Chapter 828 Waiting Online

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:03:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Masayoshi Kishimoto finished eating the beef and rice, unscrewed the lid of the sugar-free tea drink, tilted his head back and drank it “gulp gulp gulp”.

He put down the bottle, screwed the cap back on his hand, and placed it on the side of the computer desk. Holding the mouse in his right hand, he opened the browser.

Kishimoto Masayoshi thought for a little while, is before entering the major Japanese forums and posting messages. The content of his message is, as a multinational company chairman’s soul suddenly left the body to another body, how to do?

Who can have a way to let his soul back to the original body again to go? If anyone can do it, leave a message as soon as possible, once accepted, will be grateful. This matter is quite urgent, waiting online.

After Kishimoto Justice finished, while waiting, while clicking on the online shopping platform of the hard gold electricity supplier. He is not a thinker, for the sake of brainstorming.

Instead of trying to figure it out alone, it was better to have a brainstorming session through the internet. This is not guaranteed to really be able to obtain any valuable information.

Justice Kishimoto casually flipped through the pages, and suddenly something caught his attention. There was a merchant selling a potion that could bring people back to life. A bottle of it didn’t cost 2,900 yen or 1,800 yen, just 998 yen, and you could take it home.

Not even 1,000 yen, just 998 yen, you can buy a bottle of potion that can make a person revive, not only is it cheaper than one can imagine, but it is also too amazing.

Masayoshi Kishimoto hurriedly contacted the seller and said, “I don’t want the potion that allows you to be reborn. I need another kind of potion that can transfer the soul from one body to another. Do you have a potion with such a function?”

“Yes.” The seller replied succinctly.

“How much do you sell it for?” Masayoshi Kishimoto’s hands flew as he tapped away at the keyboard.

“Again just 998 yen.” The seller said bluntly.

“What if I buy it and it doesn’t work?” Masayoshi Kishimoto questioned.

“For 998 yen, you can’t be fooled if you buy it. Customers who have used our little store’s magical potions all say it’s good. If you still don’t believe me, just take a look at our reviews.

Of course, some people have a special body will produce drug resistance. If one bottle does not work, you can have a few more. As long as the medicine is potent enough, it will immediately be able to allow you to be revived.” The seller quickly had an answer to say.

Kishimoto Masayoshi, faced with such a familiar and d茅j脿 vu syntax and tone of voice, just floated a wry smile on his face and said, “I want not the Rebirth Potion.”

“I’m sorry, this is the first time I’ve encountered a need like yours. Typed too fast and didn’t pay much attention. Your kind is a private high-end special customized item.

If you sincerely want it, then I’ll immediately inform the magic lab to start dispensing it for you personally. The price remains the same, 998 yen.

We support online payment, or payment after delivery to your home. If you choose the latter, then give me your home address along with the name of the recipient.” The seller justified himself.

“Then I’ll choose the latter and pay on delivery. The address of my home is Kasumigaseki 2-chome 1-fan-1, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. As for my name, Hiroshi Mizushima.” The wry smile on Masayoshi Kishimoto’s face grew wider and wider as he said.

“Good. We’ll take care of it for you right away.” The seller mistakenly thought that another fool had fallen for the scam, so he smiled particularly happily and said.

Masayoshi Kishimoto moved the mouse under his right hand and clicked on the X in the dialog box between the two of them, and laughed out loud “hahahaha”. The address he told the other party was the address of the police department, and the name Hiroshi Mizushima was the name of the police superintendent.

He was so relieved that he returned to a forum where he had left a message. Someone had already left a message. The man asked how it happened. He wanted to have a soul departure as well.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s hands were typing on top of the keyboard for a reply, and he couldn’t remember the exact day. It seemed to be January 1, 2004, or maybe it was the 2nd.

What he remembered clearly was that it was a dark and windy night, and he was struck by lightning after pretending to be a pussy. Afterwards, I realized that my soul had left my original body and entered my current body. If you don’t believe me when I say this, you can totally go and test it out for yourself.”

Justice Kishimoto was already overjoyed. The good thing about the internet was that it allowed people from different social classes to make their voices heard.

It’s not like in the past, when people from the bottom of the social ladder had trouble making their voices heard. Otherwise, they were represented in various ways.

Since there is a good side, there is naturally a bad side, and there are two sides to everything. The bad side is that it has created an era where one can pretend to be a pussy once they go online.

Even stupid people are able to act bullish online. The crowd of people who appear the most is the bottom of the society they are currently in, which is also known as losers in mainland China and villagers in Taiwan ……

Kishimoto justice laughed after, not without again into the contemplation. On their own so in the bottom of the social layer of people, is still the majority of the social classes.

Tireless all day long, the income is meager, the future is uncertain, personal confusion, but also for a better life is full of fantasy, longing and yearning.

In reality, even if you have free time, you can only spend a very limited amount of money on cheap entertainment.

In addition to playing games, only in the network above to be able to obtain those beyond the reality, the spirit of ** things. In reality, even if you want to pretend to be a pussy, you still have to spend money on a little packaging.

However, in the network above pretend, then can not spend money packaging. The big deal is that this number does not work, then re-register and change another number.

The persona and so on, still by their own preferences. That’s what led to that famous line that a certain netizen first said later on, that posting and forums are half and half stupid on top of each other.

Masayoshi Kishimoto once again took the sugarless tea drink into his hands, unscrewed the cap, and was just thinking about taking a sip when his old cell phone suddenly rang.

He put down the bottle of drink, flipped open the cover of his cell phone, and looking at a person’s name on top of the caller ID, he immediately remembered that it was a friend of his current body.

Masayoshi Kishimoto’s subconscious thought was, did he calculate that he had received the dole today, so it couldn’t be that he was here to ask for a debt, could it? On second thought, he thought that it was only natural to pay what one owed.

Although it is not a debt owed by himself personally, but other people looking for himself to ask for, also should, after all, it is himself who occupies this current body, thus making the individual’s soul not become a masterless wandering soul.

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