Chapter 1 Conception

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:16
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The sitting mountain guest …… in the distant corner listening to the narrative of those three ancestral gods …… could not help but shake his head and sigh softly, “True and false, confusing it is really scary. To the extent that even the Cosmic Boat …… is said to have been built just to deal with the Realm Beasts, it’s really ridiculous.”

Luo Feng and his group of thousands of powerhouses from all the major forces in the cosmic sea were indeed stunned, the universe boat was even built to deal with realm beasts?

“Of course, that’s a late stage sector beast.”

The young Ancestral God’s voice was clear and bright, “The main sector beasts are divided into two stages, the first stage is the gestation stage and the second stage is the growth stage. During the gestation stage, the Cosmic Sea will give birth to a billion Realm Beasts.”


“One billion Realm Beasts?”

“Isn’t the Realm Beast just one head?”

All of the powerhouses were surprised, having heard the three Ancestral Deities say earlier that the Realm Beast should only be one head.

That teenage Ancestor God continued, “The Cosmic Sea will give birth to one billion Realm Beasts, and these one billion Realm Beasts will kill each other and devour each other, causing the number of Realm Beasts to decrease continuously……. After killing each other and devouring the other Realm Beasts, the remaining Realm Beasts will become more and more powerful. Until the last moment …… all the other realm beasts die, leaving only one realm beast alive.”

A breath was held.

So it was like this.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but be horrified by this, even letting a billion realm beasts kill and devour each other with only one left alive, how terrifying must this realm beast be.

“The last one to survive is considered a true realm beast that represents destruction and nightmares.” The Crow Elder Ancestral God said in a low voice, “However, once it reaches this point, this last remaining Realm Beast is considered to have entered its adulthood stage, and you, the three great Reincarnation Eras and the two great Sacred Lands, will no longer be able to stop it.”

“Once the Realm Beast enters its growth stage, it is known to be able to devour everything and at the same time, it also has a realm within its body, which can harbor living creatures. Once it enters the growth stage, it can breed a powerful warrior.” The Crow Elder Ancestor God lamented, “At that time, it will be invincible.”

“And to kill it ……”

“You must kill it during the gestation period, although there are many realm beasts during the gestation period, each one of them is weak and unable to produce a powerful warrior, which is the best time to kill it.” The Crow Elder Ancestor God solemnly said, “If you go and kill a realm beast, then you cause the other realm beasts to have no chance to devour it, and they will not be able to be strong.”

“According to the judgment of the Great Primordial Universe Origin Will, when this reincarnation era comes to an end, only the last of the many Realm Beasts will remain. That would be the realm beasts that have stepped into the growth stage, the invincible realm beasts.”

“Kill them, before this reincarnation era ends.”

There was a silence.

All the strong minds were filled with thoughts.

“However ……,” the Two-Faced Ancestral God spoke, “even at the gestation stage, that group of Realm Beasts is still terrifying, so the Masters of the Universe should not go, going, one could say, is a death sentence. Only the strongest of the universe can go and fight.”

“The strongest people in the universe?”


“The Lords of the Universe can’t go?”

There was an uproar in the room.

The thousands of powerhouses gathered here could be almost all Masters of the Universe, and speaking of which, the Masters of the Universe were unexpectedly unqualified to go to battle.

“And.” The Two-Faced Ancestral God continued, “Even the strongest person in the universe must have a supreme supreme treasure armor, and must have a soul-type supreme supreme treasure. Only with these two great supreme treasures protecting their bodies …… can they engage the realm beasts. Otherwise it would be a death sentence. Of course it’s best to be able to get some mechanical flow treasures from the World of Jinn that can raise your strength again.”

“Remember, Soul Class Supreme Treasure and Supreme Treasure Armor, these two are a must. If you don’t have them, the strongest person in the universe must not go!”

Listening to the Ancestral Gods’ narrations, chaos began to break out within the various forces, and the Hong Alliance’s side was also in a state of argument and alarm.

“How terrifying must this Realm Beast be, so powerful at just the gestation stage? It has to be a True God after all, it has to have armor and soul supreme treasures.”

“We can’t defeat it anyway, and we can’t intervene.”

“It’s so terrifying that we wouldn’t want to go in the first place, and since we’re not strong enough, we’re even less likely to be arrogant.” Those universe lords talked to each other, they had just been shocked at the mere sound of it, even true gods had to be protected by the two most powerful supreme treasures, armor and soul supreme treasures, who of them would dare to go?

Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord looked at each other, both feeling the urgency.

Someone strong had to step in.

If everyone shrank their heads, they were doomed, once those realm beasts killed and devoured each other and only one was left, when that one true realm beast, with the mighty warrior it spawned, came to kill, it would be a true sweeping destruction, even the holy universe would have to be destroyed, even if they grabbed and broke through the reincarnation before this reincarnation era, it would be useless, the holy universe would still have to be destroyed.

Someone strong had to step forward!

Suddenly a majestic voice came out, “Realm Beast, where is it?”

The young Ancestral God scanned the surroundings and said, “The lair of the Realm Beasts is in the core area of the Tilted Peak Realm, the ‘Land of Dimness’.”

“It’s actually there!”

“So it’s in the core area, and none of our universe lords dare to go deeper there.”

“No wonder the Dim Land, once you fall into it, you can’t even come out. It turns out to be the lair of the Realm Beasts.”

All parties silently memorized the name, the dim land.

As for the Hong Alliance side, Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord were both shocked.

“Giant Axe!”

“The giant axe is the one that fell in the dim land, even, even in the dim land! There, it’s actually the lair of the realm beasts!” Luo Feng was shocked, he also understood why the giant axe died so quickly, after all, the giant axe at that time, there was no supreme treasure armor, there was no soul supreme treasure, there was no palace type supreme treasure, there was only a divine axe……

“Boundary Beast!” The Chaos City Lord next to him, his eyes were also filled with killing intent and anger.

The giant axe was like a brother to him.

The moment he thought of the Giant Axe being killed by the Realm Beast, the Chaos City Lord hated it more and more.

“Because it was in the Dim Land.” The Crow Elder Ancestral God added, “The area around the Land of Dimness is a necessary place to travel to the Land of Reincarnation. So if you were to go and break into the Reincarnation, then you would definitely be intercepted and attacked.”

“Even if any of you do manage to break through the Reincarnation, your Sacred Land Universe will be destroyed by the Realm Beasts in the future.”

“If the Realm Beasts don’t die, they won’t be able to transcend the cycle of reincarnation.”

“If the Realm Beast doesn’t die, each and every one of you will have to go extinct, and all of you will fall.”

“It must die.”

The Crow Elder Ancestral God said, “Now, go, go to the World of Jinn. Strengthen yourselves quickly in the World of Jinn and obtain many supreme treasures, even mechanical flow supreme treasures. The stronger you are, the easier it will be for you to survive or even successfully kill the Realm Beast when you fight it. Anyone who kills more Realm Beasts will also be able to contribute to the will of the Primordial Universe Origin. The more one kills, the more one can be bestowed from the Primordial Universe Origin Will.”

“Powerful ancient civilization treasures, ancient inheritances, and even others, as long as the Origin Will can give, you can all go and ask for them. As long as then kill enough boundary beasts.”

The three Ancestral Gods looked at each other.

With that, they directly entered a three-tiered ancient palace supreme treasure and flew away immediately afterward.

Three Ancestral Gods directly left, but the cosmic sea forces gathered here is a chaos of strong people, three Ancestral Gods brought the news is too shocking, let them know that the cosmic sea even bred such a terrible creature, a billion world beasts kill each other to devour the last one to live?

A Beast of the Realm, with a Realm in its body, can breed powerful warriors? Can it lead a large number of warriors to sweep away everything?

“This isn’t a realm beast, it’s basically a world.” Luo Feng said softly, “Once it enters its growth stage, it can continuously breed warriors, and it can sweep away with its warriors alone. If we wait until it grows into its later stages and we need a universe boat to kill it, I’m afraid that’s still possible!”

Within the world of Jin, the eastern army camp, within the python river army camp.

Luo Feng’s earthling essence was still on the island.


Luo Feng catalyzed the armament ring and instantly space and time changed within the hall of the stone house while a golden figure appeared.

“Lord Galaxy.” The golden figure bowed.

Luo Feng nodded, “I need to know the message of the realm beasts.”

“Realm beasts?” The golden figure pondered briefly, then a large amount of text messages floated on the screen next to him.

Luo Feng turned his head to look.

The world of Jin, worthy of being the remnants of the ancient civilization Jin, the earth did have the message of the realm beasts.

It was just …… very brief.

“Realm beast, a very cruel and dark and terrifying creature, it was born to destroy! It possesses a powerful and dark realm within its body, and it will constantly breed powerful warriors within its body. Good at speed, good at defense, good at attacking, specializing in self-destruction, all kinds of powerful warriors, countless. The more powerful the realm beast is, the more terrifying the warriors it creates……. When a realm beast reaches true maturity, it will be a true disaster, even the Jin Kingdom in its heyday wouldn’t be able to withstand the endless armies led by a realm beast in its maturity stage.”

“It, is destruction.”

“Every time it appears, it is either exterminated at an early stage or destroys many forces at a later stage, ultimately causing many forces to join forces and do their best to eliminate it.”

“It is the common enemy of all forces.”

“Once discovered, it must be killed as early as possible, the later it is, the greater the price to be paid.”

There were very few messages beside that.

Even the Jin Kingdom had never encountered a boundary beast that had reached its most terrifying form at the mature stage during its founding, and eventual destruction. Obviously little was known about realm beasts, only some legends.

Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Even ……

It could be so terrifying.

The Kingdom of Jin, with a God King Majesty, and many other powerful people, and even a large number of Eternal True Gods, Void True Gods, and an endless army of True Gods. There are countless various mechanical flow treasures, and even ten million True Gods manipulating a mechanical flow treasure at the same time, etc., such a terrifying force …… even said that it couldn’t stop a mature One Realm Beast?

“It, is a realm?” Luo Feng said darkly, “It sounds like the record should be of a realm beast that has entered the growth stage and not the gestation stage.”

“The growth stage, should also be divided into the juvenile stage to the mature stage.”

“However, even at the juvenile stage, we can’t stop it. It must be killed at the gestation stage.” Luo Feng lamented.

In the void outside the small universe ‘world of jin’, a palace supreme treasure was suspended, no matter if it was for transcending reincarnation or to survive to kill the boundary beasts, they all needed to enter the world of jin to gain inheritance and obtain treasures to strengthen themselves.

Suddenly the membrane wall of that small universe changed color and turned white.

“The membrane wall changed color.”

“It’s possible to enter.”



All of a sudden a palace supreme treasure, one by one, penetrated the membrane wall from different directions of the Small Universe Jin’s World and directly entered that Jin’s World.

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