Chapter 819: Bamboo’s Tomb

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:03:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At six in the morning, the morning sun came. Masayoshi Kishimoto ended his first day of part-time work at the Take-no-Tsuka convenience store in Adachi District. He himself had worked for eight whole hours from 22:00 last night to 6:00 this morning.

To be precise, he should have started working at 21:30 last night. By all rights, that should count as eight and a half hours of work.

The reason why half an hour was deducted was because it wasn’t considered work, only pre-service training. The store manager took himself to familiarize himself with the working environment and also gave a necessary lecture on the work content.

The hourly rate was 900 yen per hour, and I received a total of 7,200 yen. The store manager had no problem giving the material at the daytime hourly rate; after all, it was something he had agreed to beforehand in order to get this temporary job.

The other party was quite true to his word, cashing in his share of the wages on the spot, and also instructing the individual to come to the store at 21:30 tonight.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not display the rash kind of face full of unhappiness. Instead, he happily answered “yes”, completely hiding his true emotions and thoughts.

He put the money in his pocket and went to the changing room to take off his convenience store work clothes and changed into his daily clothes before walking out of the convenience store where he worked.

An hourly paid worker like himself has no autonomy, especially when he is especially short of money.

If you have to fight with the store manager, then someone else can stop hiring you. As for the reason, wasn’t it easy for a person to find a random reason?

Kishimoto Masayoshi, as a single young man, living in an international metropolis like Tokyo, as long as he was diligent and willing to work, it wasn’t difficult to survive.

Here, low-end, hourly-paid jobs like convenience stores were everywhere. Many young people of his age, both locals and outsiders, generally regarded it as a simple job that they did not plan to do for a long time, just to make a living.

In their minds, they thought there was no future in such a job. As a matter of fact, when people get to this level, what kind of future is there to speak of, just trying to get by a little bit better.

Of course, the young people living in this social class also have their own aspirations. Men and women aspire to be models, idols, comedians, manga artists, and so on.

They think so, or they feel that this is the only way to change their destiny. Other than that, it’s not something they can hook up with.

Entering a major Japanese company and becoming a full-fledged staff member was simply unrealistic, after all, the prerequisite was to graduate from a prestigious university. Therefore, they did not have such unrealistic ideas.

They have a completely different life scenario and path from the middle class. They belonged to the lower class of Japanese society and were generally poor.

Masayoshi Kishimoto, who was walking home, could lie down and sleep when he got home, which was also a kind of happiness. If one person has enough to eat, the whole family is not hungry.

A number of middle-class office workers in Tokyo, Japan, had just taken off their convenience store overalls and put on the suits they wore to the office at this time of year.

If they feel mentally and physically tired, they go to the drugstore to buy mental and physical stimulants to swallow.

The fact that responsible men in Japan live so hard is due to debt. On the one hand, they have to support a family, carry a home, pay the mortgage and so on. Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world.

To land a home and private property of one’s own here, even a small, ordinary apartment of about fifty square meters with a thirty-five year loan to be repaid in installments, is still expensive for the average person.

It was natural that one could not count on one’s wife for such a thing. The wife had her things to do, too, bringing up the children in addition to housework and cooking.

On the other hand there is the personal debt of a large number of card debts or loan sharks. Or else, gambling debts or whatever. It’s natural that this doesn’t pay when it’s due, and it doesn’t end well.

Adachi Ward is the northernmost of Tokyo’s 23 wards. Takenozuka is a small area in the northernmost part of Adachi Ward. If you went further north, you would be outside of Adachi Ward’s administrative boundaries.

Anyone who was born in the 23rd ward of Tokyo had a sense of pride in being a Tokyoite. Outside of the 23 wards of Tokyo, people from the 26 cities, 5 towns, and 8 villages under the jurisdiction of Tokyo do not identify themselves as Tokyoites, but rather as people from a certain area.

In this respect, people in big cities in China are the same. With the exception of the main city, the rest of the people would say that they are from a certain prefecture rather than a certain city.

Masayoshi Kishimoto walked through the bar street of Takenozuka, which was not as lively as it had been at night. However, several stores were still open. Due to the earth’s low latitude, Japanese people naturally had light skin.

He was not surprised to see some dark-skinned Southeast Asians. This was the place where the largest number of Filipinos were gathered.

A lot of Filipinos ran small low-end and mid-range bars on top of Takenozuka’s bar street. They worked sixteen to seven hours a day, or even more.

Customers who come in during the daytime to enjoy their drinks pay half as much as those who come in at night. In the current time period above, it is not that there is no business, but there is business as usual.

Many cab drivers and office workers come here to seek self-soothing and relaxation after a shift.

In 2004, cab drivers in China still had a middle-class or well-off technical job. In Japan at this time, cab drivers are not only tired but also don’t make much money.

Even if the cab fare was high, it was the cab company that made the bulk of the money, not the cab driver. The Japanese would not consider driving a car to be such a skilled job.

Anyone can get a driver’s license as long as they are human, not brain-damaged, and not physically disabled. If you have a special vehicle license, you can earn more.

Some of the young people in Japan have taken the initiative to join the Japanese Self-Defense Forces in order to have a license to drive a special vehicle. Not for any other reason, but to make a living in the society in the future.

Masayoshi Kishimoto knew that the people who came in and out of this kind of low-end bars, or places run by Filipinos, were the ordinary people at the bottom of the Japanese society.

They were willing to come and spend money on their own initiative, for one thing, the price was cheap, equivalent to one half or even one third of the price of a low-end bar run by a Japanese.

The other is the passion. It is natural for Filipino escorts to work twice as hard in order to make money and to be able to send money back to their families far away in the Philippines every month. Otherwise, they would lose their competitiveness on this one.

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