Chapter 2 Temptation

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:19
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“Go!” Chaos City Lord said, “You all have the maps within the World of Jinn, this time there’s no need for Luo Feng to guide you, I hope you can all pass the army screening.”

Those one universe lords were all respectful, one by one they flew out of the star tower.

Immediately following the Hong alliance’s batch of universe lords, they then rode their respective palace supreme treasures one after another, or even flew directly, one by one penetrating the cosmic membrane wall to enter the world of Jin.

As time passed.

In the void outside the world of Jin, a team sending their respective forces began to return, but Luo Feng’s star tower remained suspended motionless in the void.

“Luo Feng?” Chaos City Lord turned his head to look at Luo Feng beside him.

“There’s no rush.” Luo Feng nodded and smiled.

Just then-


The cosmic membrane wall of the world of Jinn in the distance suddenly flew out a silver colored ship that quickly flew towards this, and when it got close to the star tower it automatically shrunk and flew directly into the star tower.

“What are you?” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng in confusion.

“Didn’t I say that I had a small harvest in the world of Jinn.” Luo Feng turned his head to the side, only to see a golden horned beast with a black light all over it walk in, “This time then I brought the harvest out.”

“Harvest?” Chaos city lord revealed a joyful look, he also knew that Luo Feng’s power was now even so great that he could exterminate all the universe lords that entered and at the same time……. So this power, how great must it be? It was only natural to get enough treasures in the world of Jin.

It was just that the Chaos City Lord was never clear on how many treasures Luo Feng had gotten.

“Ten sets of mechanical flow treasures! A total of one hundred sets of True God level weapon armor and the like.” Luo Feng didn’t hide it, it wasn’t worth hiding at all, this point was just a tiny bit to his huge military honor.

“So many!” Chaos city lord was shocked.

He knew Luo Feng had harvested a lot, but this was too ……

“True god level treasures can be supreme supreme treasures in our universe sea. Hundreds of supreme supreme treasures?” Chaos city lord couldn’t help but change color, “This is too incredible, all the other forces combined are afraid that there are only a hundred supreme supreme treasures.”

Luo Feng shook his head, “That was in the past, with all the major powers entering the world of Jin, the treasures in my cosmic sea are destined to rapidly skyrocket.”

“Also.” Chaos city lord nodded, then solemnly said, “So many treasures, and must not be recklessly dispersed down the line, the community has the rules of the community, Luo Feng you get, naturally all the dispositions are in the hands of Luo Feng you …… They want to get it, they have to pay a certain price or contribution.”

Luo Feng nodded: “I also have plans, of course they only need to have a certain contribution.”

The two of them were now the highest status in the human community.

What kind of rules were within the humans, everything was set by the two of them.

“Time to go back.” Luo Feng looked towards the outside void, then maneuvered the star tower towards the outside.

Ever since he was granted the title, he was given by the god king of jinn, borrowing the world power of the world of jinn, after that, within the world of jinn, other than the god kings who didn’t come out at all, he was already the one with the highest status. Naturally within the World of Jinn one no longer had any troublesome twists and turns and so on, after all, with the power of the World of Jinn, even the Eternal True God himself could be suppressed!

One’s own center of gravity could completely shift to the Cosmic Sea and turn back to the clan!

Just let the Earthling essence stay in the world of Jin, one is good to improvise appropriately to exchange treasures, etc., and secondly, if he suddenly disappeared, a short time is fine, a long time is afraid that it will also cause the four generals of the world of Jin and other some of the top management to anxiously search for them and so on.

“The Tomb Boat returns!”

“The Wu Qi Shen was also brought out, after all, in the World of Jinn, it’s not necessary to use the Wu Qi Shen at all, I’m already invincible.”

“The Golden Horned Beast split also returned, next, the dangers in the cosmic sea are afraid to be not small.”

Luo Feng earthling essence was ready in the world of Jin, just waiting for the many strong people from the purple moon holy land universe, allied camp to enter the army, but the flight alone to catch up has entered the army, before and after, I’m afraid that there will be a few months or even longer. So Luo Feng set the ‘great sweep’ date for a year later!

Primal universe bug race frontier.

“Realm beasts?”

“There’s actually such a terrifying creature.” The Queen of the Bug Race sat on her throne and frowned in contemplation, “This time, I’m unprepared, so there’s no need to rush over there, and even if I rush over there, by the time I reach the outside of the World of Jinn’s Small Universe. I’m afraid that the cosmic membrane wall is no longer white.”

“Prepare well.”

“Fourth Era, enter.”

“Make sure to obtain enough treasures.” The Insect Empress pondered.

In fact, although the major powers of the Cosmic Sea had entered many Cosmic Lords, very few True Gods had entered. Because every True God was the pillar of each community, once they fell, it could be the end of the small universe collapsing and the internal life falling. Therefore, it was only natural to be cautious when allowing True Gods to take risks.

In their hearts, they were also eager to have some plans, and the message conveyed by the Origin Will this time also made them make a decision.

Some entered the World of Jinn this time.

Many more were planning to enter the World of Jinn in the Fourth Era!

In the Primordial Universe, in the ‘Primordial Secret Realm’ at the core of the human frontier.

“This mechanical flow treasure, it’s so magical. The power is so great.” The Chaos City Lord stood there, his entire body emanating golden light, and behind him were three pairs of golden feathers as a gust of pressure filled the air. This was definitely a mechanical flow treasure that sold extremely well, and was also one of the many mechanical flow treasures that Luo Feng had harvested in the Wu Qi building that was considered superior.

“With this treasure, I was actually able to raise my strength by two levels.” The Chaos City Lord shook his head, “No wonder the origin will, made all the strongest people from all sides go to the world of Jinn.”

“It was also pushed.” Luo Feng said, “If it wasn’t for the sector beasts, I’m afraid we wouldn’t have been able to discover the world of Jinn at all.”

“Hmm.” Chaos city lord also nodded his head.

Previously, on his way back to the primordial universe from the cosmic sea, he tested the mechanical flow treasure power and was naturally pleasantly surprised by it. Other human universe lords might have some trouble getting treasures, but Chaos City Lord, Luo Feng had directly gifted this set of mechanical flow treasures, a soul supreme treasure, a palace supreme treasure, and a domain supreme treasure, all matching.

The Chaos City Lord was also aware of the upcoming crisis and didn’t refuse.

“Luo Feng, your merit to my humanity is comparable to the original ancestor.” Chaos City Lord said so when he received these treasures on his way back.

“Teacher has been sitting in the center of my tribe, guarding my tribe, managing my tribe, causing my tribe to continue to develop and grow strong, this is the greatest merit.” Luo Feng also said so at that time.

Back in the primordial universe, even with the mechanical flow treasures, he could only utilize the top sixth rank battle power.

But the Chaos City Lord was still overjoyed by this treasure.

“If the Giant Axe had these treasures back then, it wouldn’t be ……” Chaos City Lord sighed softly.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng frowned just as he opened his mouth and turned his head to look outside.

Chaos City Lord also looked outside in confusion, “It’s the three Ancestral Gods.”


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Both disappeared out of thin air.

In the vastness of the Primordial Mysterious Realm’s endless spectral sea there were three figures standing in the air, precisely the three Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect.

The Spectral Sea Luo Feng and Chaos City Lord appeared together.

“The three Ancestral Gods came here, what is the matter?” The Chaos City Lord directly said.

The pale Ancestral God among the three Ancestral Gods spoke, “Chaos, we are here by order of the Origin Will, specifically for the Galaxy Lord.”

“For me?” Luo Feng frowned.

That teenage ancestor god directly said, “Yes, according to the order of the origin will …… although the galactic lord is only a cosmic lord, in terms of strength, he is the number one strongest person in the cosmic sea.”

“The number one powerhouse of the Cosmic Sea?” The Chaos City Lord was shocked.

It was just a matter of other powerhouses saying this, but to have it be the meaning of the Origin Will was an exaggeration.

“The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility.” The Young Ancestral God continued, “When a crisis comes, naturally, strong people are needed to deal with it. Although when the three of us spoke to the major powers of the universe before, we said that the Master of the Universe must not go against the Realm Beast. It’s just that that was to the general Lords of the Universe, and you, Galaxy Lord, are not one of them.”

The Two-Faced Ancestral God also said, “Galaxy Lord, as the number one power in my Cosmic Sea. If you can’t, who can can deal with the Realm Beast?”

The Old Ancestral God also said, “And the Galaxy Lord is only the Lord of the Universe, and has several branches, even if one falls, he can still rely on the Endless Spectral Sea to quickly coalesce another branch. There is no harm in the slightest, only the loss of some treasures. At this critical moment of the birth and death of countless communities in the Cosmic Sea, Galaxy Lord, you have a bilocation and are number one in strength, and are the most suitable to deal with the Realm Beasts in my Cosmic Sea.”

“No need to hold me up.” Luo Feng snorted, “The so-called number one in the cosmic sea is but just for now. The many strongest people in the universe haven’t gotten the mechanical flow treasures only, once they get the mechanical flow treasures and their strength soars, I’m afraid that this number one won’t be stable.”

“As for sector beasts?” Luo Feng shook his head, “I have my own plans whether I should go or not.”

That old pale ancestor god directly said, “Dealing with the realm beasts is an endless great merit, you can make many demands from the primordial universe. Even if you make a big enough merit, even the ‘Original Ancestors’ of your human race that were suppressed by the Primordial Universe can be released back.”

“What!” The Chaos City Lord exclaimed.

“Release the original ancestor!” Luo Feng was also shocked and delighted.

The young Ancestor God added, “Right, the greater the merit, naturally the higher the conditions that can be proposed. To release the Original Ancestor …… can be tougher than claiming mechanical flow treasures and such from the primordial universe there. The origin will said, once the original ancestor is released, it can immediately break through and reach a higher level. It’s logical to never release it and destroy him together when the primordial universe is destroyed, it’s just that the realm beasts threaten countless communities, and the merit of killing the realm beasts can cause the original ancestor to come out and gain freedom.”

Luo Feng and Chaos City Lord looked at each other.

“If the Galaxy Lords have any doubts, they can come to my Ancestral Mysteries and ask the three of us. We can directly communicate with the origin will and tell everything.” The young Ancestral God said.

“We won’t stay much longer.”

The three Ancestral Deities smiled faintly, then directly broke through the air and quickly disappeared.

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