Chapter 824: Taking a Stand

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:03:45
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Sakai Rie, while holding her son, still had to deal with the thorny issue of the moment, “The matter has come to this point, those of you who have not yet taken a position, do not sit still, or to take a position!”

When these words came out, the executives who hadn’t made a stand still didn’t say a word. Some of them were looking at me and I was looking at you, just not saying anything and not taking a stand.

The reason why Hard Gold Media’s Shingo Oda sided with Maki Iwasaki was not without reason. Initially, Hard Gold Media was a joint venture company established by Masayoshi Kishimoto and Maki Iwasaki, each contributing half of the capital and each holding 50% of the shares.

Not only that, both sides also placed some people in the top management position of Hard Gold Media. Later, because Iwasaki Maki in South America, especially in Argentina, investment mistakes, and then caused significant losses.

As a result, she sold 50% of the shares of Hard Gold Media to Masayoshi Kishimoto. Since then, Hard Gold Media became a wholly owned subsidiary of Hard Gold Group.

Masayoshi Kishimoto did not make any personnel changes after he took full control of Hard Gold Media. He and Iwasaki Maki had agreed that they would not remove her faction from Hard Gold Media.

Unless someone took the initiative and jumped out to their death. She had sort of sold her people to herself at the same time she sold her shares to herself. Or rather, smoothly took over her people.

Shingo Oda was not a smooth ride at the beginning of his tenure as this one president of Hard Gold Media. He was originally the president of HORIPRO.

Since the original company president wanted to put his personal son in power, there was a series of operations to override his own. He himself could not withstand the lobbying of Masayoshi Kishimoto, and eventually collapsed.

The trigger for the whole incident was that the original HORIPRO did not pass Masayoshi Kishimoto’s proposal to promote Ayase Yoko.

Thus, he had Kobayashi Kiyoshi, the president of Hard Gold Capital, secretly collect HORIPRO’s listed shares on the second board market, and on the other hand, he secretly acquired the shares of other major shareholders of HORIPRO at a premium price in private.

By the time he took the initiative to convene the shareholders’ meeting, he had not only become the largest shareholder of HORIPRO, but also realized absolute control. In this way, HORIPRO changed its ownership from then on.

Masayoshi Kishimoto honored his promise to himself, not only letting himself fully realize the control of HORIPRO, but also sitting on the position of the president of Hard Gold Media.

At that time, he was not comfortable, as if his butt was sitting on an anvil. Takayuki Nanno not only targeted his own layoff plan, but also wanted Kazuya Takahashi to replace him.

Being forced by the other side really have no choice in the case, is to lay off a lot of HORIPRO company in the past to work together with colleagues. Since then, he and Takayuki Nanno have had their differences.

When he was in the most difficult time of Hard Gold Media, it was Maki Iwasaki who took the initiative to extend a helping hand to him. At that time, she still owned 50% of Hard Gold Media’s shares.

Even after she sold her 50% of Hard Gold Media’s shares, she still told her old team to unite with her as if they were following her.

For this favor of hers, Shingo Oda was unforgettable. Therefore, he took the initiative to lean towards Iwasaki Maki, both to return the favor and to return the favor.

Seeing that no one said anything, Takahashi Kazuya could only look towards Hard Gold Capital’s president, Kobayashi Kiyoshi, and said, “President Kobayashi, not only are you one of the company’s elders, but you are also in charge of Hard Gold Capital, the wholly-owned subsidiary with the largest assets under the group, so let’s let you take the lead!”

Kobayashi Kiyoshi showed that he neither pushed nor politely refused, and said without haste, “The President not only knows me well, but also has the favor of rebuilding me.

Since the Chairman is already in a coma, it means that our Hard Gold Group will definitely be in trouble one after another in the future.

What I have to do, and what I can do, is to look after Hard Gold Capital for the Chairman. Furthermore, nowadays, our Hard Gold Group is once again being paid great attention to by the outside world, and is also being pushed to the tip of all kinds of public opinion.

This is not the most worrying thing for me. Hard gold group holding companies, I am afraid there will be a lot because of this matter and by a small negative impact, resulting in its share price in the stock market above the dive situation.

For me, my top priority is to carry out a series of capital protection, so as not to let the outside world on our hard gold group lose confidence, not to give some outsiders to take advantage of the fire, take advantage. As for the rest, it is not my concern.”

His words were tantamount to not saying anything at all, completely answering Sakai Rie’s question of who he was supporting.

However, Kobayashi Kiyoshi’s words were a clear revelation of the message, I only listen to Chairman Kishimoto Masayoshi. As long as he is not dead, others will come less to dictate to themselves.

Takahashi and had no choice but to move their eyes from Kobayashi Kiyoshi to Hard Gold Construction President Yamaguchi Katsuhei, saying, “President Yamaguchi, your Hard Gold Construction is the second largest subsidiary of our group, controlling numerous real estate projects at home and abroad. What do you say to that?”

“The President has likewise treated me, Yamaguchi Katsuhei, not only with kindness, but also with a renewed sense of honor. My focus has already been laid out by the Chairman a long time ago.

For that reason, I will not make changes or adjustments because of anyone. The direction and focus of Hard Gold Construction for the next few years will be Osaka and the entire Kansai region.

Of course, anyone who dislikes me and thinks I’m in anyone’s way can completely remove me from my position.” Yamaguchi Katsuhei said bluntly.

“Who can remove you from your current position other than the chairman himself? I’m talking about just in case, just in case the chairman stays unconscious, then we still have to pick a leader, don’t we?

As the saying goes, a snake can’t leave without a head.” Kazuya Takahashi, faced with yet another man who would only listen to Justice Kishimoto’s words, was really crying and laughing.

“We’ll talk about it when we get to the day of what-ifs you’re talking about. As of now, the content of my work plan is moving forward in accordance with that one five-year plan that the Chairman had formulated earlier regarding the construction of hard gold.” Katsuhei Yamaguchi spoke bluntly.

Takahashi and Kazuya were completely helpless against the two of them. If he were to discuss seniority, he had entered the company even later than Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Yamaguchi Katsuhei. They were the seniors.

Takahashi Kazuya had no choice but to set his eyes on the president of Hard Gold Network, Kawashima Taro, and said, “Fatty, no. President Kawashima, you should make a statement!”

Kawashima Taro, who graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology, one of Japan’s top universities of science and technology, said in a serious manner, “Compared to all of you here, I am considered to be a relatively late entrant to the Hard Gold Group.

As you all know, I’m with Chairman Masayoshi Kishimoto, the Legal Affairs Department’s Head Director Kazuya Takahashi, no, now Kazuya Takahashi is the executive of our Hard Gold Group.

And Takayuki Minamino, the head of the Human Resources Department, was in the same class in high school. In terms of personal relationships, I am not as close as Kazuya Takahashi and Takayuki Minamino, who are the same president.

The fact that I have the honor of being able to hold the position of president of Hard Gold Network is due to the great appreciation and trust of the chairman, who is a great blessing. Otherwise, I would still be just a small section chief of a large network company. ……”

Takahashi Kazuya looked at him, he was completely following the two old foxes, Kobayashi Kiyoshi and Yamaguchi Katsuhei, one after the other.

If he continued to talk like this, then the people behind him would only talk like this as well. In the end, there wouldn’t be a single result produced out of it.

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