Chapter 25 – Luo Feng Battles the World Beasts

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:57:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Realm Beast Morosha hadn’t never seen a Master of the Universe before, many True Gods would send some of the Master of the Universe’s doppelgangers under their command who didn’t have ‘souls’ to go and explore, but there was no one who had ever cast a ‘spatial blockade’, and there was no one who’s aura was so terrifyingly strong.

“You’re …… “Realm beast Morosha stared at the golden armored man stepping through the void in the distance, “Human Galaxy Lord Luo Feng?”

“Yes.” Luo Feng put away his ship and looked at sector beast Morosha carefully.

“I heard that you’re the number one powerhouse in the entire cosmic sea, a cosmic lord has become the number one powerhouse.” Realm beast Morosha stared at Luo Feng, hehehe coldly laughed, “It seems that the other true gods of your cosmic sea are too weak to let you, a universe lord, become the number one strongest.” The words were so, but sector beast morosa had already stopped devouring the origin, and those curved rays of light also began to swirl around sector beast morosa’s body, obviously sector beast morosa’s heart was very careful and vigilant.

After all, the name of a person is the shadow of a tree.

Would it dare to underestimate the human in front of it?

“We won’t know if we cross hands.” Luo Feng’s godly body had already executed the Severance, boom! Boom! Boom! The first three volumes were all cast, causing his burned divine energy breath to be extraordinarily powerful, more powerful than a true god’s burned divine energy breath.

This was because True Gods generally only had a mere onefold divine power secret art.

Very few had two divine power secret arts.

“Wow~~~” Luo Feng’s entire body was covered in golden armor, and with a wave of his right hand, a chain glowing with layers of turquoise light appeared out of thin air, and this huge chain wrapped around Luo Feng’s body in a circle.

“Tiny universe lord ……” the sector beast snorted, but his blood colored eyes were cautiously staring at Luo Feng.

The two were distantly facing each other, both observing each other.

Suddenly the realm beast violently opened its mouth without making any sound.

But a silent scream resounded through Luo Feng’s soul.

In terms of will, Luo Feng was stronger than the Nine Headed Demon God! In terms of energy, under triple burn Luo Feng was the best in the cosmic sea! In terms of secret techniques, Luo Feng even had the two lineages of Jin and Broken East River! This so called soul impact …… was like a breeze to Luo Feng, simply disdaining it.

“Go!” Luo Feng wasn’t affected in the slightest, violently pulling out the huge chains that surrounded his body.


The chains that looked like a huge serpent violently flew out in the air, the chains twisted and turned, flying through the long sky, and the space around them instantly drifted with endless snowflakes, the snow drifted, enveloping the surrounding area for ten light years, and even space and time were subjected to a powerful confinement. Luo Feng had already cast two major treasures in this instant.

One was a chain, this chain, was the mechanical flow attack treasure ‘blue smoke chain’.

The second was a domain mechanical flow treasure, named ‘snowflake world’, with both domain and control of space and time effects, it already had the might of the ‘golden kingdom’, and was slightly stronger.

Luo Feng had naturally gotten quite a few treasures from within the World of Jinn over the last trillion epochs, and this time, naturally, he was also prepared.

Although it wasn’t as abundantly prepared as the other way, the amount of treasures that Golden Horn Luo Feng had this way was enough to make God’s Eye Allah look up to each and every one of them.

The snowflake world descended, as if it had left the chaotic void and entered a world of white snow.

White snow drifted.

That Realm Beast Morosha stood there, but black mist was swirling around it, and a dense black silk thread surrounded its body.

A huge chain crossed the sky, suddenly that chain that flew across the sky for a moment, as if it had transformed into a huge stream of water! An incomparably thick water current crossed the sky, wherever this water current passed through, the space was greening inch by inch, and a green grass even began to appear around it, and the huge water current directly lashed at the ‘Realm Beast Morosha’.


Fast to the extreme, a seemingly soft swipe was fierce to the point of being unbelievable. The huge water current that the chains had transformed into lashed down, directly snapping the entire Realm Beast Morosha all at once, directly denting its head, as if it had turned into a piece of golden treasure.

“Snap!” “Snap!” “Snap!” “Pop!” “Pop!” “Pop!”

That huge column of water, frantically pumped again and again, turning into remnants.

Luo Feng stared from afar, his divine power burned to the extreme, catalyzing the secret pattern on the mechanical flow treasures, executing the secret technique he created, ‘bud of water and wood’, this move was heavy on a ‘endless life’, only to see that water pillar lashing again and again, but the surrounding snowflake world was appearing with a green grass, endless vitality continuously diffused, suppressing that realm Beast Morosha.

And the madness of the pumping, also made the realm beast Morosha all turned into rotten cakes, but just did not break.

“Roar~~~” A furious roar.

The Realm Beast Morosha was incomparably furious, but it was actually suppressed by the beating for an instant, and its power was being depleted in this one ‘Blue Smoke Chain’ whipping.

“Go!” The realm beast Morosha angrily looked towards Luo Feng in the distance.

Clattering ~~~

The black silk threads that surrounded the boundary beast Morosha, all quickly shrouded towards Luo Feng in the distance, the black silk threads flew at an extremely fast speed, not limited by the speed limit of the cosmic sea at all, instantly arriving around Luo Feng, heavily surrounding Luo Feng, wrapping Luo Feng into a black mist silk cocoon!

Inside the cocoon.

Luo Feng was completely enclosed in it, and this cocoon could be big or small, completely close to his body, and was about to start devouring Luo Feng’s divine power.

“The speed is really fast.” Luo Feng nodded slightly, “Once cast, it instantly surrounds …… the fire worm Allah at first was unable to avoid, this move can’t even be avoided.”

Luo Feng’s god body quickly became smaller.

The black mist cocoon also quickly followed suit.

“Big, big, big!” Luo Feng’s godly power under extreme burning frantically resisted the black mist cocoon next to him, even if the sector beast Morosha had to swallow such violent burning godly power, it would be difficult.

In an instant, the black mist cocoon reached 100 million kilometers high as Luo Feng grew bigger.

Realm beast Morosha was manipulating it remotely, but felt unable to devour much divine power, he was in a big hurry, seeing that it reached 100 million kilometers high in an instant, he knew it was even worse: “He’s going to come out hard! I don’t believe it, my strength is much stronger than at first, want to come out ……”



With Luo Feng’s furious shout trapped in the black mist cocoon, first the huge chain high in the air instantly went from soft to straight, as if it was a lance, wow! Dazzling chain lance, directly across a blinding white light, where it passed, the space did not break but appeared a circle of strange rotating ripples.

At the same moment, within the black mist cocoon Luo Feng, also similarly a claw swung out, claws such as knives, but silent, where space collapsed inch by inch.

One outside, one inside.

Chain lance outside, sharp claw inside, all are mechanical flow treasures.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

Inside and outside boomed!

The black mist cocoon all trembled violently, a tiny crack appeared, but it quickly closed immediately after, Luo Feng was still trapped inside.

“Surprisingly didn’t escape.” Luo Feng revealed a look of surprise, “It’s not that bad, one inside and one outside, two major mechanical flow treasures cast at the same time, with the divine power I burned to cast …… it’s only right that it’s completely able to break through. It seems that it is still necessary to consume more divine power.”

This move of the Black Mist Cocoon had long been understood by the many powerhouses of the Cosmic Sea.

It was hard to break open with weapon attacks alone, but Luo Feng estimated that it should be possible. For example, just now he was already able to make a very small crack. It meant that his own attack was still a bit worse.

The general method of breaking open was to use divine power to go against the power of the boundary beast! Kill a thousand enemies, lose a thousand! So against the consumption of …… a large number of consumption of black fog cocoon energy, so that the boundary beast supply is not as good, natural defense weak, and even collapse.

“Want to come out?” Realm beast Morosha saw that Luo Feng didn’t come out, he smiled smugly, but the smile froze immediately after.


That 100 million kilometers high huge black mist cocoon trapped in the ‘Luo Feng’ burning divine power, without going through the mechanical flow treasure transformation, it directly crazy toward the surrounding violent pouring, this pouring surging, as if the water and fire collision, snorting ~ ~ ~ ~ black mist cocoon contains the energy is also crazy was annihilated.

Each other madly consumed against each other!

“Break me!” Luo Feng’s hands stretched out as if they were sharp claws, as soon as the two claws were stretched out …… a vague beastly roar rang out, two foreign beasts hovered over his hands, directly grabbing the black mist cocoon in front of him, violently is tearing it towards both sides.


Black mist cocoon would have been and Luo Feng’s divine power in the madness of the consumption, maintaining hundreds of millions of kilometers in height, such a size of the cocoon and the divine power of the consumption of the …… consuming energy how exaggerated, even if it is the boundary beasts Morosha are all changed for the color. Cocoon consumption is too large, the binding naturally weakened, Luo Feng easily hands a tear, although the secret method, but it seems to use a bull knife to kill the chicken, at the moment there is no need to do so.

Both hands tore the black mist cocoon, Luo Feng stepped out into the void.

“Realm beast, is that all you have?” Luo Feng instantly transformed into a stream of light and pounced straight at the distant realm beast.

The realm beast morosa’s face changed, it wasn’t the ultimate king after all, and after the realm beast became king, its biggest role was to ‘breed’ and spawn a large number of super warriors, the realm beasts themselves actually seldom fought, which led to the realm beasts being weak in the fighting aspect and extremely strong in the survival aspect.

“My strength has risen, and it’s surprising that he rushed out so easily. He’s a Cosmic Lord with so much divine power. Then the divine power …… consumed in an instant pair just now is completely comparable to a true god hundreds of thousands of kilometers tall, right?” The Realm Beast Morosha immediately decided to escape, “It seems like I’m not strong enough, I have to devour more small universes and become more powerful.”


At that moment, realm beast Morosha let out a hiss, a layer of black for the edges and gold for the bones emerged all over its body, ninety-nine major patterns, then with a boom, its body exploded and turned into ninety-nine streams of light, directly escaping in all directions.

Luo Feng looked and frowned: “Only one exchange of blows and immediately fleeing when you think you’re not an opponent, that’s too cowardly!”

“Cosmic chains!” Luo Feng directly drank.


The thick chain that was originally hanging high in the air, quickly rotated, and surprisingly began to break down into a long slender chain, tens of thousands of long chains broke down, but one of the ends were all connected together. Clatter ~ ~ ~ ~ tens of thousands of slender chains flying in the air, like tens of thousands of big snakes, violently in all directions to quickly extend the shroud opened, as if the umbrella suddenly opened, in an instant, as if the entire universe shrouded down.

Disintegrate the body to escape, and how can it compare to the mechanical flow treasure flying speed?

The ninety-nine branches of the realm beast Morosha all felt that everything had darkened, and had already entered a micro-universe made up of endless chains.

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