Chapter 820 The Youngster (Repair)

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:03:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

With so little money inside the pockets of the men at the bottom of Japanese society, it was naturally difficult to attract the favor of young Japanese girls.

As for girls who want to be gentle, pretty and cute, then I’m afraid that the only way to find them is to spend some money to go to a custom store and thus have them temporarily for a period of time.

Many middle-aged and old people from the lower class of Japan even lingered on the bar street of Takenozuka, and even managed to find their other half. Cross-country marriages and young married couples are quite common here.

The Japanese, who are particularly xenophobic, are able to accept such foreign marriages for practical economic reasons.

Women in developing countries such as the Philippines want permanent residency in Japan. Middle-aged and elderly Japanese men want sex and warmth. Everyone gets what they want.

The main purpose of men from Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other developing regions at the bottom of the ladder who run to Japan is still to make more money. Even if they have free time, they don’t go to places that cost more money.

In the Takenozuka bar street, only Filipino women can be seen, but not Filipino men. Even if Filipino men wanted to drink, they would only buy drinks from convenience stores and drink alone or with friends.

Before Masayoshi Kishimoto returned to his residence, he sat down at a street stall and ate a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen. Even though he had stayed up all night, he didn’t feel that tired.

It was so nice to have a young body. This is part of the most core competitiveness of a youngster, that is, having a good body.

No wonder, so many sci-fi movies show that the old and rich people are trying to have the youngest body possible, but don’t erase their memories? He himself had somehow managed to do it.

Of course, part of the sadness of the average young person is that they are shy and have little money. That’s why they were the ones who longed to be rich and were incredibly envious of the rich N generation.

When Masayoshi Kishimoto arrived home, he closed the door to his room and began to take off the coat he was wearing. Even if he saw the bags of garbage inside the house that had been packed and sorted by himself, he could only blame it on continuing to leave them behind.

In Japan, the garbage is collected at a fixed time, so you can’t just throw it away whenever you want. If you don’t sort it properly, it will be sent back to you.

Masayoshi Kishimoto lay flat on his back on top of the tatami mat, covered with a smelly quilt, and had to put up with it. He opened his eyes and looked at the yellowed ceiling, and the first thing that came to his mind was not how he could return to his previous body.

The life of the rich, he had already played with it. The life of the middle class, when he was in China, he had also played with it a long time ago.

He had never played with the life of being at the bottom of the social ladder and having no money. It was extremely difficult for him to turn over and bounce back.

Without a degree, even if he wanted to find a decent job, he could not. If you want to enter a large Japanese company, graduating from a prestigious university is a prerequisite.

Even if you want to enter a small or medium-sized company in Japan, you still have to have a diploma from an ordinary university. For a bank teller, which is still a good job in China, you need to have graduated from a Japanese junior college (similar to a preparatory course in China).

No more than that, you have to have a high school graduation. The original owner of this current body of Masayoshi Kishimoto was not only a wastrel, but also a commodity that hadn’t even graduated from middle school.

Ever since its bullying at school, it had been escaping reality and hiding at home until its own soul occupied this body of the other.

He suddenly remembered that although the president of Hard Gold Construction, Yamaguchi Katsuhei, was a man with no education, he belonged to a practical man who had suffered all the hardships of the world. Otherwise, it would not have been able to complete its self-metamorphosis.

One of the most practical arrangements for Justice Kishimoto was to go and pay the outstanding water bill first after he woke up from his nap. Stopping the water supply like this all the time was not an option.

That was his first order of business. Then only then would he gradually restore the gas and electricity inside the rental house. He really needed to take a shower and wash his hair.

As for the dirty clothes in his house, he could only wait until he woke up from his sleep to take them to the laundromat outside to wash them properly. One’s personal life must always continue.

As for their soul can be able to break away from the current body, back to the past body in the middle, now even if how anxious and how racked brain to think, is not helpful things, after all, is not humanly possible to do things.

By the way, there is this one quilt covered with oneself is needed to change a new quilt surface, and then take out in the sun when properly sunbathing.

Masayoshi Kishimoto couldn’t help but laugh at some of the trivial things he was thinking about. In the past, he had never thought about such trivial matters.

This should be the real life of an ordinary person. When he thought of this, he naturally thought of Natsui Makoto. She was the one woman he had the most equal feelings for.

At that time, shouldn’t he go find her? Tell her that the soul of this body of his was her man, as well as Makoto and Mika’s father.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was torn, even if he said it to her, he might not be able to make her believe him. However, it would be a good idea to try.

It wasn’t that he hadn’t thought of going to Rie Sakai. The problem was that his own deep house in Shinagawa District was not a place that was easy to approach, let alone approach Sakai Rie. Besides, the two were still going through a divorce?

As for Fujie Nao, he had known for a long time that the other party loved his own self with the title of Zaibatsu, Chairman, and not the current self who had nothing.

Kishimoto Masayoshi thought, unconsciously began to close his eyes, but did not fall asleep. He did not have any complaints from the beginning that the heavens had been unfair to him.

In his own mind, this would probably be another different process of experiencing life, starting to know different people again, and gradually having various encounters with them.

All of a sudden, he felt a loud noise start downstairs, and instead of being able to sleep peacefully, his eyes widened again.

Masayoshi Kishimoto was in no hurry to get up, just like dealing with the mosquitoes buzzing around his ears, he was in the mindset that he could only sleep when he was done with it.

However, the man downstairs seems to know nothing about what is going on, and even sang and danced. He sat up, blurted out: “What do you mean? Starting in on a solo concert this early?”

As soon as his words fell, he uncovered the covers on his body, redressed himself, and prepared to go downstairs to find the other party to argue. Even if it was broad daylight, one could not be so affected.

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