Chapter 12: The Mountain Sitter and the Will of the Origin

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:48
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“The Cosmic Sea now is much more powerful than it was back then. It’s because of the appearance of the fourth Jedi, the ‘World of Jinn’.” King Zhen Jia’s voice was like a metallic clash, “The World of Jinn is a world left behind by an ancient civilization, within it there are powerful beings from an ancient civilization, True Gods and even higher existences, there are more than enough of them there. Ancient civilization legacies and mechanical flow treasures are also plentiful! The forces of the Cosmic Sea all went deep into it, getting sharpened, getting treasures, and having their strength increased amazingly. One of them that we must be careful of is …… Galaxy Lord Luo Feng!”

“Galaxy Lord Luo Feng?” The sector beast looked down at the two true gods, “This Galaxy Lord, what’s his origin?”

“He’s a strong human community member from the primordial universe era, a cosmic lord.” King Zhen Jia said.

“Hahaha! A Lord of the Universe, that fragile cuisine …… You guys even told me to be careful of him?” The Realm Beast laughed maniacally.

He had no reason not to laugh.

He was a Realm Beast, a super being birthed by the Cosmic Sea, and even though he was only at the ‘True God Stage’ of conception right now, he was not something that a Cosmic Lord could be low enough to surpass.

For his part, the Ancestral God of Gnarled Rock even said, ”Honorable King, you must not underestimate this Galaxy Lord. When the World of Jinn hadn’t appeared …… Star Lord Hao Lei died at his hands.”

“Hao Lei, he killed him?” The Realm Beasts took it slightly more seriously.

The three True Gods who were tempted by them and defected to the Realm Beast’s side were all quite good.

A Universe Lord can kill a True God ……

“That was just back then, he entered the World of Jinn and, according to the rumors, had a mega encounter.” The Ancestral God of Gnarled Rock said hoarsely, “He once caused hundreds of Masters of the Universe from the Allied Forces camp and the Purple Moon Sacred Ground to all fall in an instant, and even though no one has any evidence of this, later on in the trillions of epochs, the ones who provoked the human beings within the Primordial Universe were similarly brutally punished by the human beings. All the major forces of the Cosmic Sea have determined that …… Galactic Lord Luo Feng, in the World of Jin, possesses great power.”

King Zhen Jia even said, “And, the primordial universe origin will also leaked out the message …… Galaxy Lord Luo Feng, is the number one power in the Cosmic Sea!”

“He, a Cosmic Lord, would be the number one strongest person in your Cosmic Sea?” The sector beast was even more surprised.

“This is recognized, over the trillions of epochs, he’s struck out several times and has absolutely dominated to suppress all that dared to provoke him.” The Gnarled Rock Ancestral God said, “It is because of his power that the two of us don’t even dare to go to the World of Jinn. He’s only the Lord of the Universe now, and when he becomes a True God, he’ll definitely be even more terrifying! As long as the Honorable King, can destroy him, then there will be no one in the entire Cosmic Sea who will be able to stop the King again!”

The Realm Beast was silent.

From the beginning of despising and not caring, to this moment then, he had memorized this name – Galaxy Lord Luo Feng.

“The number one powerhouse of the Cosmic Sea?” The realm beast secretly said, “I, Morosha, won’t get tough with you, I’ll first devour more delicious food, and when I’m stronger, I’ll come back to see how much strength you have. Let’s see if you are as strong as Bedi.”

At the moment, this realm beast, Morosha, had already designated ‘Luo Feng’, whom it had never met before, as a rival second only to ‘Bedi’.

Bedi was its greatest opponent to become the ultimate king.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, was its greatest obstacle to traversing the cosmic sea and devouring all the delicious food.

“First kill and eat this food called Milky Way, eat everything you can in the Cosmic Sea, and then come back to …… Bedi, if I come back and you’re killed by other realm beasts, that would be too disappointing for me.”

“Tell me the map of the Cosmic Sea.” Realm Beast Morosha looked down at the two True Gods.

For a long time.

Having gathered enough information and already having a detailed understanding of the Cosmic Sea, Realm Beast Morosha finally left the Realm Beast lair ‘Dim Land’ alone and headed to the Cosmic Sea.

Primordial Universe.

In a vast starry sky, a white-robed man appeared out of thin air, walking in the dark starry sky, directly walking towards a reddish star, a star that had already reached its end.

Inside the star, blazing flames surrounded the center, but emanated endless icy cold.

A broken ship floated in the flames, and the cold aura shunned all flames.

An old man was sitting there motionless with his knees crossed, while in his hands, he was touching a stone, which had long been incomparably smooth by his touch.

“Teacher.” A white-robed man in the distance, walking through the flames, quickly walked above the bow of this ship. Neither the flames nor the cold air could affect it in the slightest.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at Luo Feng: “Going to the realm beast nest?”

“Uh-huh!” Luo Feng nodded, “Right now, most of my Cosmic Sea powerhouses have reached the extreme of their strength. Even after trillions of epochs, it’s hard to increase their strength. The realm beasts on the other hand are always increasing their strength …… We feel that we can’t delay any longer, this time it will be my Demon Slayer Clan detachment that will lead a small team and go to explore first to know the realities and realities before we can deal with them.”

“Teacher you also commanded me back then to come to you, teacher, before going.” Luo Feng also sat down on his knees, and sat down with the mountaineer from a distance.

To the mountain sitting guest ……

Luo Feng always felt that this sitting mountain guest teacher seemed to be veiled in a layer of veil, making himself unable to see how.

“First I’ll tell you.” Sitting Shanke directly said, “When the primordial universe origin will borrowed some of the messages made public by the three great ancestor gods, there were truths and lies, for example, the cosmic boat was built to deal with the boundary beasts. This is simply a joke.”

Luo Feng’s heart fluttered, “Teacher, do you mean …… that the words of the primordial universe origin will are not to be trusted?”


Sitting Mountaineer said, “Going to kill the realm beasts will indeed be beneficial to you. The existence of sector beasts …… is for destruction, they will destroy all the small universes, so you should indeed kill the sector beasts at an early stage.”

Luo Feng frowned, “Then what do you mean teacher ……”

“I’m telling you that first of all this sector beast is an incomparably terrifying being born from the cosmic sea.” Sitting Mountain Guest gruffly said, “Truly, it is terrifying. There is a primordial universe in the entire Cosmic Sea, and the Realm Beast is the antithesis of it! And your countless lives are only what the Cosmic Sea has spawned. In terms of life nobility alone, who can compare to it?”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but nod.

Its life was indeed incomparably noble.

“Of course, I’m referring to the last of the one billion realm beasts that fought to the end and survived. It’s the one that is truly incomparably noble and terrifying.” Sitting Mountain Guest said, “Right now, there are still many heads of them, so the threat of any one of them …… is not so great as to leave you with no power of resistance.”

“At the same time this Realm Beast is so noble, it naturally has incomparably high intelligence.” Sitting Mountaineer said, “Do you know what in the cosmic sea is the least threatening to the ‘realm beast’?”

Luo Feng was puzzled, “Least threatening?”

“The primordial universe!” Sitting Mountaineer laughed, “The least threatening is the primordial universe.”

“Teacher you mean ……,” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, he understood a bit.

Sitting Mountain Guest laughed, “A realm beast attacking any small universe will be met with a backlash, whether it’s the two holy lands or the many small universes …… it will cause a massive amount of strong people to frantically counter attack. But the only way to attack the primordial universe is to attack the primordial universe itself, which can’t resist at all.”

“Although it breeds endless life, although it seems to have endless might, but it can’t take the initiative to attack, it can only passively withstand the devouring of the ‘boundary beast’.”

“The primordial universe origin, can be described as vast and endless, boundary beasts, even if they hold up to death can not eat all, to a certain extent, the primordial universe will also take the initiative to destroy, transformed into the origin, so that the boundary beasts can not even attack.” Sitting Mountain Guest said, “But the birth and destruction of the Primordial Universe is controlled by invisible rules. It is not destroyed just by saying it is destroyed, and before it is destroyed, the Realm Beast will devour a lot of the Primordial Universe Origin, which will fundamentally harm it. If all of you powerful people combine your efforts to deter it, it is entirely possible that the Realm Beasts will temporarily abandon you and specialize in dealing with the Primordial Universe. After all, that’s its big meal!”

Luo Feng’s eyes grew brighter as he understood.

“So.” Sitting Mountain Guest laughed, “The Primordial Universe origin will lied.”

“Boom boom boom~~~”

The surrounding space and time was vaguely trembling, a powerful pressure was spreading and shaking.

Luo Feng looked around, the stellar flames around the broken ship were also twisting and trembling seemingly ready to break.

“No need to worry.” Sitting mountain guest laughed, “The primordial universe origin will, everything has to follow the most basic rules of operation. As long as you don’t provoke the rules, then it can’t harm you at all. It can only resort to other strong people …… and the cosmic sea, who can deal with you now?”

Luo Feng shook his head, “That’s just in front of other strong people, in front of teacher, disciple doesn’t have that confidence.”


Sitter shook his head, “The primordial universe origin will is right about this point, you are indeed number one in the cosmic sea.”

“Regarding the Realm Beasts, the Primordial Cosmic Origin Will lied because it wanted you to fight and you to kill.” Sitting Mountain Guest said, “In fact, to the lofty Primordial Cosmic Origin Will, what does your life and death have to do with it? It gave birth to life in one reincarnation era after another, and life and death are originally part of the natural development, it doesn’t care about your life and death at all. All of your ethnic groups are extinguished, it is all just a small matter. For it to withhold …… its origin is the most important thing. After all, once you injure your origin, you won’t be able to recover for an unknown number of reincarnation eras.”

“Therefore, you don’t easily become its sword.” Sitting Mountain Guest said, “You have to learn to get benefits from it.”

“Benefits?” Luo Feng frowned, “The origin will has promised, inheritance, treasures, and even releasing the original ancestor.”

“What kind of benefits are these.” The mountain sitter shook his head, “What treasures and so on, to it, will some of the countless treasures left over from the past that it can’t use randomly get one out to you. As for letting the Original Ancestor go? It’s not like it’s a threat to it.”

Luo Feng even asked, “Then what benefits should I ask for?”

“The greatest benefit.” Sitting Mountain Guest solemnly said, “Consciousness into the primordial universe origin, personally feel the destruction and birth of the primordial universe once, it’s as if …… it was you destroying the primordial universe, and then letting the primordial universe be born again.

“Consciousness into the primordial universe origin, feel the destruction and birth of the primordial universe?” Luo Feng was stunned.

Just thinking about it was unbelievable.

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