Chapter 27: After the war

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:57:31
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Luo Feng stood in the void frowning intensely.

“Surprisingly, I still let it get away.” Luo Feng’s face was grave, “And it’s even more powerful than what the Nine Headed Demon Lord, Blood Orchid Patriarch and the others told me before!”

“It seems like it’s gotten even stronger in these ten years or so.”

“The worst prediction from before has become a reality – it’s indeed growing stronger as it devours the origin of one small universe after another.” Luo Feng felt the pressure, sector beasts could get stronger by devouring small universe origins, so the longer it dragged on, the more terrifying this sector beast would become.

Of course this battle, Luo Feng wasn’t fully confident in the first place.

After all, the one who fought with the realm beast was his own golden horned beast doppelganger, carrying some general mechanical treasures, his most precious treasures ‘wuxia plume’, ‘wu qi shen’, ‘star tower’, etc. were all in the phantom sea doppelganger, demonic doppelganger, devil doppelganger, and other treasures. All of them were on the side of the Phantom Sea Split and the Demon Slayer Clan Split.

“Cosmic Chains, Snowflake World, these two moves combined, didn’t trap it either. My divine Eye Secret Art also failed to weaken it …….”

“However, finally it couldn’t escape before and eventually showed its true self before breaking out of the ‘Chained Universe’.”

Luo Feng secretly nodded.

From this, it could be deduced that – the

The realm beast should have also been pushed, after all, like the previous battle with the Nine Headed Demon Lord, the realm beast escaping and so on had never revealed its true self. The moves that must be revealed to be able to perform …… should be the ultimate moves! I just don’t know if this realm beast’s ultimate move will have other ultimate moves!

After all, he hadn’t been able to catch it and it had escaped.

Perhaps there are still some escape moves that have not been performed, because according to the deduction …… once the realm beast passes through the gestation period and enters the growth period, the body contains a realm, which is mainly to breed a large number of powerful warriors to fight. It plays the role of breeding warriors to destroy, and the primordial universe to breed billions of living beings is very similar!

That was why many of the Boundary Beast’s natural moves were more in favor of life preservation.

“Will there be any more strange moves?” Luo Feng was worried.

Thinking for a long time.

Luo Feng shook his head, “No matter what, this time, I’ve forced it to reveal its true form. It should be approaching its limit! And my Golden Horned Beast alter ego isn’t enough battle power on its own……. The Spectral Sea alter ego and the Demon Slayer Clan alter ego come with many treasures, so they can reveal even more battle power.”

“With just one Wu Qi Shen and Blood Shadow Blade alone, the battle power can immediately soar by two orders.”

“That journey can be much stronger than the Golden Horn Split’s journey.”

“Absolutely overriding.”

“This time, I’m approaching its limit, even if there are still strange tricks. Once my other way is out, I’ll be able to use numerous means one by one, I should be able to suppress all of those strange moves, I should be 90% sure of catching it.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Then he glanced at the ship next to him and immediately flew directly into it, the chain behind him followed suit.


The ship immediately broke into the air and flew away.

In another void.

The Realm Beast Morosha was fleeing, and as it fled, it was filled with annoyance.

A Cosmic Lord was even more powerful than it in terms of ‘will attacks’! One of the moves that the realm beast specializes in is soul attack, when it was surrounded by nine true gods including the firebug Allah in the scarf, it had a silent scream, but even the nine demon lords were affected, on will alone, it was naturally good at it, it was indeed stronger than the nine demon lords, it had reached the level of an Eternal True God.

In terms of will, Luo Feng was on par with it!

However, it was purely gifted in performing soul attacks.

Unlike Luo Feng, he had one of the strongest secret arts of Jin practiced, the divine eye secret art, and was able to make Eternal True God level wills, extremely powerful. This was the role of secret arts! Secret arts like these were able to cause the same level of strength to be utilized with super power.

Such as the Burning Divine Power Secret Art!

Such as the Secret Art of Will!

Those who were able to create profound secret arts were definitely existences at the peak of ancient civilizations, such as the Three Generations Ancestors, such as the Jinn Divine King. Although that sector beast had talent, its talent wasn’t as effective as this Divine Eye Secret Art, after all, Luo Feng had successfully cultivated six volumes.

“The will is so strong.”

“God body that big.”

“It’s all forcing me to reveal my true self.” Fierce light flickered in the eyes of Realm Beast Morosha, “This human, Luo Feng, is indeed the most powerful I’ve ever encountered, even more powerful than that Nine-Headed Demon Lord! But even though it’s more powerful than me, it can’t deal with me. I can still escape from him. I’m not even afraid of this Galaxy Lord, who else am I afraid of?”

The sector beast Morosha then laughed, although it was afraid of Luo Feng, but at least Luo Feng wasn’t able to do anything to it!

“I lost a lot in the battle with this Galaxy Lord. In the future, flee immediately when you see him!” Realm beast Morosha said darkly, “In a short period of time even if I’m stronger I’ll just be an even match with him, let alone an even match, even if I’m slightly stronger than him, he’ll still be able to escape from my hands.”

“Then, fighting with him is purely consuming power. It’s not worth it!”

“Fighting him this time is equivalent to devouring two less small universe origins.” Realm Beast Morosha said darkly.

“Get out of the way if you meet him.”

“Not only him, the eight strongest ones in this Cosmic Sea, I get out of the way when I encounter them. I’ll also get out of the way when I encounter a Group True God.” Realm Beast Morosha said darkly, “Now I’ll try to devour as many small cosmic origins as I can to increase my strength as soon as possible. Haha …… No matter what, at least this number one strongest person in the Cosmic Sea is not enough to fear.”


With a direct instantaneous transfer, Realm Beast Morosha disappeared into the chaotic airflow void.

This battle had made the hint of worry in the heart of Realm Beast Morosha disappear, although it was afraid of Luo Feng, it was not afraid anymore. It has been convinced …… that no one can kill it in the cosmic sea!

Virtual universe, within the dimension space that belonged solely to Luo Feng.

In the square in front of that palace floating in the starry sky, a group of True Gods were gathering, and at a glance, there were more than fifty of them! Obviously apart from the human True Gods, there were also True Gods from the Ancestral God Cult, True Gods from the Star Beast Alliance, True Gods from the foreign races within the Hong Alliance and so on.

One by one, they were all quiet.

And in front of them Luo Feng was sitting there with his knees crossed, eyes closed, motionless.

None of the many True Gods dared to disturb.

Because they knew …… that at this moment Luo Feng was fighting with the boundary beast, going all out, they naturally didn’t want to let Luo Feng be distracted, the boundary beast could be related to the survival of countless communities throughout the cosmic sea.

“Can Galaxy kill that sector beast?”

“It will definitely work.”

“Lord Galaxy is the number one powerhouse in the cosmic sea.”

One by one, they transmitted their voices to each other.

Ever since the Haijue Allah sent out a message saying that Lord Galaxy was there and had already gone to fight the Realm Beast, it made the entire Cosmic Sea tense up! Most of the many True Gods within the Primordial Universe had arrived here through the ‘Virtual Universe’, and the likes of God’s Eye Allah, Wreck Lord, and the like were also waiting for the results through the transmission orders.

“Whew.” The white-robed Luo Feng, who was sitting cross-legged at the very front, opened his eyes and gently exhaled.

At that moment, this large group of true gods all looked at Luo Feng expectantly.

Standing at the very front was the Chaos City Lord.

“How?” Chaos city lord asked after him, the many true gods around him, including the old beast god they were all waiting with bated breath.

Luo Feng gently shook his head, “Let it escape.”


“What, the sector beast escaped?”

“Even the Galaxy Lords didn’t manage to kill the sector beast! Then who else could kill the sector beast?” Luo Feng’s mere reply just now instantly caused the many True Gods present to break down a bit, they were also in a hurry! If the sector beast didn’t die, then in the future, it would be their death or the demise of all the communities ah!

“All of you!” Luo Feng raised his head and swept his gaze, speaking.

The anxious and chaotic multitude of true gods also quieted down, forcing their hearts to hold back their anxiety and irritation, listening to Luo Feng narrate.

“Last time the nine headed demon lord and the others fought with the sector beasts once.” Luo Feng sat there and looked at the many true gods in front of him, “This time I fought with the realm beasts and found out some more information about the realm beasts.”

At that moment, each of the true gods present listened carefully.

“In addition to the many messages I discovered last time.” Luo Feng said, “First of all, one thing is certain, realm beasts rely on devouring small cosmic origins and can indeed increase their strength. The strength of the sector beasts now would be comparable to the nine headed demon lord and the others. It’s obviously stronger than last time.”



“It’s getting stronger?” The hearts of the many True Gods sank, this was disastrous news.

This meant that the sector beast would grow stronger as it devoured the small universe origin, and this enhancement was fast!

Luo Feng continued, “There’s a second piece of bad news, the realm beast was previously fighting with the Nine Headed Demon Lord and the others, that golden giant form was just a disguise …… I was fighting with it and forced this realm beast to reveal its true form. Its true form should be such a form.” Luo Feng pointed to the midair next to him.

Immediately, images coalesced in the mid air, revealing the ugly realm beast appearance that was black all over.

“When it reveals its true form, the one eye on both of its heads can emit a red light. The red light is extremely powerful! It’s estimated to exceed the battle power it shows when it normally fights by about two orders.” Luo Feng said, “It relied on this move to escape from me.”

“Those are the two main points.” Luo Feng said, “The good news is that since I forced it out of its original form, I guess that should be its limit.”

The many true gods, however, listened with an incomparably heavy heart.


This was truly a nightmare.

At the same time, Luo Feng also notified the news to the God’s Eye True Lords, Wreck Lords, Jue He True Gods, Bei Zhi Star Lords, and other one of a kind powerhouses through the summoning order. Obviously all those who heard these two messages felt anxious and uneasy because both were disastrous news.

One represented that the realm beasts could grow rapidly.

One represented that the Realm Beast turned into its original form and surprisingly shot out red light, able to leap two orders of battle power.

“But all of you don’t have to be uneasy.” Luo Feng said, “I can feel that we have divine power and the sector beast has its power. Its power isn’t endless …… it and I expended its power against each other, in the end it was heartbroken so it fled, it fought me and I even felt that it weakened slightly in the end. From this point, it can be known that …… many true gods join hands, or the Nine Specters Allah and other many gods with extraordinarily large amounts of power can completely rely on divine power against power consumption to deal with it.”

“Also, I have several doppelgangers.” Luo Feng said, “The one who fought him this time was just one of my bilocations, not carrying strong enough treasures. So it’s not my strongest strength.”

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