Chapter 809 – Naivety

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:03:02
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Kishimoto Masayoshi didn’t continue to stand at the door of Sakai Rie’s bedroom room, striding his footsteps was to walk in and then find a place to sit down from the wretched house, saying, “Since your mind is set on divorcing me, let’s sit down and talk about the most practical things. Do you have any more requests?”

“I’m starting to get used to living here.” Rie Sakai said casually as she walked across to him and sat down.

“Well then, this one property is yours.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said without any hesitation.

“The one private cruise ship in our house uses my English name luna,” Rie Sakai blurted out.

“It’s yours as well.” Justice Kishimoto said bluntly.

“We had a prenuptial agreement between us a long time ago. Even if you don’t give me this property and that private cruise ship, it’s perfectly fine. What do you mean?” Rie Sakai’s eyes were looking straight at him, not understanding.

“I did make a mistake in getting to this point with you. According to the marriage law, the party at fault naturally has to share less of the couple’s joint property. If you, as a woman, have more property, it will be better for you in the future.” Justice Kishimoto calmly said.

“Without you and without money, is my future definitely going to be miserable? She, Iwasaki Maki, is looking down on me in this way, and you, Kishimoto Masayoshi, are also looking down on me in this way.

I don’t believe that I, Rie Sakai, will starve to death if I leave you and don’t have your money. I’ll tell you plainly that I won’t take a single yen from you.

I will voluntarily sign a declaration that I will automatically renounce the content of our prenuptial agreement that involves property.” Sakai Rie stood up abruptly and said in exasperation.

“Are you crazy?” Masayoshi Kishimoto was not looking down on her, but for her own good. No matter what, a husband and wife for one day is a hundred days.

He was still based on the principle of getting together and parting ways. He neither wanted to see the two of them completely tear their faces apart over money, nor did he want to go to court over money.

Sakai Rie came straight to the point of not wanting money, which in turn made him uneasy about the other party’s future. What would his own wife be, it’s not like he didn’t know?

What kind of place is Tokyo? If you have money, you will be able to live in heaven on earth, but if you don’t have money, you will only live in hell on earth. Even if she left Tokyo and returned to her hometown Kochi City, it might not be a good choice.

The Sakai family’s internal relationship already had cracks and conflicts, and the only reason why they didn’t explode was because she was still the wife of a plutocrat.

If Rie Sakai did not have the title of Zaibatsu’s wife and had no money in her hands, her family would not be able to treat her well. That’s to say nothing of eating, drinking, and living in her mother’s house for nothing.

“I’m not mad. I’m more sane than ever. Money, I don’t want a yen from you. But the son has to be mine.” Sakai Rie said seriously.

“No, absolutely not. If Naoki really follows you, then he will have no future in the future.” Masayoshi Kishimoto said firmly.

“Whether Naoki has a future or not, that depends on his creation. As you said in the past, if Naoki didn’t have any skills, you wouldn’t have put the Hard Gold Group in his hands.

If he had real skills, even if you left him nothing, he would still be able to build his own kingdom and sky.

Not only do I have a pair of hands, but I’m not even thirty years old, so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to find an hourly job in Tokyo to support my family!

At 1,000 yen an hour, that’s 8,000 yen if I work eight hours a day. Working five days a week, that’s 40,000 yen.

Counting four weeks in a month, that’s 160,000 yen. That’s enough money for us to live a normal subsistence life as a mother and child.” Sakai Rie swore.

“You really haven’t been on top of society before, and you’ve completely taken things so lightly. According to what you said, a yen doesn’t even want mine, and Naoki followed you.

You’ve gone to work, so who’s going to take care of your son? You hired someone specifically to come to your home to take care of your son, and it’s not even a professional baby sitter, it’s just the most ordinary woman, I’m afraid the hourly wage is more than 1,000 yen!

You don’t earn as much as you spend. Of course, the Japanese government will give you a subsidy of 40,000 yen per child. But it’s still a drop in the bucket.

Besides, do you think an hourly wage of 1,000 yen is guaranteed to be 1,000 yen? Let’s just say that the boss at your part-time job is kind enough not to cut your pay or extend your working hours for various reasons.

They will hire you for one, two, two or three hours during the busiest time of the day, and generally not more than five hours. If it is more than that, there will be a limit on the number of days you can work.

Business is cyclical. Some businesses are best on weekends and not so good on weekdays. Some businesses are good on weekdays and not so good on weekends.

Others are good on holidays and not so good on weekdays, and so on. This means that it doesn’t work the way you think it should.

It’s not as easy as spending 8 hours a day to earn 8,000 yen, which means you have to work at least two or three part-time jobs a day to make it work.

Part-time jobs and part-time jobs are often not in the same area, and traveling back and forth will take at least ten hours out of your day.

If you work eight hours a day and have two days off a week, who in the business would be so stupid as to spend more money to recruit such hourly-paid workers? It would be better to spend less money and just hire long term temporary workers.

During this period, you will also be in a situation where you will be changing jobs, which means you will lose a certain job and thus not earn any money.

With informal jobs like this, employers generally don’t pay your national pension and health insurance or anything. The worst of this is health insurance, which you have to have anyhow! People eat all kinds of food, so there’s a time when they don’t get sick?

Even if you don’t want it, then Naoki is still so small, you have to buy him a basic minimum out of your own pocket!” Masayoshi Kishimoto eloquently spoke to her in a reality-based manner.

Sakai Rie was dumbfounded. She hadn’t even considered so many details in reality. Her earlier ambition was suddenly half gone.

She felt her body go a little limp and sat down again. Inside her head, she was suddenly in disarray.

Kishimoto Masayoshi really wanted to laugh out loud at her naive thoughts, but he could only hold it in, not able to laugh out loud right now.

If he laughed out loud, it would only enrage the other party, which would not be conducive to solving the problem between the two of them at the moment. Not to mention that Sakai Rie had never suffered much, working part-time for eight hours five days a week would definitely only be an extremely uncomplicated thing for her.

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