Chapter 830: The Man in Charge

Release Date: 2024-07-21 11:04:02
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Rie Sakai sat at the dining table in the large dining room, completely unmotivated to eat dinner. Just this morning’s regular meeting of the Hard Gold Group’s executives alone was about to blow her lungs out.

She knew deep down that she still had a lot of things to do and a long way to go. Thankfully, Takahashi Kazuya and the others were still able to come to her side.

As Takahashi and Kazuya had said to themselves in the afternoon, even if Kishimoto Masayoshi was temporarily unconscious, it would not negatively affect the Hard Gold Group’s daily operations in the future on a large scale.

First of all, the Hard Gold Group had been growing at a high rate, but it was all at a healthy profit, with excellent financial reports.

Especially in the early years of some by Kishimoto justice personally made major decisions and venture capital is a fruitful.

Secondly, the top management promoted by Masayoshi Kishimoto are all very excellent, and all of them are capable of taking charge of their own.

The presidents of the six subsidiaries are also excellent operators. Finally, as long as the Hard Gold Group does not make any major strategic mistakes, it will not go to the brink of bankruptcy.

As for the top strategic planner, it was Masayoshi Kishimoto himself. Since there was a five-year plan for the future, all we had to do was to follow the plan and move forward step by step.

During this period of time, even if he was lying down, there would not be any major problems that would cause the Hard Gold Group to fall into the crisis of bankruptcy and closure.

For that reason, this was one aspect that allowed Rie Sakai to rest her mind. Another aspect that allowed her to rest a little bit easier was that Masayoshi Kishimoto was not dead, so even if there were people who wanted to divide up the property, they would not be able to do so.

According to the five children’s equal shares of the Hard Gold Group, it was not really necessary to share. As a matter of fact, some of them were fighting for the actual control, agency and voice of the Hard Gold Group at the regular high-level meeting, while the actual ownership still remained with Masayoshi Kishimoto.

If Nanno Takayuki supported Natsui Makoto’s side to get to the top, then his own legal wife, where would he put his face?

If she were to be taken over and ousted by a mistress, it would mean that her own children would be at a disadvantage in the future, and Takahashi Kazuya and the others who had supported her would suffer a series of blows and ostracism.

Without the support of these people, it would be difficult for their children to gain a foothold and take power within the Hard Gold Group.

As for Fujie Nao’s side, not many people within the Hard Gold Group would take the initiative to come forward for support. The people in the two worlds could not be integrated.

Only Masayoshi Kishimoto could achieve trust and recognition from both sides in both worlds. However, he seemed to need that woman.

If the other woman took the initiative to go over to Natsumi Makoto’s side, Kishimoto Masayoshi’s two concubine’s allied and united against his own first wife, I was afraid that there would be no way back.

The problem with Fujie Nao was that it was almost difficult to be accepted. Her professional background and that side of her foot was on the gray road, not the clean white road like Natsui Makoto and herself.

Her greatest rival was not Fujie Nao, but Natsumi Makoto. Fujie Nao had value that could be utilized, but also had a bad taste in her mouth.

Takahashi Kazuya had asked himself not to disclose the news of his pregnancy to them, but also for the sake of future struggles. In this way, it was possible to paralyze Takayuki Minamino from paying too much attention to the existence of Nao Fujie’s side of the force.

After all, according to the four children’s equal division of the Hard Gold Group’s shares, Natsui Makoto’s two children owned 45% of the shares. This, together with Takayuki Nanno’s 2%, was 47% of the shares.

The acquisition of the remaining 4% of shares could be pulled entirely from among the executives. His strategy of not needing support from Fujie Naoe’s side was that he didn’t want some of the executives to feel that he wasn’t from the same world as them.

As long as there is a sense of identity, then it is much easier to talk or pull people in. On the contrary, it would be difficult to talk together.

Rie Sakai’s head hurt again as she thought of this. She couldn’t help but mumble to herself offhandedly, “You’re a bastard who’s comfortably lying in bed, but dumped such a nuisance on me.”

“Sis, do you still have a nuisance? You should be especially happy!” Sakai Meiling suddenly walked in and said.

“What brings you here?” Sakai Rie asked bluntly.

“Not only am I here, but our parents, and little brother are all coming along.” Sakai Mirei said seriously.

“What are they coming for?” Sakai Rie asked in surprise.

“Right now while now eyes, Brother Justice is lying unconscious, so that means you will be the actual controller of the entire Hard Gold Group.

Don’t forget, our father is also a part of the Hard Gold Group. As for mom! She’s always wanted to open a chain of folk stores throughout Japan, centered around the one she inherited from her ancestors.

I just want to get some real benefits from your own sister. As for me, I am the thorn in your side.

The reason why I came here is entirely because I was blackmailed by them in the name of kinship.” Sakai Meiling said with a meaningful smile.

Sakai Rie instantly came to a realization. Nine times out of ten, his own dad had come of his own accord to ask for a better position within the Hard Gold Group from himself.

When her own mother was in the hospital before she gave birth to Naoki, she had personally handed over to Masayoshi Kishimoto a financing proposal to open a chain of folklore stores.

At that time, although it was not accepted and passed by Kishimoto Masayoshi, but she had such a big plan in mind has never died. In the past, her own mother did not have a son-in-law who was such a big shot in the financial world, even if she wanted to, it was just an empty thought.

A screw up, not only the chicken fly eggs, but also will be their own ancestral folk store to take in. Now, it is completely different. How could her own mother have a loss?

Sakai Meiling’s smile remained unchanged as she said, “At this time, don’t you suddenly feel that this sister of mine, the one who annoys you the most, is the best for you instead?”

“You would be so good?” Sakai Rie said in disbelief.

“That’s how good I am. I personally came here to let you know in advance so that you could be mentally and spiritually prepared.

I’m not going to lie, our mom and dad, and our little brother are on their way here from Tokyo Haneda International Airport.” Sakai Mirei said honestly.

Rie Sakai hadn’t even gotten things straightened out within the Hard Gold Group before she encountered her mother’s family coming after her for these troubles.

Not to mention that the current her was not yet truly in control of the Hard Gold Group, even if that day the Hard Gold Group was fully controlled by herself, she would not be able to respond to her mother’s family’s requests.

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