued an order, do not allow them to report, published about himself and Iwasaki Maki in the Boao Forum for Asia above the little by little, as if it had never happened.

The problem was that he was able to control the media under the Hard Gold Group, but he was not able to control the non-Hard Gold Group media, especially the media under some other plutocrats.

“I only said that Maki Iwasaki did not travel with me to the Boao Forum for Asia. I made that clear to you when you called the other day.

She was able to have other ways to come to Boao Forum for Asia. The Iwasaki family of the Mitsubishi Group, that’s a famous one in Japan, and it’s not like anyone can invite them.” Masayoshi Kishimoto calmly said.

“And do you know that today, just today, she even openly picked a fight and negotiation with me, saying that I have accompanied you for so many years, and that it should be her turn as well. Her clearly expressed meaning is that she wants me to divorce you and step aside.”

What Sakai Rie was most angry about wasn’t even the matter of Iwasaki Maki appearing on top of the Boao Forum for Asia, but this one thing that happened today.

She had seen arrogant women, but she had never seen such an arrogant woman. This woman who acted as a junior even dared to call out the big woman.

Kishimoto Masayoshi was completely surprised that Iwasaki Maki had done such a thing. He immediately fell into silence.

“Big liar. You also told me that you don’t have a relationship with her. Now, she is forcing me like this. Does this look like there is no relationship between a man and a woman?” Sakai Rie said angrily.

Kishimoto Masayoshi returned to his senses and took the initiative to explain, “It is true that I do not have a male-female relationship with Iwasaki Maki. I, however, have not even touched her hand.”

“Lying, you continue to lie. Masayoshi Kishimoto, how much longer do you plan to lie to me?” Sakai Rie said not believing what he said at all.

Kishimoto Masayoshi knew by looking at her that she wouldn’t believe anything he said at the moment. He opted for another silence in order to prevent her from thinking that he was explaining in order to cover up, and covering up in order to be untruthful.

On second thought, he thought again that although he and Iwasaki Maki didn’t have a substantial male-female relationship, they already had a male-female relationship mentally.

Not to mention that the ambiguity between the two also showed that the individual was not completely innocent. One’s self was considered to be completely and utterly mentally derailed this time.

“Aren’t you hungry?” Masayoshi Kishimoto didn’t answer her question head on and tried to digress.

Sakai Rie once again didn’t do anything to heed it and counted, “The matter between you and Iwasaki Maki has already gotten to the point where it’s a matter of public knowledge.

Even if I wanted to continue playing deaf and dumb, I wouldn’t be able to. Currently, I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are looking at us. You and I said before we got married that I believe in one life, one person.

I have already forgiven you for all the things you did in the past to the greatest extent possible, and I only hope that the two of us will be able to do the same thing as a married couple in our married life.

But what about you? You are still unchanging. You’ve been playing games outside, that’s all right. Now, this Iwasaki family’s daughter, what do you say?”

Masayoshi Kishimoto was truly speechless for a moment. He was indeed at a disadvantage, after all, he had cheated on her first. Not only was he mentally cheating with Iwasaki Maki, but he had long ago had the most substantial cheating with Natsui Makoto and Fujie Nao.

“Iwasaki Eisuke, also known as Iwasaki Maki’s father, said something about how things that used to feel like they existed later turned out not to exist at all.

This includes love. Love is one of those things that can be gone just by saying it doesn’t exist. If you think that I have done something that you cannot forgive, I do not deny it.

In my heart, the love between us has long been transformed into family love. I still hope to be able to become family with you and continue to live well.” Masayoshi Kishimoto suddenly said in a serious manner.

“You are the one who has challenged and trampled on my bottom line time and time again. I have forgiven and tolerated you time and time again. This time, I really can’t forgive and tolerate your mistakes. Let’s divorce!” Sakai Rie said seriously.

“Have you thought about it? Otherwise, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. Or, in a few days, when you’ve completely calmed down sometime, we can talk again.” Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that she wasn’t just talking to herself this time and said.

“There’s absolutely no need for that one. I’ve thought about it very clearly before and after. Even if I forgive and tolerate your mistake this time, there will still be another time.

Next time, will I still have to continue to make compromises without any principles? One day, one time, I will be tired.

Instead of torturing each other until that time, it’s better for us to be happy in the moment. Today, Iwasaki Maki’s words to me are not without truth.

Whether it’s my background or personal ability, I really can’t help you develop your career. But Maki Iwasaki can.

In addition, my mother’s family has been causing trouble every now and then, and it has long been a source of frustration for you. With a woman’s natural intuition, I was also able to feel her love for you.” Sakai Rie chose to have a kind of love called letting go of Dao.

“Today, let’s stop here! Let’s talk about it some other time, okay?” Masayoshi Kishimoto made a maximum retraction saying.

Sakai Rie, who had made up her mind, didn’t take this as an excuse. Even if she could see that Masayoshi Kishimoto was trying to work to salvage their marital relationship, she did not waver.

This wasn’t a one time, two time thing, but something that would happen in the long run. He was one of those who made a mistake this time, got caught, and rushed to admit it. After a while, the old habits will be changed again and he will continue to do it.

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